性 别:男
院 系:材料与冶金学院
毕业专业:材料加工工 毕业时间:2010 年 12
程 月
办公电话:13317131301 E-mail:pcg2000@163.com
◇ 个人简介(主要研究方向、个人成果、学术兼职等总体介绍)
(1)Pan C*, He X, Wei J, et al. Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Borochromized Coatings Prepared on
5CrNiMo Steel by Thermo-Reactive Diffusion[J]. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals,
2020, 73(5): 1209-1214.
(2)Pan C*, Shi J, Wei J, et al. Effect of Preheating Temperature on the Microstructure and
Corrosion Resistance of TiC–Ni Coating by CS/PHIP[J]. Transactions of the Indian Institute of
Metals, 2019, 72(7): 1869-1879.
(3)Pan, Chenggang*, Ding Zizheng,Chang qingming, et al. Experimental and numerical studies on flow
behavior of surface defects in the heavy rail rolling[J]. Engineering Computations ,2018,35(3),
(4)Pan C*, Zhao C, Chang Q, et al. Three-dimensional metal particle flow simulation during the
whole rolling process for 60 kg/m heavy rail[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(10):
(5)Pan C*, Liu D, Zhao C, et al. Corrosion and Thermal Fatigue Behaviors
of TiC/Ni Composite Coating by Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis in Molten
Aluminum Alloy[J]. Coatings, 2017, 7(11):203.
(6))Peng He, Shangyu Huang, Huachang Wang, Zhichao Huang, Jianhua Hu, Xudong Cheng, Chengang Pan*.
Electroless nickel-phosphorus plating on silicon carbide particles for metal matrix
composites [J]. Ceramics International, 2014, 40(10): 16653-16664.
(7)Chenggang Pan* , Wang H, Wang H, et al. Microstructure and thermal physical parameters of
Ni60-Cr3C2, composite coating by laser cladding[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of
Technology(Materials Science Edition), 2010, 25(6):991-995.
(1)铜合金压铸模失效机理及其表面复合原理研究(51375353) 国家自然科学基金面上项目
(2)钢铁行业材料加工类战略新兴(支柱)产业人才培养模式的研究(2013226) 湖北省省级教研项目