工商管理学院教师简历SBA Faculty CV
姓 名 Name
□ 教授 Professor
毛海涛 Mao Haitao
? 副教授 Associate professor
□ 博士 Doctor
? 硕士研究生导师 Master supervisor
□博士研究生导师 Doctor supervisor
毛海涛,1989 年生,山东昌乐人。2017 年 7
《经济研究》和《世界经济》等杂志发表论文。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目 1 项,财政部部省共建
联合研究课题 2 项,财政部关税司委托课题 1 项。参与国家社会科学基金重大项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目多项。荣获国际贸易领域最高奖“安子介国际贸易研究奖”2
次;荣获湖北省第十二届社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖 1
承担的主要教学课程 Teaching
国际贸易学(本科生) 国际贸易学(双语)(硕士研究生)
国际贸易学专业经典文献(博士研究生) 国际贸易理论与政策专题研究(博士研究生)经典文献阅读(国际贸易学)(留学生)
International Trade(Undergraduate)International Trade (Bilingual) (Master)
Classic Literature of International Trade (Ph.D) Research on International Trade Theory and Policy
Classic Literature Reading(International Trade)(Overseas Student)
科研领域及成果 Research
Research Interests: International trade theory and policy; Spatial Economics.
1. 钱学锋、毛海涛、徐小聪(2016):《中国贸易利益评估的新框架——基于双重偏向型政策引致的资源误置视角》,《中国社会科学》第 12 期。
2.毛海涛、钱学锋、张洁(2018):《企业异质性、贸易自由化与市场扭曲》,《经济研究》第 2 期。
3.钱学锋、张洁、毛海涛(2019):《垂直结构、资源误置与产业政策》,《经济研究》第 2 期。
4.毛海涛、钱学锋、张洁(2019):《中国离贸易强国有多远:基于标准化贸易利益视角》,《世界经济》第 12 期。
5.钱学锋、潘莹、毛海涛(2015):《出口退税、企业成本加成与资源误置》,《世界经济》第 8 期。
1. QIAN Xuefeng, MAO Haitao, XU Xiaocong (2016). A New Framework for Evaluating
China's Gains from Trade-- Based on the Perspective of Resource Misallocation caused by
Dual Biased Policies. Social Sciences in China,12. (In Chinese)
2. MAO Haitao, QIAN Xuefeng, ZHANG Jie (2018). Firm Heterogeneity,
Trade Liberalization and Market Distortion. Economic Research Journal, 02. (In Chinese)
3. QIAN Xuefeng ZHANG Jie MAO Haitao(2019).Vertical Structure, Resource Misallocation and
Industrial Policy. Economic Research Journal, 02. (In Chinese)
4. MAO Haitao, QIAN Xuefeng, ZHANG Jie (2019). How Far Away is China from Being a Powerful
Trading Nation: Drawing on the Perspective of Standardized Trade Gains. The Journal of
World Economy,12. (In Chinese)
5. QIAN Xuefeng, PAN Ying, MAO Haitao (2015). Export Tax Rebate, Markups and
Resource Misallocation. The Journal of World Economy,12. (In Chinese)
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“贸易自由化、市场扭曲与贸易利益的精确评估:理论与中国经验”
2. 2019 年财政部部省共建联合研究课题“新时期进口关税非从价税的应用及国际比较研究”;
3. 2021 年财政部部省共建联合研究课题“发达国家对我出口管制商品及技术清单研究与对策分析”;
4.2019 年财政部关税司委托课题“进出口关税暂定税率的国际比较研究”
Project in Charge
1. 2019.01.01—2021.12.31 "Trade Liberalization, Market Distortion and the Accurate
Assessment of Gains from Trade: Theory and Evidence from China". Youth Program of National Natural
Science Foundation of China.( The fund is RMB 200000)
2. 2019.04—2019.10 "Application and International Comparison of Import Tariff non Ad Valorem
Tax in the New Period". Ministry of Finance and Provincial Joint Research Project. (The fund is RMB
3. 2021.04—2021.10 " A study on the list of commodities and technologies under export control
from developed countries to China ". Ministry of Finance and Provincial Joint Research Project.
(The fund is RMB 80000)
4. 2019.09—2019.12 " International Comparative Study on provisional tariff rate of import and
export ".
Project entrusted by the tariff Department of the Ministry of Finance. (The fund is RMB 140000)
[1] 2020 年第十二届湖北省社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖
[2] 2018 年第二十届“安子介国际贸易研究奖”优秀论文三等奖
[3] 2016 年第十九届“安子介国际贸易研究奖”优秀论文三等奖
Honors and awards:
1. The second prize of the 12th Hubei excellent achievement award of Social Sciences in 2020
2. Third prize of excellent thesis of the 20th "An Zijie International Trade Research Award"
in 2018
3. Third prize of excellent thesis of the 19th "An Zijie International Trade Research Award" in
企业与社会实践 Industry Experience