本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-24
邮箱: zrong002@fiu.edu
经济学博士,佛罗里达国际大学,导师:Peter Thompson,2008年
工业管理工程学士,西安交通大学管理学院 ,1997年
1. Rong, Zhaoand Jinlan Ni, “How do housing cycles influence listed firms’ R&D investment: Evidence from the collateral channel.” forthcoming,Economics of Innovation and New Technology. (2015 Impact Factor: 0.841; SSCI)
2. Zhang, Dayong,Zhao Rongand Qiang Ji (2019), “Green Innovation and Firm Performance: Evidence from Listed Companies in China. ”Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 144, 48-55.
3. Rong, Zhao, David Broadstock and Yuanyuan Peng (2018), “Product Positioning and Firm Survival: Evidence from the British Automobile Industry, 1895-1970.”Small Business Economics, 51(4), 965–993. (2015 Impact Factor: 1.795; SSCI)
4. Rong, Zhao, Xiaokai Wu and Philipp Boeing (2017), “Institutional Ownership and Firm Patenting: Evidence from China.”Research Policy, 46(9), 1533-1551. (2015 Impact Factor: 3.470; the leading journal in the field of innovation studies)
5. Huang, Jialin andZhao Rong(2017), “Housing boom, Real Estate Diversification, and Capital Structure: Evidence from Listed Firms in China.”Emerging Market Review, 32, 74-95. (2015 Impact Factor: 1.549; SSCI)
6. Rong, Zhaoand Sheng Xiao (2017), “Innovation-Related Diversification and Firm Value.”European Financial Management, 23(3), 475-518. (2013 Impact Factor: 1.313; Ranking 25/89 in Business Finance; a top-10 Finance journal)-Rong, Zhaoand Sheng Xiao (2014), “Innovation-Related Diversification and Firm Value. ” In John Humphreys (Ed.),Best Paper Proceedings of Seventy-fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management(ISSN 1543-8643).
7. Rong, Zhao, Wenchun Wang and Qiang Gong (2016), “Housing Price Appreciation, Investment Opportunity, and Firm Innovation: Evidence from China.”Journal of Housing Economics, 33, 34-58. (2015 Impact Factor: 1.035; SSCI)
8. Yuan, Yan,Zhao Rong, Rudai Yang and Liu Yang (2015), “Instability of Migrant Labor Supply in China: Evidence from Source Areas for 1987–2008.”Eurasian Geography and Economics, 56(3), 231-259. (2013 Impact Factor: 0.827; Ranking the first in Area Studies)
9. Rong, Zhaoand Yao Feng (2014), “Local Spillovers and Durable Adoption: Evidence from Rural China.”China Agricultural Economic Review, 6(1) 158-174. (2013 Impact Factor: 0.540; SSCI)
10. Rong, Zhao(2012), “Do Insider Trading Patterns Indicate a Firm’s R&D Productivity: Evidence from U.S. Patenting Firms.”Journal of Accounting and Finance, 12(5) 118-132.
11. Rong, Zhao and Yang Yao (2003), “Public Service Provision and the Demand for Electric Appliances in Rural China.”China Economic Review, 14(2) 131-141. (2013 Impact Factor: 1.142; SSCI)
1. 王姝勋、方红艳、荣昭,“期权激励会促进公司创新吗?基于中国上市公司专利产出的证据”,《金融研究》,2017 年第3 期。
2. 张一林、龚强、荣昭,“技术创新、股权融资与金融结构转型”,《管理世界》,2016年第11期。
3. 荣昭、王文春,“房价上涨和企业进入房地产:基于我国非房地产上市公司数据的研究”,《金融研究》,2014 年第4 期。
4. 王文春、荣昭,房价上涨对工业企业研发投入的抑制影响研究,《经济学(季刊)》,2014 年第2 期。
5. 荣昭、徐丽鹤、袁燕,性别比例失衡对农村家庭创业的激励机制研究:基于农村自营工商业的分析,《浙江社会科学》,2013 年第5 期。
6. 荣昭、盛来运和姚洋,中国农村耐用消费品需求研究,《经济学(季刊)》,2002 年第3 期。
2017: RUSE (Regional, Urban and Spatial Economics) Workshop (Xiamen), “Housing boom, Real Estate Diversification, and Capital Structure: Evidence from China.”
2016: LKYSPP Development Economics and Policy (DeEP) Conference (Singapore), “Scientific Personnel Reallocation and Firm Innovation: Evidence from China’s Higher Education Expansion.”
2016: RUSE (Regional, Urban and Spatial Economics) Workshop (Chengdu), “Migrant Labor Allocation and Wage Costs: Evidence from China’s Real Estate Expansion.”
2016: CCER Academic Alumni Workshop (Xiangtan), “Option Compensation and Firm Innovation: Evidence from Listed Firms in China.”
2016: CES Conference (Shenzhen), “Migrant Labor Allocation and Wage Costs: Evidence from China’s Real Estate Expansion.”
2015: CCER Academic Alumni Workshop (Shenzhen), “Institutional Ownership and Firm Patenting: Evidence from China.”
2015: CES Conference (Chongqing), “Institutional Ownership and Firm Patenting: Evidence from China.”
2015: YES (Young Economists Society) Workshop (Xiamen), “Institutional Ownership and Firm Patenting: Evidence from China.”
2015: RUSE (Regional, Urban and Spatial Economics) Workshop (Beijing), “Housing Bubbles, Capital Reallocation and Firm Innovation: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in China.”
