

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26

2009年7月- 2013年3月,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学光伏与可再生能源学院,光伏工程博士,导师:Martin Green教授(澳大利亚两院院士,“硅太阳能电池之父”)。
2006年9月- 2009年6月,武汉理工大学硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室,材料学硕士。导师:赵修建教授
2002年9月- 2006年6月,武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院,材料科学与工程专业,本科。

2015年2月-2018年9月,澳大利亚莫纳什大学材料科学与工程学院可再生能源实验室博士后研究员。合作导师:程一兵教授(澳大利亚工程院院士);Joanne Etheridge教授(澳大利亚科学院院士)
2013年4月-2015年2月,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学光伏与可再生能源学院Cu2ZnSnS4太阳能电池课题组博士后研究员。合作导师:Martin Green教授、郝小静副教授

通过将宽禁带的钙钛矿太阳能电池叠加在窄禁带的硅太阳能电池之上,形成叠层电池,可以将硅电池的理论转化效率从29 %提升到42.5 %,目前国际最高效率已突破29.5%。
国家自然科学基金青年项目:Cs(Pb,Sn)I3-xBrx全无机钙钛矿太阳能电池中缺陷产生、消除及钝化机制的研究 ,2019年-2021年,25****民币,项目批准号:**,项目负责人。
国家重点研发计划:高载流子迁移率低维光光电材料联合应用及示范,项目批准号: SQ2017YFGH001256,2020-2022,595万,研究骨干。
1.Mathias Uller Rothmann, Wei Li, Ye Zhu, Udo Bach, Leone Spiccia, Joanne Etheridge*, Yi-Bing Cheng*,Direct observation of intrinsic twin domains in tetragonal CH3NH3PbI3, Nature Communications, (2017) 14547. (共同第一作者)
2.Mathias Uller Rothmann, Wei Li*, Ye Zhu, Amelia Liu, Zhiliang Ku, Udo Bach, Joanne Etheridge*, Yi-Bing Cheng, Structural and chemical changes to CH3NH3PbI3 induced by electron and gallium ion beams, Advanced Materials, (2018), **. (共同第一作者,通讯作者)
3.Wei Li, Mathias Uller Rothmann, Amelia Liu, Ziyu Wang, Yupeng Zhang, Alexander R. Pascoe, Jianfeng Lu, Liangcong Jiang, Yu Chen, Fuzhi Huang, Yong Peng, Qiaoliang Bao, Joanne Etheridge, Udo Bach*, Yi-Bing Cheng*, Phase segregation enhanced ion movement in efficient inorganic CsPbIBr2 solar cells, Advanced energy materials, (2017) 7, **.
4.Mathias Uller Rothmann, Wei Li, Joanne Etheridge*, Yi-Bing Cheng*, Microstructural characterisations of perovskite solar cells - from grains to interfaces: techniques, features, and challenges, Advanced energy materials; (2017) 7, **. (共同第一作者)
5.Rui Chen, Tongle Bu, Jing Li, Wei Li*, Peng Zhou, Xueping Liu, Zhiliang Ku, Jie Zhong, Yong Peng, Fuzhi Huang*, Yi-Bing Cheng and Zhengyi Fu, Efficient and stable inverted planar perovskite solar cells using a triphenylamine hole transporting material, ChemSusChem, (2018), 11, 1467-1473.
6.Wei Li, Xiaolei Liu, Hongtao Cui, Shujuan Huang, Xiaojing Hao*, The role of Ag in (Ag,Cu)2ZnSnS4 thin film for solar cell application, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 625 (2015) 277–283.
7.Wei Li, Jian Chen, Chang Yan, Xiaojing Hao*, The effect of ZnS segregation on Zn-rich CZTS thin film solar cells, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 632, 25 (2015), 178–184.
8.Wei Li, Jian Chen, Chang Yan, Fangyang Liu, Xiaojing Hao*, Transmission electron microscopy analysis for the process of crystallization of Cu2ZnSnS4 film from sputtered Zn/CuSn precursor, Nanotechnology, 25 (2014) 195701.
9.Wei Li*, Sergey Varlamov, Chaowei Xue, Epitaxially grown polycrystalline silicon thin-film solar cells on solid-phase crystallised seed layers, Applied Surface Science, 314 (2014) 174-179.
10.Wei Li, Jian Chen, Hongtao Cui, Fangyang Liu, Xiaojing Hao, Inhibiting MoS2 formation by introducing a ZnO intermediate layer for Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells, Materials Letters, 130 (2014) 87–90.
11.Wei Li*, Sergey Varlamov, Chaowei Xue, The effect of rapid thermal annealed seed layer on the epitaxial poly-Si thin film solar cell?s structure quality and performance, Materials Letters, 133 (2014) 75-79.
12.Wei Li*, Sergey Varlamov, Jonathon Dore and Martin Green, Defect annealing in ultra-thin polycrystalline silicon films on glass: rapid thermal versus laser processing, Materials Letters, 107 (2013) 1–4.
13.Wei Li*, Donglin Xia, Huifang Wang, Xiujian Zhao*, Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon thin film prepared by RF-PECVD at high pressure, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356 (2010), 2552-2556.
14.Wei Li*, Sergey Varlamov, Jialiang Huang, Defect elimination in solid-phase crystallised Si thin films by line-focus diode laser annealing, Thin Solid Films, 576 (2015) 42–49.
15.Wei Li*, Sergey Varlamov, Miga Jung, Jialiang Huang, Vapour-Phase and Solid-Phase Epitaxy of Silicon on Solid-Phase Crystallised Seed Layers for Solar Cells Application, International Journal of Photoenergy, 2014 (2014), 234602.

1.“A method for forming a virtual germanium substrate using a laser”, International publication number: WO/2016/03364, Inventors: Xiaojing Hao, Martin Green, Ziheng Liu, Wei Li, Anita Ho-Baillie.
2.“A method of manufacturing a photovoltaic device”, International publication number: WO/2017/096434, Inventors: Xiaojing Hao, Martin Green, Jialiang Huang, Wei Li.

E-mail: wei.li@whut.edu.cn

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