工商管理学院教师简历SBA Faculty CV
姓 名 Name
□ 教授 Professor
刘新燕 Liu Xinyan
? 副教授 Associate professor
? 博士 Doctor
? 硕士研究生导师 Master supervisor
□博士研究生导师 Doctor supervisor
Director of Research Centre Mentor group Leader
教育背景 Education
1993-1997 湖北大学管理学学士 国际贸易专业
1997-2000 中南财经政法大学 管理学硕士 国际贸易专业
2000-2003 中南财经政法大学 管理学博士 企业管理专业
1993-1997 Bachelor of Management, Hubei University, majoring in international trade
1997-2000 Master of Management, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, majoring in international
2000-2003 Doctor of Management, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, majoring in business
承担的主要教学课程 Teaching
电子商务、网络经济学、电子商务专业英语、电子商务(MBA 层次)、网络营销、 Electronic Commerce
E-commerce, network economics, e-commerce English, e-commerce (MBA level), network
marketing, Electronic Commerce
科研领域及成果 Research
在国外、国内权威期刊发表学术论文 30 多篇,出版专著 1 本。主编教材 1
published more than 30 academic papers and 1 monograph in authoritative journals at home and
edited one textbook and presided over many national, provincial and ministerial level scientific
research and teaching projects, such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Hubei
Education Planning Project.
The main research interests are: consumer privacy protection, social participation mechanism of
online public welfare, and online interpersonal interaction.
企业与社会实践 Industry Experience
任宁美国度、东风传为佳话、金百瑞等多家企业的营销顾问,为多家政府和企业与单位做电子商务相关培训。承担阿拉善 SEE 湖北中心、CCF 的《江豚保护的社会化参与》等横向课题
served as marketing consultant for many enterprises such as Ning America, Dong Feng Chuan Jia Hua,
Jin Bai Rui, etc., and provided e-commerce related training for many governments,
enterprises and units. Undertake horizontal projects such as SEE Hubei Center in Alashan and Social
Participation in the Protection of finless porpoise by CCF.