2014: CES Purdue Conference (Purdue), “Asymmetric Information, Collateral Value and Firm R&D.”
2013: The 5th International Symposium on Human Capital and the Labor Market (Beijing), “Scientific Personnel Reallocation and Firm Innovation: Evidence from China’s Higher Education Expansion.”
2013: FMA Conference (Chicago), “Innovation-Related Diversification and Firm Value.”
2013: CES (Chinese Economists Society) Conference (Chengdu), “Housing Boom and Firms’ Diversification to Real Estate.”
2012: CES Conference (Kaifeng), “The Dynamics of Rural-to-Urban Migration in China: Household-Level Evidence from Source Areas for 1987-1999.”
2012: AAEA Conference (Seattle), “Sex Imbalance, Mating Competition, and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Rural China.”
2011: CES Conference (Beijing), “Social Learning and Durable Adoptions: Evidence from Rural China.”
2011: FMA Conference (Denver), “R&D Productivity, Information Asymmetry, and Insider Trading.”
2010: CES Conference (Xiamen), “Free Riding and Durable Adoption: A Test Using Televisions in Rural China.”
2010: WEAI Conference (Denver), “Do Insider Trading Patterns Indicate a Firm’s R&D Productivity: Evidence from U.S. Patenting Firms.”
帅杰副教授个人主页:http://sites.google.com/site/shuaijie/home教育背景美国俄克拉荷马大学经济学博士西安交通大学经济学学士研究领域微观经济学、产业组织、博弈论学术论文1.“AWelfareAnalysisofLocationSpace”,withYouping ...中南财经政法大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-24中南财经政法大学文澜学院导师教师师资介绍简介-任宇
任宇教授邮箱:yren@vip.163.com个人主页:http://econren.weebly.com/教育背景博士:2003.09-2008.08加拿大女王大学(Queen’sUniversity)经济学博士硕士:2002.09-2003.08加拿大圭尔夫大学(UniversityofGuel ...中南财经政法大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-24中南财经政法大学文澜学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王文晓
王文晓助理教授邮箱:wangwenxiao616@gmail.com教育经历经济学博士学位,澳大利亚阿德莱德大学2014年-2019年经济学博士学位,中央财经大学2013年-2017年经济学硕士学位,中央财经大学2011年-2013年经济学学士学位,烟台大学2007年-2011年研究方向国际贸易和发 ...中南财经政法大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-24中南财经政法大学文澜学院导师教师师资介绍简介-田贤亮
田贤亮副教授教育背景2014美国路易斯安那州立大学经济学博士2003武汉大学经济学硕士2000湖北大学金融学学士工作经历2017.07-今中南财经政法大学文澜学院副教授2014.07-2017.06东北财经大学产业组织与企业组织研究中心讲师2003.07-2009.07湖北大学讲师研究领域国际贸易, ...中南财经政法大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-24中南财经政法大学文澜学院导师教师师资介绍简介-袁燕
袁燕教授邮箱:yanyuan.tamu@gmail.com教育经历理学学士学位,中国科技大学外语系1993年9月—1997年7月理学硕士学位,特拉华大学农业经济系(UniversityofDelaware)2001年9月—2004年1月农业经济学博士学位,德克萨斯A&M大学(TexasA&MUniv ...中南财经政法大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-24中南财经政法大学文澜学院导师教师师资介绍简介-吴雷
吴雷教授教育背景09/2008-12/2011法国庇卡底于勒凡尔纳大学(UniversityofPicardieJulesVerne)运筹学博士09/2008-09/2009法国巴黎第九大学(ParisDauphineUniversity)决策与运筹学硕士09/2006-09/2008法国巴黎第一大 ...中南财经政法大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-24中南财经政法大学文澜学院导师教师师资介绍简介-曾辰航
曾辰航副教授教育背景美国密苏里大学经济学博士武汉大学经济学硕士武汉大学经济学学士理学学士工作经历2017-现在副教授中南财经政法大学2016-2017副教授山东大学2012-2016讲师山东大学研究方向产业经济学,微观理论,定价理论学术论文(通讯或独立作者)1.DoesTechnologyMatte ...中南财经政法大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-24中南财经政法大学文澜学院导师教师师资介绍简介-颜琰
颜琰助理教授个人主页http://www.yan-yan.org/教育背景加拿大卡尔加里大学经济学博士武汉大学经济学硕士武汉大学经济学学士、数学学士研究领域公共经济学、政治经济、应用微观经济学学术论文Workingpapers“DecentralizationandPublicExpenditure ...中南财经政法大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-24中南财经政法大学文澜学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张天洋
张天洋助理教授教育背景爱荷华州立大学经济学博士武汉大学经济学学士数学学士研究领域金融经济学、应用计量经济学、农业经济学工作论文1.TradingActivityinCommodityFuturesandOptionsMarkets2.HowWellCanUSDAForecastErrorofCrop ...中南财经政法大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-24中南财经政法大学文澜学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张书宇
张书宇副教授教育背景比利时安特卫普大学博士荷兰蒂尔堡大学硕士黑龙江大学学士工作经历中南财经政法大学副教授2018-今对外经济贸易大学金融学院助理教授2013-2018德国主板上市公司PANAMAX.AG独立董事2015-至今对外经济贸易大学智慧金融研究中心研究员2016-至今研究领域区块链金融、量化 ...中南财经政法大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-24