本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26
唐浩林 简介
性 别: 男 出生年月:1981年2月
学位:博士 职称:教授,博士生导师
科技局(DSTA),Research Scientist associate
2007-2008,新加坡南洋理工大学,Research Fellow
围绕燃料电池、锂电池及其隔膜关键材料,在包括锂电池、燃料电池的动力电池质子交换膜、膜电极开发和工程制造方面取得创新性成果:提出的质子交换膜溶胀应力疲劳破坏理论和快速测试方法成为国际主流方法,并被DOE年度报告作为标准方法引用,开发的复合膜经美国通用(GM)、德国大众等机构评测,性能寿命均优于国际同类产品,开发的质子交换膜结构复合 技术应用于电池隔膜,形成了三层共挤异质隔膜创新技术,近3年实现产值2.16亿,开发的复合膜及其膜电极在“863”项目中完成车用、热电联供和基站备用电源验证,为我国复合膜产业的发展进行了开创性研究。
1. 主持863课题4项
2. 主持国家自然科学基金项目3项
3. 省部级项目8项
在Adv Mater, Adv Energy Mater, Adv Funct Mater, Nano Energy等国际著名期刊上发表SCI论文144篇,受邀撰写国际专著章节 4篇,申请、获得国家发明专利86项。
1 Haolin Tang, Mu Pan: Nafion. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, 11/2014, John Wiley & Sons.
2 Haolin Tang, Junrui Li, Zhao Wang, Huijie Zhang, Mu Pan, San Ping Jiang: Self-Assembly of Nanostructured Proton Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells. Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy, Edited by Yun Hang Hu, Uwe Burghaus, Shizhang Qiao, 08/2013: chapter 10, ACS., ISBN: 39
3 HaoLin Tang, Junrui Li, Mu Pan: High-Temperature Inorganic Proton Conductors for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. Nanostructured and Advanced Materials for Fuel Cells, CRC Press edited by San Ping Jiang, Pei Kang Shen, 01/2013: chapter 16, CRC Press., ISBN: 04
1 Amiinu, I. S., Liu, X., Pu, Z., Li, W., Li, Q., Zhang, J., Tang, H.*, Zhang, H., Mu, S. From 3D ZIF Nanocrystals to Co–Nx/C Nanorod Array Electrocatalysts for ORR, OER, and Zn–Air Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials. 2018, 10.1002/adfm.
2 Zhu, Z., Yan, X., Tang, H., Cai, H., Pan, M., Zhang, H., Luo, J. Protic ionic liquid modified electrocatalyst enables robust anode under cell reversal condition. Journal of Power Sources. 2017, 351, 138.
3 Zhang, X., Luo, J., Tang, P., Ye, X., Peng, X., Tang, H.*, Sun, S., Fransaer, J. A universal strategy for metal oxide anchored and binder-free carbon matrix electrode: A supercapacitor case with superior rate performance and high mass loading. Nano Energy. 2017, 31, 311.
4 Yuan, J., Fan, M., Zhang, F., Xu, Y., Tang, H., Huang, C., Zhang, H. Amine- functionalized poly(ionic liquid) brushes for carbon dioxide adsorption. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 316, 903
5 Xu, J., Shi, L., Liang, C., Wu, H., Lei, J., Liu, D., Qu, D., Xie, Z., Li, J., Tang, H.* Fe and N Co-doped Carbons Derived from an Ionic Liquid as Active Bifunctional Oxygen Catalysts. Chemelectrochem. 2017, 4 (5), 1148.
6 Wang, R., Cai, S., Yan, Y., Yourey, W., Tong, W., Tang, H.* A novel high- performance electrode architecture for supercapacitors: Fe2O3 nanocube and carbon nanotube functionalized carbon. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2017, 5 (43), 22648.
7 Wang, J., Huang, Z., Liu, W., Chang, C., Tang, H., Li, Z., Chen, W., Jia, C., Yao, T., Wei, S.et al. Design of N-coordinated dual-metal sites: A stable and active Pt-free catalyst for acidic oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2017, 139 (48), 17281.
8 Tang, H., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y., Wang, R., Cai, S., Liao, C., Cai, H., Lu, X., Tsiakaras, P. Iron-embedded nitrogen doped carbon frameworks as robust catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in microbial fuel cells. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental. 2017, 202, 550.
9 Jiang, Y., Zhang, Y., Yan, X., Tian, M., Xiao, W., Tang, H.* A sustainable route from fly ash to silicon nanorods for high performance lithium ion batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 330, 1052
10 He, D., Tang, H.*, Kou, Z., Pan, M., Sun, X., Zhang, J., Mu, S. Engineered graphene materials: Synthesis and applications for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Advanced Materials. 2017, 29 (20).
11 Cai, S., Meng, Z., Tang, H.*, Wang, Y., Tsiakaras, P. 3D Co-N-doped hollow carbon spheres as excellent bifunctional electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction and oxygen evolution reaction. Applied Catalysis B- Environmental. 2017, 217, 477.
