


姓 名:郭光辉 性 别:男

出生年月:1978.02 民 族:汉

职 称:教授 毕业学校:武汉大学

最终学历:博士研究生 电子邮箱:guoguanghui@wust.edu.cn

自然科学基金、湖北省教育厅自然科学基金以及校企合作等资助的科研项目 8 项。 目前发表学术论文 20 余篇,其中在国外 SCI英文源刊杂志《Solid State Ionics》,《Journal
of Alloys and Compounds》,《Journal of Nanoparticle Research》,《Journal of Solid State
Electrochemistry》,《Separation and Purification Technology》上发表了多篇期刊论文。




在读硕士研究生 6 名。


[1] Ningshen Zhang, Guanghui Guo, Bowen He, Jiaxin Zhu, Jie Wu, Jiahua Qiu.

Synthesis and research of MnO2–NiO composite as lithium-ion battery anode using spent
Zn–Mn batteries as manganese source. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2020,838:15578-15586.
[2] Ningshen Zhang, Guanghui Guo, Bowen He, Jiaxin Zhu, Jie Wu, Jiahua Qiu. Study on
the performance of MnO2-MoO3 composite as lithium-ion battery anode using spent Zn-Mn
batteries as manganese source,Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry,2020,24(3):591-599.
[3] Bowen He, Guanghui Guo, Ningshen Zhang, Jiaxin Zhu, Jie Wu, Jiahua Qiu. Synthesis
and research of MnO2–NiO composite as lithium-ion battery anode using spent Zn–Mn
batteries as manganese source, International Journal of Electrochemical
[4] Zehui Zhang, Min Yu, Bin Yang, Chaozheng Jin, Guanghui Guo, Jianghu Qiu. Regeneration of
of Al-doped LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 cathode material via a sustainable method from spent
Li-ion batteries. Materials Research Bulletin.
DOI: 10.1016/j.materresbull.2020.110855

[5] Zehui Zhang, Jianghu Qiu, Min Yu, Chaozheng Jin, Bin Yang, Guanghui Guo. Performance of
Al-doped LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 synthesized from spent lithium ion batteries by sol-gel method.
Vacumm. DOI:10.1016/j.vacuum.2019.109105
[6] Min Yu, Zehui Zhang, Feng Xue, Bin Yang, Guanghui Guo, Jianghu Qiu. A more simple
and efficient process for recovery of cobalt and lithium from spent lithium-ion batteries
with citric acid. Separation and Purification Technology,2019(215):398-402.
[7] Jianghu Qiu, Min Yu, Zehui Zhang, Xing Cai, Guanghui Guo. Synthesis of
Co3O4/nitrogen-doped carbon composite from metal-organic framework as anode for Li-ion battery.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2019,775:366-371.
[8] Xin Cao, Guanghui Guo, Fangfang Liu, Yong Zhou, Songshan Zhang. The Properties of
LiMn2O4 Synthesized by Molten Salt Method Using MnO2 as

Manganese Source Recycled from Spent Zn-Mn Batteries. International Journal of Electrochemical
Science, 2015,10,3841-3847.
[9] Shan Chen, Guanghui Guo, Fangfang Liu. Study on the performance of
LiCoxMn2-xO4-yFy using spent alkaline Zn-Mn batteries as manganese source. Solid State
Ionics, 2014,161,59-66.
[10] Shan Chen, Guanghui Guo, Fangfang Liu. Study on the performance of LiMn2O4 using
spent Zn–Mn batteries as manganese source. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry,

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