


工商管理学院教师简历SBA Faculty CV

姓 名 Name
□ 教授 Professor
刘雪梅 Liu Xuemei
? 副教授 Associate professor
? 博士 Doctor
? 硕士研究生导师 Master supervisor
□ 博士研究生导师 Doctor supervisor

1993-1997 湖北大学 计算机会计
教育背景 Education

1993-1997, Hubei University, computerized accounting

2000-2003 中南财经政法大学 伦理学硕士

2000-2003, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Master of Ethics
2004-2008 中南财经政法大学 管理学博士

2004-2008, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Doctor of Management
2016-2017 美国路易斯安那大学 MOODY 商学院访问学者

2016-2017, University of Louisiana B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration, visiting

承担的主要教学课程 Teaching

Undergraduate: compensation management, human resource management, corporate ethics and
social responsibility

Master: organizational culture and creativity, compensation management
科研领域及成果 Research

Research fields:

Performance and compensation management, leadership and creativity, corporate ethics and social
responsibility, career development of new-generation employees
1、2015 年湖北省政府智力成果采购重点资助项目,HBZZ-2015-2,《湖北省科技人才合理流动的问题与对策研究》,2015/01-2015/12,3 万元,已结题、主持
2、主持 2015 年湖北省社科基金项目《领导授权赋能行为对员工创造力的影响机制研究》项目编号 2015157,经费 1.7 万元,已结题
3、专著:刘雪梅,员工工作不安全感问题研究,武汉大学出版社,2015 年 12 月出版,书号:978-7-307-17393-4
4、刘雪梅、刘铮,2015 年获得湖北省人力资源学会优秀论文一等奖,《企业社会责任表现对大学生求职意向的影响研究》
5、指导硕士研究生牛珍的毕业论文,获得湖北省 2014 年优秀硕士学位论文,《工作不安全感、情绪调节自我效能感与离职倾向的实证关系研究》
6、刘雪梅、刘铮的论文《共享型领导对团队创造力的影响机制》,2018 年获得湖北省人力资源学会优秀论文一等奖
7、论文:《社会支持对新生代农民工组织承诺的影响机制研究》载《农业经济问题》2018年第 12 期
8、论文:《共享型领导对团队创造力的影响机制》载《软科学》2019 年第 4 期
9、专著:《员工创造力的形成机制研究》,武汉大学出版社,2019 年 11 月出版,书号:

10、SSCI 论文:Liu, X., Zhu, Z., Liu, Z. and Fu, C. (2020), "The influence of leader

empowerment behaviour on employee creativity", Management Decision, Vol. ahead-of-print No.
ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/MD-02-2019-0281 Achievements:
1. As leader in the research “Solution to effective flow of technology talents in Hubei”
(HBZZ-2015-2), a project in the research result purchase program of Hubei
provincial government in 2015,

2015/01-2015/12, 30,000 yuan, already finished.

2. As leader in the research “influence of leadership empowerment on the creativity of
employees” (project number: 2015157), a project sponsored by Hubei social science fund in 2015,
17,000 yuan, already finished.
3. Monograph: Liu Xuemei, Employees’ sense of insecurity, Wuhan University Press, Dec. 2015, book
number: 978-7-307-17393-4.
4. Liu Xuemei, Liu Zheng: Influence of corporate social responsibility record on the
job intention of graduates”, Hubei human resource society best paper first prize in 2015.
5. As supervisor to Niu Zhen, author of the thesis “Empirical relationship between
work insecurity, regulatory emotional self-efficacy and turnover intention”, which is awarded the
title “Hubei best master thesis” in 2014.
6. Liu Xuemei, Liu Zheng, Influence of shared leadership on team creativity, Hubei human resource
society best paper first prize in 2018.
7. Influence of social support on the organizational commitment of new-generation migrant workers,
Agricultural Economics, Vol.12, 2018.
8. Influence of shared leadership on team creativity, Soft Science, Vol.4, 2019.

9. Monograph: Formation mechanism of employee creativity, Wuhan University Press, Nov.
2019, book number: 978-7-307-21273-2.
10 、SSCI 论文: Liu, X., Zhu, Z., Liu, Z. and Fu, C. (2020), "The influence of leader empowerment
behaviour on employee creativity", Management Decision, Vol. ahead-of-print No.
ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/MD-02-2019-0281

企业与社会实践 Industry Experience
Interview expert with Hubei Provincial Civil Servant Bureau; human resource trainer and
consultant with several companies; human resource planner with PetroChina Hubei Company,
compensation plan designer with NongFu Spring; service providers in other projects.

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