


个人基本情况:姓 名: 邓文生性 别:男

1996.6 ,中国农业大学,农学硕士
1989.6 ,江西农业大学,学士学位

2013.6-2015.6,武汉科技大学教授(四级);硕、博士生导师 2012.2—2013.10,英国卡迪夫大学生物学院,Research associate,Lecturer
2003.5—2012.1,英国曼彻斯特大学生命科学学院,Research associate 2000.5—2003.5,英国伦敦大学卫生与热带医学学院,Postdoctoral research


1)SP1 等转录因子在肿瘤发生发展过程中的转录机制研究
2)转录因子 BRF1 在基因转录中的作用机制
3)Filamins 在基因转录、细胞增殖和迁移中的作用机制
4)Filamin A 在小鼠胚胎干细胞向神经细胞、心肌细胞中的作用及分子调节机制

1. 国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目,BRF1 在 RNA 聚合酶 I 指导的基因转录中的的作用及其机制,项目编号:31671357,2017.01-2020.12,65 万,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目,细胞骨架细丝蛋白 A 在 RNA 聚合酶 III 指导的基因转录中的作用机制研究,项目编号:31271395,2013.01-2016.12,80 万,主持

1. Feixia Peng#, Ying Zhou#, Juan Wang#, Baoqiang Guo; Yun Wei, Huan Deng, Zihui Wu, Cheng Zhang,
Kaituo, Yuan Li, Xin Wang, Paul Shore, Shasha Zhao*, Wensheng Deng*. The transcription factor Sp1
modulates RNA polymerase III gene transcription by controlling BRF1 and GTF3C2 expression in human
cells, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2020, 295(14):4617–4630.
2. Juan Wang#, Kaituo Shi#, Zihui Wu, Cheng Zhang, Yuan Li, Huan Deng, Shasha Zhao*, Wensheng
Deng*. Disruption of the interaction between TFIIAα/β and TFIIA recognition element
inhibits RNA polymerase II gene transcription in a promoter context-dependent manner,
BBA-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, 2020, 1863(10): 194611.
3. Liyun Huang, Feixia Peng, Yun Wei, Wei He, Shasha Zhao, Juan Wang, Yang Zhang, Houliang Zhao,
Wensheng Deng*. A novel method to investigate the effects of gene mutations at the
cellular level using a dual expression lentiviral vector, Bioscience Reports 2019, 39 BSR20182383.
4. Zihui Wu, Houliang Zhao, Cheng Zhang, Juan Wang, Shasha Zhao, Kaituo Shi and
Wensheng Deng*. A two-bu?er method used for both polymerase chain reaction product puri?cation and
DNA gel extraction, J Chem Technol Biotechnol, 2019, 94: 2928–2934.
5. Ying Zhou, Yang Zhang, Wei He, Juan Wang, Feixia Peng, Liyun Huang, Shasha Zhao*, Wensheng
Deng*. Rapid Regeneration and Reuse of Silica Columns from PCR Purification and Gel Extraction
Kits, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1):12870.
6. Juan Wang#, Shasha Zhao#, Wei He, Yun Wei, Yang Zhang, Henry Pegg, Paul Shore, Stefan G.
E.Roberts, Wensheng Deng. A transcription factor IIA-binding site differentially regulates RNA
polymerase II-mediated transcription in a promoter context-dependent manner. Journal of
Biological Chemistry, 2017,292, 11873-11885.
7. Juan Wang, Yun Wei, Shasha Zhao, Ying Zhou, Wei He, Yang Zhang, Wensheng Deng. The analysis of
viability for mammalian cells treated at different temperatures and its application in
cell shipment, PLOS ONE. 12(4):e0176120.
8. Juan Wang, Shasha Zhao S, Yun Wei, Ying Zhou, Paul Shore*, Wensheng Deng*. (2016) Cytoskeletal
Filamin A Differentially Modulates RNA Polymerase Ⅲ Gene Transcription in Transformed Cell Lines.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 291(48): 25239-25246.

9. Wensheng Deng, Cesar Lopez-Camacho, Dean Jackson& Paul Shore (2012) Filamin A is nucleolar
protein that suppresses ribosomal RNA gene transcription. Proc Natl Acad Sci
(USA) 109:1524-1529.
10. Deng W., Malecova B., Oelgerschlager T. and Roberts S.G. E. (2009) TFIIB recognition element
controls the NC2-TFIIA axis in transcription regulation. Molecular and Cellular Biology
11. McRobert L., Taylor C.J., Deng W., Fivelman Q.L., Cummings R.M., Billker O. & Baker
D.A. (2008) Gametogenesis in Malaria Parasites is mediated by the cGMP-Dependent Protein
Kinase. PLOS Biology Vol 6(6) 1243-1252.
12. Deng W. and Roberts S.G.E (2005) A core promoter element downstream of the TATA box that is
recognized by TFIIB. Genes & Development 19: 2418-2423.
13. Deng W., Parbhu-Patel A. &. Baker D.A (2003) The role of two novel regulatory sites in the
activation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase from Plasmodium falciparum.
Biochemical Journal 374: 559-565.
14. Deng W. and Baker D.A. (2002) A novel cyclic GMP-dependent kinase is expressed in the ring
stage of the Plasmodium falciparum life cycle. Molecular Microbiology. 44: 1141-1151.

1. 硅柱快速再生方法,201710437190.7,授权,发明专利
2. PCR 纯化试剂及使用该试剂纯化 PCR 产物的方法,201810632454.9, 受理, 发明专利 3.DNA 胶抽提试剂及使用该试剂纯化 PCR
产物的方法,201810632456.8,受理, 发明专利 4.小分子 DNA 纯化试剂,201910292151.1,受理, 发明专利
5.基于重组酶和超保真 DNA 聚合酶的大载体 DNA 的定点突变方法,202010117029.3, 受理, 发明专利

E-mail :dengwensheng@wust.edu.cn

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