姓 名 | 陈宁 | 性 别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1972年5月 | |
教研室 | 职 称 | 教 授 | ||||
招生专业及研究方向 | 运动医学, 运动人体科学 | |||||
联系 方式 | 电话 |
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邮箱 | nchen510@gmail.com, chenning@wipe.edu.cn | |||||
| 个人简况:陈宁,男,楚天学者特聘教授,硕士、博士生导师。1994年于湖北中医药大学获药学学士,1997年于武汉体育学院获运动医学硕士,2005年于美国乔治亚州立大学获生物化学硕士,2008年于美国乔治亚州立大学获生物化学博士。自从大学毕业后,从事了大量运动损伤的临床诊疗与研究工作,并且先后在国内外著名的制药公司主持与参入新产品研究与开发获得新药证书5个,递交美国或国际专利申请多项并且已经获批美国专利1项与欧洲专利1项。后又就职于美国著名的癌症研究机构(新泽西癌症研究所)从事癌症的研究。在国内外高水平学术期刊上发表论文30多篇,其中包括在Oncogene, BBA-Molecular Cell Research, Chemistry-An European Journal 和 Biochemistry 等知名的SCI杂志上发表学术论文20多篇,并在国际学术会议上主持或进行科研成果交流10多次。攻读美
近年来发表的部分学术论文 ($为通讯作者): 1. Jun Liu, Shaohui Jia, Micheal Kiberger, Ning Chen$. Lunasin as a Promising Health-beneficial Peptide. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 2013, in Press. 2. 顿耀山, 石月, 彭晓庐,陈宁$, 中药运动营养补剂作用机制的研究. 食品科学, 2013, 34(15): 415. 3. Lisa Wong*, Ning Chen*, Vassiliki Karantza, Audrey Minden. The Pak4 protein kinase is required for oncogenic transformation of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Oncogenesis, 2013, 2(6): e50 (* is the co-first author). 4. Xianjuan Kou, Mike Kirberger, Yi Yang, Ning Chen$. Natural products for cancer prevention associated with Nrf2-ARE pathway. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2013, 2(1): 22-28. 5. Xianjuan Kou, Ning Chen, Zhiyong Feng, Lan Luo, Zhimin Yin. GSTP1 negatively regulates Stat3 activation in epidermal growth factor signaling. Oncology Letters. 2013, 5(3): 1053-1057. 7. Xianjuan Kou, Ning Chen$. Pharmacological potential of ampelopsin in Rattan tea. Food Science and Human Wellness. 2012, 1(1): 14-18. ($ is the corresponding author). 8. Ning Chen, Shen Tang, Shenghui Xue, Jenny J. Yang. Enzyme sensors for living cells. Methods in Cell Biology. 2012, 112: 421-437. 9. Tao Li, Zhiguo Feng, Shaohui Jia, Wei Wang, Zhongxia Du, Ning Chen, Zhengwang Chen, (2012). Daintain/AIF-1 Promotes Breast Cancer Cell Migration by Up-regulated TNF-α via Activating p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 131(3): 891-898. 10. Ning Chen, Vassiliki Karantza, (2011). Autophagy as a therapeutic target in cancer. Cancer Biology and Therapy. 11(2): 157-168. 11. Yingying Liu*, Ning Chen*, Sandy Price, Li Deng, Vassiliki Karantza, Audrey Minden, (2010). The protein kinase Pak4 disrupts mammary acinar architecture and promotes mammary tumorigenesis. Oncogene, 29(44): 5883-5894 (* is the co-first author). 12. Ning Chen, Yun Huang, Lily Yang, Rihe Liu, Jenny J. Yang, (2009). Designing Sensitive EGFP-based Caspase-3 Sensors for Imaging Apoptosis in Living Cells. Chemistry-A European Journal, 15(37): 9311-9314. 13. Ning Chen, Yiming Ye, Jin Zou, Shunyi Li, Siming Wang, Amy Martin, Robert Wohlhueter, Jenny J. Yang, (2009). Fluorescence Complementation via EF-hand Interactions. Journal of Biotechnology, 142(3-4): 205-213. 14. Angela N. Holder, April L. Ellis, Ning Chen, Jin Zou, Jenny J. Yang, (2009). Facilitating Chromophore Formation of Engineered Calcium-binding Green Fluorescent Proteins. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 486(1): 27-34. 15. Ning Chen, Jin Zou, Yiming Ye, Siming Wang, Giovanni Gadda, Jenny J. Yang, (2009). Designing Protease Sensors for Real-time Imaging of Trypsin Activation in Pancreatic Cancer Cells. Biochemistry, 48(15): 3519-26. 16. Ning Chen, Vassiliki Karantza-Wadsworth, (2009). Role and Regulation of Autophagy in Cancer. BBA-Molecular Cell Research, 1793(9): 1516-1523.
培养研究生专业和研究方向:运动医学运,动人体科学 目前正开展的在研科研项目近10项,欢迎有志从事运动医学和运动人体科学研究的青年报考,以及有志出国留学或交流学习工作的青年报考。 | |||||
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