

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-24

2008年9月——2012年6月 华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院(本科、工学学士)
2012年9月——2017年6月 北京大学工学院(研究生、理学博士)
2017年7月——今 中南财经政法大学经济学院(副教授)

1.X.F. Wu, G.Q. Chen, 2018. Coal use embodied in globalized world economy: From source to sink through supply chain. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81: 978-93. (SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=8.050)
2.X.F. Wu, G.Q. Chen, 2017. Energy use by Chinese economy: A systems cross-scale input-output analysis. Energy Policy, 108: 81-90. (SSCI; SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=4.140)
3.X.F. Wu, G.Q. Chen, 2017. Global primary energy use associated with production, consumption and international trade. Energy Policy, 111: 85-94. (SSCI;SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=4.140)
4.G.Q. Chen, X.F. Wu*, 2017. Energy overview for globalized world economy: Source, supply chain and sink. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69: 735-49. (ESI Highly Cited Papers, SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=8.050)
5.X.F.Wu, G.Q.Chen, 2015. Renewability and sustainability of biogas system: Cosmic exergy based assessment for a case in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 51: 1509-24.(SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=8.050)
6.X.F.Wu, Q.Yang, X.H.Xia, T.H.Wu, X.D.Wu, 2015. Sustainability of a typical biogas system in China: Emergy-based ecological footprint assessment. Ecological Informatics, 26: 78-84.(Top 25 Hottest Articles, SCI三区, IF=2.020)
7.X.F.Wu, X.D.Wu, J.S.Li, X.H.Xia, T.Mi, Q.Yang, G.Q.Chen, 2014. Ecological accounting for an integrated “pig-biogas-fish” system based on emergetic indicators. Ecological Indicators, 47: 189-97.(SCI二区,IF=3.898)
8.B. Chen, J.S. Li, X.F. Wu, M.Y. Han, L. Zeng, Z. Li, G.Q. Chen, 2018. Global energy flows embodied in international trade: A combination of environmentally extended input-output analysis and complex network analysis. Applied Energy, 210, 98-107. (SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=7.182)
9.B. Chen, M.Y. Han, K. Peng, S.L. Zhou, L. Shao, X.F. Wu, G.Q. Chen, 2018. Global land-water nexus: Agricultural land and freshwater use embodied in worldwide supply chains. Science of the Total Environment, 613-14: 931-43. (SCI二区, TOP期刊, IF=4.900)
10.S.Y. Liu, X.D. Wu, M.Y. Han, J. Zhang, B. Chen, X.F. Wu, Z. Li, 2017. A three-scale input-output analysis of water use in a regional economy: Hebei province in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 156: 962-74. (SCI二区, IF=5.715)
11.X.D.Wu, X.H.Xia,G.Q.Chen, X.F.Wu, B.Chen, 2016. Embodied energy analysis for coal-based power generation system-highlighting the role of indirect energy cost. Applied Energy, 184: 936-50.(SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=7.182)
12.W.D.Wei, X.D.Wu, X.F.Wu, Q.M.Xi, X.Ji, 2016. Regional study on investment for transmission infrastructure in China based on the State Grid data.Frontiers of Earth Science, 11: 162-83. (SCI四区, IF=1.051)
13.S.Y. Liu, M.Y. Han, X.D. Wu, X.F. Wu, Z.Li, X.H. Xia, X. Ji, 2016. Embodied water analysis for Hebei Province, China by input-output modelling. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2016, 1-14. (SCI四区, IF=1.051)
14.Q.Zhang, Y.Liu, W.Zhang,X.F.Wu, 2015. Exergy-based assessment and optimization for energy transportation: a case study of Inner Mongolia-Tianjin. International Journal of Exergy, 18: 298-322.(SCI四区, IF=0.913)
15.J.S.Li,G.Q.Chen,X.F.Wu, T.Hayat, A. Alsaedi, B. Ahmad, 2014. Embodied energy assessment for Macao’s external trade. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 34: 642-53.(SSCI;SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=8.050)
16.Q. Yang, X.F. Wu, H.P. Yang, S.H. Zhang, H.P. Chen, 2012. Nonrenewable energy cost and greenhouse gas emissions of a “pig-biogas-fish” system in China. Scientific World Journal, 862021. (SCI)


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