五十年来,本所先后承担各类科研项目350多项,获得各类科研成果奖130多项,其中,国家级奖励9项,省、部级奖励64项,获全国科学大会奖的 “鲤鱼杂交一代优势利用的研究”、获国家科技进步奖的“草鱼出血病防治技术研究 ”、“中华鲟物种保护技术研究”、获农业部科技进步奖的“尼罗罗非鱼的引进、养殖及杂种优势的利用”等成果的推广应用都产生了显著的经济效益和社会效益。本所在淡水鱼类基础生物学、资源保护、育种和养殖、营养与饲料、病害防治等方面形成了雄厚的技术积累,所从事的中华鲟、鲥鱼、大鲵、胭脂鱼等濒危水生动物的生物学、资源保护和繁殖等研究多属于开创性研究,其技术方法处于国内外领先水平。
A Brief Introduction of Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute,
Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences
Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute (YRFRI), Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences (CAFS) was established in Nanjing City , Jiangsu province, in 1958. It undertook the tasks of researches on freshwater fisheries in the Yangtze River valley as well as in the whole country. In 1966, it was moved to Hubei Province , which has always been designated as “a province of a thousand lakes”. It is located in the town proper of Jingzhou City , a historically and culturally famous city in the hinterland of the beautiful and richly endowed Jianghan Plain.
YRFRI is a multi-disciplinary institute, which is devoted to basic research with application significance and applied research on freshwater fishes. Its predominant subjects are now protection of endangered aquatic animals and preservation of their ecology, fish genetics and techniques in fish breeding, fish nutrition and control of fish diseases, techniques in healthy culture and biotechnology, etc. The research agencies are set as follows: The Key Laboratory of Freshwater Fish Germplasm Resources & Biotechnology to Ministry of Agriculture; Key Laboratory of Freshwater Fish Ecology & Healthy Culture to Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences; Department of Aquaculture and Fish Genetics & Breeding; Department of Fish Nutrition & Control of Fish Diseases: and Department of Fishery Resources and Environments. Besides, six socio-beneficial service agencies are also set. They are The Supervision, Examination and Testing Center of Freshwater Fish Germplasms to Ministry of Agriculture, General Office of Freshwater Aquaculture Standardization to Bureau of Fisheries to Ministry of Agriculture, Magazine Office of Freshwater Fisheries to China Society of Fisheries, Monitoring Center of Fishery Ecology & Environments in the Middle and Upper Yangtze to Ministry of Agriculture, Monitoring Station of Fishery Resources in the Middle and Upper Yangtze River to Ministry of Agriculture, and Experimental Base for Clinic of New Medicines for Aquatic Animals to Ministry of Agriculture. There are also two experimental bases: one is Fish Selection and Breeding Center to Ministry of Agriculture, and the other is an experimental farm. The former has ponds of about 13.3 hectares, with a greenhouse of 3000 square meters and modernized fry incubation facilities in it, while the latter has ponds of 20 hectares.
YRFRI has now 67 researchers, of which 8 are research fellows, 14 associate research fellows (4 researchers have got doctorate, another 4 researchers are studying for it), and 25 intermediate technical personnel. During the period of 47 years since the establishment, YRFRI has obtained more than 150 scientific achievements in various fields, of which more than 100 have won prizes. Of the 100 prize-winning achievements, 3 have won National Prize for Science & Technology Progress, 4 Prizes at the National Congress of Science, 29 prizes at provincial or ministerial level.
YRFRI has conducted extensive academic exchanges and co-operation researches with Institute of Hydrobiology to Chinese Academy of Sciences, College of Life Sciences to Wuhan University , Shanghai Fisheries University , Huazhong Agricultural University , South-West China Agricultural University , Jianghan University and Yangtze University . It trains graduate students in cooperation with Huazhong Agricultural University , Shanghai Fisheries University , South-West China Agricultural University . It has sent young scientists to the United States , Japan , Australia , Germany and Russia for cooperative research and exchanged visits of scholars with the institutes and universities concerned in these countries. Besides, YRFRI has also sent experts to Algeria , Cuba and Bangladesh to help these aided countries develop fishery production.