12 Xiang, Y., Li, J., Lei, J., Liu, D., Xie, Z., Qu, D., Li, K., Deng, T., Tang, H.* Advanced separators for lithium-ion and lithium-sulfur batteries: A review of recent progress. Chemsuschem. 2016, 9 (21), 3023.
13 Tang, H., Zeng, Y., Liu, D., Qu, D., Luo, J., Binnemans, K., De Vos, D. E., Fransaer, J., Qu, D., Sun, S. Dual-doped mesoporous carbon synthesized by a novel nanocasting method with superior catalytic activity for oxygen reduction. Nano Energy. 2016, 26, 131.
14 Tang, H., Cai, S., Xie, S., Wang, Z., Tong, Y., Pan, M., Lu, X. Metal- organic-framework-derived dual metal- and nitrogen-doped carbon as efficient and robust oxygen reduction reaction catalysts for microbial fuel cells. Advanced Science. 2016, 3 (2).
15 Liu, D., Zeng, C., Qu, D., Tang, H., Li, Y., Su, B.-L., Qu, D. Highly efficient synthesis of ordered nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbons with tunable properties and its application in high performance supercapacitors. Journal of Power Sources. 2016, 321, 143.
16 Chen, X., Tang, H.*, Putzeys, T., Sniekers, J., Wubbenhorst, M., Binnemans, K., Fransaer, J., De Vos, D. E., Li, Q., Luo, J. Guanidinium nonaflate as a solid-state proton conductor. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2016, 4 (31), 12241. 10.73
17 Yu, M., Zeng, Y., Han, Y., Cheng, X., Zhao, W., Liang, C., Tong, Y., Tang, H.*, Lu, X. Valence-optimized vanadium oxide supercapacitor electrodes exhibit ultrahigh capacitance and super-long cyclic durability of 100000 cycles. Advanced Functional Materials. 2015, 25 (23), 3534.
18 Tang, H., Xiong, M., Qu, D., Liu, D., Zhang, Z., Xie, Z., Wei, X., Tu, W., Qu, D. Enhanced supercapacitive performance on TiO2@C coaxial nano-rod array through a bio-inspired approach. Nano Energy. 2015, 15, 75.
19 Li, J., Tang, H.*, Chen, R., Liu, D., Xie, Z., Pan, M., Jiang, S. P. Highly ordered 3D macroporous scaffold supported Pt/C oxygen electrodes with superior gas-proton transportation properties and activities for fuel cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2015, 3 (29), 15001.
20 Zhang, J., Li, J., Tang, H.*, Pan, M., Jiang, S. P. Comprehensive strategy to design highly ordered mesoporous Nafion membranes for fuel cells under low humidity conditions. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2014, 2 (48), 20578.
21 Xiong, M., Tang, H.*, Wang, Y., Pan, M. Ethylcellulose-coated polyolefin separators for lithium-ion batteries with improved safety performance. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2014, 101, 1140.
22 Wang, Z., Tang, H.*, Li, J., Zeng, Y., Chen, L., Pan, M. Insight into the structural construction of a perfluorosulfonic acid membrane derived from a polymeric dispersion. Journal of Power Sources. 2014, 256, 383.
23 Liang, C., Li, J., Tang, H.*, Zhang, H., Zhang, H., Mu, P. Approaching high temperature performance for proton exchange membrane fuel cells with 3D ordered silica/Cs2.5H0.5PW electrolytes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2014, 2 (3), 753.
24 Li, J., Tang, H.*, Chen, L., Chen, R., Pan, M., Jiang, S. P. Highly ordered and periodic mesoporous Nafion membranes via colloidal silica mediated self-assembly for fuel cells. Chemical Communications. 2013, 49 (58), 6537.
Prof. Haolin Tang
Tel: +86-
Email: tanghaolin2005@yahoo.com.cn
2001 B.Sc. Wuhan University of Technology
2007 Ph.D. Wuhan University of Technology
Since 2011 Professor, Wuhan University of Technology
2008-2011 Associate Professor, Wuhan University of Technology, Research Scientist
associate, Singapore`s Defence Science and Technology Agency
2007-2008 Research Fellow, Nanyang Technology University
Research Interests
Focusing on the key materials of fuel cells, lithium batteries and their diaphragms, innovative achievements have been made in the development and engineering manufacturing of proton exchange membranes and membrane electrodes for power batteries, including lithium batteries and fuel cells.
Representative Publications
1 Haolin Tang, Mu Pan: Nafion. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, 11/2014, John Wiley & Sons.
2 Haolin Tang, Junrui Li, Zhao Wang, Huijie Zhang, Mu Pan, San Ping Jiang: Self-Assembly of Nanostructured Proton Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells. Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy, Edited by Yun Hang Hu, Uwe Burghaus, Shizhang Qiao, 08/2013: chapter 10, ACS., ISBN: 39
3 HaoLin Tang, Junrui Li, Mu Pan: High-Temperature Inorganic Proton Conductors for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. Nanostructured and Advanced Materials for Fuel Cells, CRC Press edited by San Ping Jiang, Pei Kang Shen, 01/2013: chapter 16, CRC Press., ISBN: 04
4 Amiinu, I. S., Liu, X., Pu, Z., Li, W., Li, Q., Zhang, J., Tang, H., Zhang, H., Mu, S. From 3D ZIF Nanocrystals to Co–Nx/C Nanorod Array Electrocatalysts for ORR, OER, and Zn–Air Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials. 2018, 10.1002/adfm.
