


个人基本情况:姓 名: 赵沙沙性 别:女
政治面貌:党员 职称职务:副教授

1.2009/9- 2014/6,华中科技大学,生命科学与技术学院生物化学系,硕博连读

1.2019/11 至今,武汉科技大学,生命科学与健康学院,副教授
(3)干细胞分化相关 LncRNA 功能研究

1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,细胞骨架细丝蛋白 A 在胚胎干细胞向早期神经细胞分化中的作用及其作用机制,项目编号:31501099,2016.01-2019.12,24万,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目,BRF1 在 RNA 聚合酶 I 指导的基因转录中的的作用及其机制,项目编号:31671357,2017.01-2020.12,65 万,参与。
3. 湖北省教育厅中青年人才项目,长链非编码 RNA Pnky 与 Zic2 协同调控神经干细胞迁移的分子机制研究,项目编号:Q20191104,2019.09—2021.08,2.0

4. 疾病预防控制中心—横向项目,典型功能性物质拮抗 PM2.5 对不同类型细胞损伤及其机制研究,201812-201912,2.5 万,主持。
5. 武汉科技大学科技骨干培育项目,应用胚胎干细胞模型评估 PM2.5 的潜在胚胎发育毒性及茶多酚的拮抗作用研究,项目编号:2017xz028,201705-201805, 1 万,主持。

1. Yuan Li, Xiang Mao, Xianyi Zhou, Yuting Su, Xiangyu Zhou, Kaituo Shi, Shasha Zhao*.
An optimized method for neuronal differentiation of embryonic stem cells in vitro, Journal of
Neuroscience Methods, 2020, 330: 108486.
2. Feixia Peng#, Ying Zhou#, Juan Wang#, Baoqiang Guo; Yun Wei, Huan Deng, Zihui Wu, Cheng
Zhang, Kaituo, Yuan Li, Xin Wang, Paul Shore, Shasha Zhao*, Wensheng Deng*. The
transcription factor Sp1 modulates RNA polymerase III gene transcription by controlling
BRF1 and GTF3C2 expression in human cells, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2020,
3. Juan Wang#, Kaituo Shi#, Zihui Wu, Cheng Zhang, Yuan Li, Huan Deng, Shasha Zhao*,
Wensheng Deng*. Disruption of the interaction between TFIIAα/β and TFIIA recognition
element inhibits RNA polymerase II gene transcription in a promoter context-dependent manner,
BBA-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, 2020, 1863(10): 194611.
4. Xiang Mao, Xun Hu, Yao Wang, Wei Xia, Shasha Zhao*, Yanjian Wan*. Temporal trend of
arsenic in outdoor air PM2.5 in Wuhan, China, in 2015–2017 and the personal inhalation of
PM-bound arsenic: implications for human exposure, Environmental Science and Pollution
Research, 2020, 27: 21654-21665.
5. Zilan Xiong*, Shasha Zhao*, Xu Yan. Nerve Stem Cell Differentiation by a One-step Cold
Atmospheric Plasma Treatment In Vitro, JOVE-Journal of visualized experiments, 2019, 143,
6. Shasha Zhao, Rui Han, Yuan Li, Chen Lu, Xingyu Chen, Zilan Xiong, Xiang Mao. Investigation of
the mechanism of enhanced and directed differentiation of neural stem cells by an atmospheric
plasma jet: A gene-level study, Journal of Applied Physics, 2019,12,16.

7. Ying Zhou, Yang Zhang, Wei He, Juan Wang, Feixia Peng, Liyun Huang, Shasha Zhao*, Wensheng
Deng*. Rapid Regeneration and Reuse of Silica Columns from PCR Purification and Gel
Extraction Kits, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1):12870.
8. Juan Wang#, Shasha Zhao#, Wei He, Yun Wei, Yang Zhang, Henry Pegg, Paul Shore, Stefan G.
E.Roberts, Wensheng Deng. A transcription factor IIA-binding site differentially
regulates RNA polymerase II-mediated transcription in a promoter context-dependent
manner. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2017,292, 11873-11885.
9. Zilan Xiong#, Shasha Zhao#, Xiang Mao#, Xinpei Lu*, Guangyuan He*, Guangxiao Yang,
Mingjie Chen, Musarat Ishaq, Kostya Ostrikov*, Selective neuronal differentiation of
neural stem cells induced by nanosecond microplasma agitation, Stem Cell Research, 2014,
12 (2): 387-399.
10. Xiao Tan#, Shasha Zhao#, Qian Lei#, XinPei Lu*, Guangyuan He, Kostya Ostrikov,
Single-cell-precision Microplasma-induced HepG2 Cancer Cell Apoptosis, PloS One, 2014,
9(6): e101299.
11. Shasha Zhao#, Zilan Xiong, Xiang Mao, Dandan Meng, Qian Lei, Yin Li, Pengyi Deng, Mingjie Chen,
Min Tu, Xinpei Lu*, Guangxiao Yang*, Guangyuan He*, Atmospheric pressure room temperature plasma
jets facilitate oxidative and nitrative stress and lead to endoplasmic reticulum stress
dependent apoptosis in HepG2 cells, PloS One, 2013, 8 (8): e73665.
12. Shasha Zhao#, Zilan Xiong, Xiang Mao, Xinpei Lu, Guangyuan He, Guangxiao Yang, Combined
Effect of N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) and Plasma on Proliferation of HepG2 Cells, Plasma Science, IEEE
Transactions on, 2012, 40 (9): 2179-2184.

E-mail :zhaoshasha@wust.edu.cn

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