


工商管理学院教师简历SBA Faculty CV

姓 名 Name
?教授 Professor
张光宏 Zhang Guanghong
? 副教授 Associate professor
? 博士 Doctor
□ 硕士研究生导师 Master supervisor
?博士研究生导师 Doctor supervisor

教育背景 Education
1978.8-1981.7 长江大学农学院(原华中农学院荆州分院)植物保护专业学习;
1978.8-1981.7, Yangtze University School of Agronomy (formerly Huazhong Institute of Agronomy
Jingzhou College), plant protection major
1988.9-1991.7 华中农业大学管理工程专业学习,获得工学硕士;
1988.9-1991.7, Huazhong Agricultural University, management engineering major, Master of
1994.9-1998.7 华中农业大学土地资源管理专业学习,获得农学博士学位。
1994.9-1998.7, Huazhong Agricultural University, land resource management major, Doctor of Agronomy
承担的主要教学课程 Teaching
1. 博弈论;2.运筹学;3.经济计量学;4.中级西方经济学;5.管理学;6.土地管理研究方法;

1. Game theory, 2. Operations research, 3. Quantitative economics, 4.
Intermediate western economics, 5. Management science, 6. Land management method
科研领域及成果 Research
Research fields: land economics, land management, land system, land planning, land consolidation
1. 主持国家社科基金一般项目《人口-土地-产业城镇化协调发展机制与优化路径研究》(16BGL154) 2.
3. 张光宏.农地产权制度效率:历史分析与启示[J].农业经济问题,2005(06):61-65+80.
4. 人口城镇化与城镇化用地关系研究——以江苏省为例[J] 张光宏,崔许锋.中国人口科学 . 2013 (05)
5. 张光宏,马艳.城郊土地利用社会经济效益和生态环境效益的动态耦合关系——以武汉市远城区为例 [J].农业技术经济,2014(11):14-20.

6. 张光宏,崔许锋.耕地资源非农化驱动机制及其区域差异性[J].中国农业科学,2015,48(08):1632-1640.
7. 张光宏,赵小睿.台湾地区农地不动产证券化分析及启示[J].农业经济问题,2016,37(04):81-86.

1. As leader in the research “Mechanism of and optimal solution to coordination between population,
land and urbanization”, a general project sponsored by the National Social Science
Foundation of China (16BGL154).
2. Zhang Guanghong, Yang Mingxing, Rural land system innovation in China [J]. Management World,
3. Zhang Guanghong. Efficiency of farmland property right system: historical analysis and insights
[J]. Agricultural Economics, 2005(06):61-65+80.
4. Relationship between urbanization and land use – with Jiangsu Province as an example [J], Zhang
Guanghong, Cui Xufeng. China Demography. 2013(05).
5. Zhang Guanghong, Ma Yan: Dynamic relationship between economic benefit and ecologic benefit of
suburban land use – with suburbs of Wuhan as examples [J]. Agricultural
Economy, 2014(11):14-20.
6. Zhang Guanghong, Cui Xufeng: Drive behind non-agricultural use of farmland and
regional differences [J]. China Agronomy, 2015,48(08):1632-1640.
7. Zhang Guanghong, Zhao Xiaorui: Analysis of and insights from farmland securitization in Taiwan
[J]. Agricultural Economics, 2016,37(04):81-86.
企业与社会实践 Industry Experience
1. 2015 年暑期赴湖北省荆州市参与实践调研,调研的对象是荆州市人民政府、荆州市发改委及荆州市国土局.
1. Investigations in Jingzhou, Hubei during the summer holiday of 2015. Objects of
investigation include Jingzhou municipal government, Jingzhou Development and Reform
Commission and Jingzhou Land and Resources Bureau.
2. 2017 年,主持横项课题十堰市政府《十堰市土地利用总体规划修编》.
2. Leader in the research “General Land Use Plan of Shiyan”, a horizontal project entrusted by
Shiyan municipal government in 2017.
3. 2018 年,主持横项课题十堰市交通局《十堰经镇坪至巫溪高速公路郧西至鲍峡段项目预审》.
3. As leader in the research “Shiyan Zhenping-Wuxi Expressway Yunxi-Baoxia Section
Project Pre-evaluation”, a horizontal project entrusted by Shiyan Road Transport Bureau in 2018.

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