



博士,讲师,硕士生导师 武汉科技大学化学与化工学院
Email: caiqun@wust.edu.cn Phone: 15926357760


2008.09–2012.06,华中师范大学, 化学学院, 学士, 导师:吴安心教授


1. 天然产物和药物分子的合成

2. 杂环化合物的串联环化反应及有机合成方法学研究

3. 多靶点抗肿瘤和抗 AD 化合物的合成及活性研究


主持湖北省教育厅青年基金项目, Q20191101, 基于原位捕获中间体的策略构建氮杂环化合物。


[1] Qun Cai, Shiyi Zhuang, Mian Yang, Na Peng, Yi Liu, An-Xin Wu*, I2-promoted tandem cyclization
to synthesize polysubstituted pyrano[3,2-c]
chromene-2,5-diones. Tetrahedron, 2019, 75, 130756. (SCI 收录,IF=2.645)

[2] Qun Cai, Hui-Yang Sheng, Deng-Kui Li, Yi Liu*, An-Xin Wu*, Base-Promoted Tandem Cyclization
for the Synthesis of Polyfunctional
2-Hydroxy-2,3-dihydrofurans from Arylglyoxal Monohydrates and
3-(1H-indol-3-yl)- 3-oxopropanenitrile, Synlett, 2018, 29, 1926-1932.

[3] Qun Cai, Deng-Kui Li, Rong-Rong Zhou, Wen-Ming Shu, Yan-Dong Wu,* and An-Xin Wu*
Acid-Catalyzed Multicomponent Tandem Cyclizations: Access to Polyfunctional
Dihydroindolizino[8,7-b]indoles. Org. Lett. 2016, 18, 1342?1345. (SCI 收录,一区,IF=6.732)
[4] Qun Cai, Deng-Kui Li, Rong-Rong Zhou, Shi-Yi Zhuang, Jin-Tian Ma,
Yan-Dong Wu,* and An-Xin Wu* Acid-Catalyzed Multicomponent Tandem Double Cyclization: A One-pot,
Metal-free Route to Synthesize Polyfunctional 4,9-Dihydropyrrolo[2,1-b]quinazolines. J. Org. Chem.
2016, 81, 8104?8111. (SCI 收录,IF=4.785)
[5] Qun Cai, Yan Yang, Deng-Kui Li, Feng-Cheng Jia, Cheng Xu, and An-Xin Wu* CuO/I2-mediated
intramolecular annulation for the synthesis of
2-aroyl-3-hydroxy-4-iodonaphthalenes. RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 89427-89430. (SCI 收

[6] Qun Cai, Feng-Cheng Jia, Deng-Kui Li, Cheng Xu, Ke-Rong Ding, and An-Xin Wu* Chemoselective
synthesis of biheterocyclic skeletons
tetrahydro-1H-pyrrolo[1,2-c]imidazole and tetrahydropyrrolo[1,2-c]thiazole derivatives via
multicomponent self-sorting domino strategy. Tetrahedron 2015, 71, 6104-6111. (SCI 收录,IF=2.645)

[7] Qun Cai, Mei-Cai Liu, Bi-Ming Mao, Xuan Xie, Feng-Cheng Jia, Yan-Ping Zhu, and An-Xin Wu*
Direct one-pot synthesis of zolimidine pharmaceutical drug and imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine derivatives
via I2/CuO-promoted tandem strategy. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2015, 26, 881-884. (SCI 收录)
[8] Qun Cai, Qin-Wan Yang, Jian-Ming Zhang, Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Novel
Bis(ethoxycarbonyl)glycoluril Macrocycle. Chinese J. Struct. Chem. 2014, 33, 785-789. (SCI 收录)
[9] Qun Cai, Yan-Ping Zhu, Yang Gao, Jing-Jing Sun, and An-Xin Wu* A direct method for the
synthesis of indolizine derivatives from easily available aromatic ketones, pyridines, and
acrylonitrile derivatives. Can. J. Chem. 2013, 91, 414–419. (SCI 收录)
[10] Yan-Ping Zhu, Qun Cai, Feng-Cheng Jia, Mei-Cai Liu, Qing-He Gao,
Xiang-Gao Meng, An-Xin Wu* Electronic tuning cyclization of
aryl-1,4-enediones: AlCl3-mediated Nazarov-type cyclization to synthesize
polysubstituted-1-indanones. Tetrahedron 2014, 70, 9536-9544. (SCI 收录, IF=2.645)
[11] Cheng Xu, Feng-Cheng Jia, Qun Cai, Deng-Kui Li, Zhi-Wen Zhou and An-Xin Wu*
Intramolecular decarboxylative coupling as the key step in
copper-catalyzed domino reaction: facile access to 2-(1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)aniline derivatives.
Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 6629-6632. (SCI 收录,一区,IF=6.567)
[12] Yan-Ping Zhu, Mei-Cai Liu, Qun Cai, Feng-Cheng Jia, and An-Xin Wu* A Cascade Coupling
Strategy for One-Pot Total Synthesis of β-Carboline and Isoquinoline-Containing Natural Products
and Derivatives. Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 10132 -10137. (SCI 收录,IF=5.771)
[13] Feng-Cheng Jia, Cheng Xu, Zhi-Wen Zhou, Qun Cai, Deng-Kui Li, and
An-Xin Wu* Consecutive Cycloaddition/SNAr/Reduction/Cyclization/Oxidation

Sequences: A Copper-Catalyzed Multicomponent Synthesis of Fused
N-Heterocycles. Org. Lett. 2015, 17, 2820-2823. (SCI 收录,一区,IF=6.732)

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