工商管理学院教师简历SBA Faculty CV
姓 名 Name
□ 教授 Professor
汤一鹏 Tang Yipeng
? 副教授 Associate professor
?博士 Doctor
? 硕士研究生导师 Master supervisor
□ 博士研究生导师 Doctor supervisor
教育背景 Education
2011 – 2016, PhD in Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2008 – 2010, M.phil in Managerial Psychology, Sun Yat-Sun University
2003 – 2007, Bachelor Degree in Applied Psychology, Sun Yat-Sun University
承担的主要教学课程 Teaching
本科生课程(Undergraduate course):
Organizational Behavior (in Mandarin) Organizational Behavior (in Mandarin)
MBA 课程(MBA course):
企业伦理与社会责任 Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility
研究生课程(MPhil course):
领导力研究前沿 Frontier of Leadership Research
管理学研究方法 Methodology of Management Research
科研领域及成果 Research
Research Interest: teamwork employee creativity ethics management
■ Ouyang, K., Xu, E., Huang, X., Liu W., & Tang, Y. (2018). Reaching the limits of reciprocity
in favor exchange: The effects of generous, stingy, and matched favor giving on social
status. Journal of
Applied Psychology, 103(6), 614-630.
■ Tang, Y., Huang, X., & Wang, Y. (2017). Good Marriage at Home, Creativity at Work:
Family-Work Enrichment Effect on Workplace Creativity. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(5),
■ Tang, Y., & Hornung, S. (2015). Work-Family Enrichment through I-Deals: Evidence from
Chinese Employees. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(8), 940-954.
■ Wang, S., Tang, Y., Zhang, C., Pan, W., Liu, H. & Huang, S. (2019). Risk the Change or
Change the Risk? The Nonlinear Effect of Job Insecurity on Task Performance. International
Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 21(2), 45–57.
■ 汤一鹏 (2019). 卸下面具:职场中真诚的社会效应(Remove the mask: A relational perspective on the impacts of
authenticity at work), 北京: 中国财政经济出版社. ISBN 9787509594445
■ 王秋晓, 汤一鹏, & 刘燕. (2009). 以企业扩展促企业转型升级:万向集团. 毛蕴诗, 吴瑶(Ed.),中国企业:转型升级. 广州:中山大学出版社. ISBN
■ Tang Yipeng (2019). Remove the mask: A relational perspective on the impacts
of authenticity at work, Beijing: China Finance and Economics Press. ISBN: 9787509594445
■ Wang Qiuxiao, Tang Yipeng & Liu Yan (2009). Corporate transformation through corporate expansion:
Wanxiang Group. Mao Yunshi, Wu Yao (Ed.), Chinese Enterprise: Transformation.
Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press. ISBN: 9787306033673.
■ 主持国家自然科学基金项目“真心能换来什么?人际真诚对团队地位影响的研究”(71802194)
■ 参与国家自然科学基金项目“领导拒谏研究:构念、认知评估过程与双刃剑效应”(71972181)、
意愿的影响研究:品牌个性的调节作用”(18YJC630137)以及“积极组织行为研究视角下领导成员交换和员工态度与行为的机制研究” (12YJC630113)
Research Grants:
■ As leader in the research “What can authenticity bring? A study on its influence on position
in the team”, a project sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
■ Participant in the researches “Leadership’s denial of suggestions: concepts,
cognitive appraisal process and double-edged sword effect” (71972181), “Multi-dimension
effect of leadership emotional uncertainty: from a perspective of uncertainty management”
(71802193) and “Fun or restraint? Double-edged sword effect of brand ceremonies on
consumer behavior” (71802192), projects sponsored by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China. Participant in the researches “Influence of brand ceremonies on
consumer’s buying will: regulation of brand uniqueness” (18YJC630137) and “Leadership
reshuffling and its
influence on staff attitude and behavior – from the perspective of organizational
behavior” (12YJC630113), social science projects approved by the Ministry of Education.
企业与社会实践 Industry Experience
学术兼职(Academic Affiliations):
管理学会(Academy of Management)会员、工业和组织心理学协会(SIOP)会员、中国管理研究国际学会(IACMR)会员、湖北省人力资源学会会员
Member with the Academy of Management、Member with the Society for Industrial and Organizational
Psychology (SIOP) 、 Member with International Association for Chinese Management Research
(IACMR) 、Member with Hubei Human Resource Society
学术服务(Academic Services):
《Journal of Business Research》审稿人、《Asia Pacific Journal of Management》审稿人、《Management and
Organization Review》审稿人
Reviewer of Journal of Business Research Reviewer of Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Reviewer of Management and Organization Review
企业实践(Industry Services):
Management consultant with Jiangxi Zhengbang Group Company Limited.