



姓 名 周仙霖
性 别 男 出生年月


毕业专业最高学历职称/职务电 话
钢铁冶金研究生 讲师

毕业学校最高学位所属学科 Email

学术/社会 无

研究领域及 低品位复杂资源综合利用、烧结、球团、直接还原与熔融还原

承担 201705-201805,矿相重构强化高铝铁矿还原基础研究(2017xz013),武汉科技
科研 大学青年科技骨干培育计划

1. Zhou Xian-Lin*, Zhu De-Qing, Pan Jian and Wu Teng-Jiao. Utilization of Waste Copper Slag to
Produce Directly Reduced Iron for Weathering Resistant Steel. ISIJ International, 2015, 55(7):
1347–1352. (SCI/EI Index)
2. Xianlin Zhou*, Deqing Zhu, Jian Pan, Yanhong Luo, Xinqi Liu. Upgrading of high-aluminum
hematite-limonite ore by high temperature
reduction-wet magnetic separation process. Metals, 2016, 6(3): 57(1-12). (SCI Index)
3. Deqing Zhu, Xianlin Zhou*, Yanhong Luo, Jian Pan, Bing Bai. Reduction smelting low ferronickel
from pre-concentrated nickel-iron ore of nickel laterite. High Temperature Materials and Processes.
2016, 35(10):
1031-1036. (SCI/EI Index)
4. Deqing Zhu, Xianlin Zhou*, Jian Pan and Yanhong Luo. Direct reduction and beneficiation of a
refractory siderite lump. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall.
C), 2014, 123(4): 246-250. (EI Index)
5. De-qing Zhu, Xian-lin Zhou*, Jian Pan, Ben-jing Shi. Granulation behaviour of specularite
fines in ferrous sinter mixtures. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min.
Metall. C). 2016, 125(3): 172-177. (EI Index)

6. Yanhong LUO, Deqing ZHU, Xianlin ZHOU*, Bengjing SHI and Feng ZHANG. Coproduction of DRI
Powder and Semi-coke from Siderite Ore and Low Rank Coal by Excessive Coal-based Direct Reduction
in Rotary Kiln. ISIJ International, 2016, 56(1): 78-87. (SCI/EI Index)
7. Deqing Zhu, Xianlin Zhou*, Yanhong Luo, Jian Pan, Cailing Zhen, Guixiang Huang. Monitoring the
Ring Formation in Rotary Kiln for Pellet Firing. TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition 2015, Drying,
Roasting and Calcining of Minerals, 2015, p. 209-216. (EI Index, Oral Presentation)
8. Jian PAN, Xianlin ZHOU, Deqing ZHU, Guolin ZHENG. Study of Strengthen Pelletization of Nickel
Laterite. TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2011, 2nd International Symposium on High Temperature
Metallurgical Processing, 2011, p. 355-362. (EI Index)
9. Zhu De-qing, Yu Wei, Zhou Xian-lin, Pan Jian. Strengthening palletization of manganese ore
fines containing high combined water by high pressure roll grinding and optimized temperature
elevation system. Journal of Central South University, Vol.21 (2014), No.9, p. 3485-3491. (SCI/EI
10. 周仙霖,朱德庆,潘建,罗艳红,回转窑内氧化球团物料对耐火材料侵蚀行为的研究,烧结球团,2017,42(1):33-37(53).

其 他

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