


工商管理学院教师简历SBA Faculty CV

姓 名 Name 刘晓峰 Liu Xiaofeng

□ 教授 Professor
? 副教授 Associate professor
? 博士 Doctor
? 硕士研究生导师 Master supervisor
□博士研究生导师 Doctor supervisor

教育背景 Education
2016.05-2017.02, 香港城市大学,研究助理.
2004.09-2007.09 博士,市场营销,安泰经济与管理学院,上海交通大学
2001.09-2004.07 硕士,概率论与数理统计,数学与计算机学院,湖北大学
1997.09-2001.07 学士,应用数学,数学与计算机学院,湖北大学
2017.12-2018.12,Purdue University,visiting scholar.
2016.03-2017.02, City university of Hongkong,research assistance.
September 2004 – July 2007 Ph.D. in marketing, school of economics and management, Shanghai
Jiaotong University
September 2001 – July 2004 Master’s degree of probability and statistics, school of mathematics and
computer science, Hubei university
September 1997 – July 2001 Bachelor’s degree of applied mathematics, school of mathematics and
computer science, Hubei university
承担的主要教学课程 Teaching
近几年主要承担营销(marketing)、国际市场营销(International marketing)、营销调研(marketing research)

科研领域及成果 Research
Crowdfunding 、Pricing strategy 、interface between marketing and operations research
承担的主要科研项目及成果(Grand proposal and publications):

(2)国家社会科学基金项目:产业回报型众筹的目标延展与激励机制研究. (No.18BGL014)
(3) 留学基金委项目:众筹模式下的产品线设计(No.201707085009)
The National Science Foundation (2013-2015): “The study of revenue management of multi-generation
high technical perishable product with the strategic consumer behavior” (No.71202175)
The Social Science Foundation (2018-2021): “The goal extension and incentive mechanism of product
reward crowdfunding” (No.18BGL014)
The China Scholarship Council: the product line design in crowdfunding. No.201707085009)
[1] 刘晓峰黄沛. KIA 众筹模式下产品线设计与定价策略研究,管理工程学报,2021,第四期. Xiaofeng Liu, Pei Huang. The study of product
line design and pricing strategy under the KIA crowdfunding. Journal of Industrial Engineering
Management, 2021, vol (4).
[2] Jue,Liu, Xiaofeng Liu, Houcai Shen. Reward-based Crowdfunding: The Role of Information
Disclosure. Decision Science,2020,09. (Online)
[3] 刘晓峰,顾领. AON 众筹模式下产品线设计与信息发布策略研究.中国管理科学,2019,第七期.
Xiaofeng Liu, Ling Gu. The information disclosure strategy and product line design in AON
crowdfunding. The journal of Chinese management Science, 2019, vol (7).
[4] 刘晓峰,顾领. 基于消费者转换行为的线上线下产品定价策略研究.管理科学,2016,第 2 期.
Xiaofeng Liu, Ling Gu. The Study of Pricing Strategy in Online-offline Channel Based on the
Consumer's Switching Behavior. The journal of management Science,2016, vol (2).
[5] 刘晓峰,黄沛. 消费者策略行为下的动态定价和库存策略. 管理科学学报,2009 年第四期.
Liu xiaofeng, Huang pei. Optimal dynamic pricing and inventory policy under strategic consumer.
Journal of management science, 2009, (4): 18-26. (In Chinese)
企业与社会实践 Industry Experience

Attending recommendation system design based on big data of Skyworth Television、 Marketing
strategy of Gym product of Haohan company, Shanghai.

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