5 Zhu, Z., Yan, X., Tang, H., Cai, H., Pan, M., Zhang, H., Luo, J. Protic ionic liquid modified electrocatalyst enables robust anode under cell reversal condition. Journal of Power Sources. 2017, 351, 138.
6 Zhang, X., Luo, J., Tang, P., Ye, X., Peng, X., Tang, H., Sun, S., Fransaer, J. A universal strategy for metal oxide anchored and binder-free carbon matrix electrode: A supercapacitor case with superior rate performance and high mass loading. Nano Energy. 2017, 31, 311.
7 Yuan, J., Fan, M., Zhang, F., Xu, Y., Tang, H., Huang, C., Zhang, H. Amine- functionalized poly(ionic liquid) brushes for carbon dioxide adsorption. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 316, 903
8 Xu, J., Shi, L., Liang, C., Wu, H., Lei, J., Liu, D., Qu, D., Xie, Z., Li, J., Tang, H. Fe and N Co-doped Carbons Derived from an Ionic Liquid as Active Bifunctional Oxygen Catalysts. Chemelectrochem. 2017, 4 (5), 1148.
9 Wang, R., Cai, S., Yan, Y., Yourey, W., Tong, W., Tang, H. A novel high- performance electrode architecture for supercapacitors: Fe2O3 nanocube and carbon nanotube functionalized carbon. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2017, 5 (43), 22648.
10 Wang, J., Huang, Z., Liu, W., Chang, C., Tang, H., Li, Z., Chen, W., Jia, C., Yao, T., Wei, S.et al. Design of N-coordinated dual-metal sites: A stable and active Pt-free catalyst for acidic oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2017, 139 (48), 17281.
11 Tang, H., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y., Wang, R., Cai, S., Liao, C., Cai, H., Lu, X., Tsiakaras, P. Iron-embedded nitrogen doped carbon frameworks as robust catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in microbial fuel cells. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental. 2017, 202, 550.
12 Jiang, Y., Zhang, Y., Yan, X., Tian, M., Xiao, W., Tang, H. A sustainable route from fly ash to silicon nanorods for high performance lithium ion batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 330, 1052
13 He, D., Tang, H., Kou, Z., Pan, M., Sun, X., Zhang, J., Mu, S. Engineered graphene materials: Synthesis and applications for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Advanced Materials. 2017, 29 (20).
14 Cai, S., Meng, Z., Tang, H., Wang, Y., Tsiakaras, P. 3D Co-N-doped hollow carbon spheres as excellent bifunctional electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction and oxygen evolution reaction. Applied Catalysis B- Environmental. 2017, 217, 477.
15 Xiang, Y., Li, J., Lei, J., Liu, D., Xie, Z., Qu, D., Li, K., Deng, T., Tang, H. Advanced separators for lithium-ion and lithium-sulfur batteries: A review of recent progress. Chemsuschem. 2016, 9 (21), 3023.
16 Tang, H., Zeng, Y., Liu, D., Qu, D., Luo, J., Binnemans, K., De Vos, D. E., Fransaer, J., Qu, D., Sun, S. Dual-doped mesoporous carbon synthesized by a novel nanocasting method with superior catalytic activity for oxygen reduction. Nano Energy. 2016, 26, 131.
17 Tang, H., Cai, S., Xie, S., Wang, Z., Tong, Y., Pan, M., Lu, X. Metal- organic-framework-derived dual metal- and nitrogen-doped carbon as efficient and robust oxygen reduction reaction catalysts for microbial fuel cells. Advanced Science. 2016, 3 (2).
18 Liu, D., Zeng, C., Qu, D., Tang, H., Li, Y., Su, B.-L., Qu, D. Highly efficient synthesis of ordered nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbons with tunable properties and its application in high performance supercapacitors. Journal of Power Sources. 2016, 321, 143.
19 Chen, X., Tang, H., Putzeys, T., Sniekers, J., Wubbenhorst, M., Binnemans, K., Fransaer, J., De Vos, D. E., Li, Q., Luo, J. Guanidinium nonaflate as a solid-state proton conductor. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2016, 4 (31), 12241. 10.73
20 Yu, M., Zeng, Y., Han, Y., Cheng, X., Zhao, W., Liang, C., Tong, Y., Tang, H., Lu, X. Valence-optimized vanadium oxide supercapacitor electrodes exhibit ultrahigh capacitance and super-long cyclic durability of 100000 cycles. Advanced Functional Materials. 2015, 25 (23), 3534.
21 Tang, H., Xiong, M., Qu, D., Liu, D., Zhang, Z., Xie, Z., Wei, X., Tu, W., Qu, D. Enhanced supercapacitive performance on TiO2@C coaxial nano-rod array through a bio-inspired approach. Nano Energy. 2015, 15, 75.
22 Li, J., Tang, H., Chen, R., Liu, D., Xie, Z., Pan, M., Jiang, S. P. Highly ordered 3D macroporous scaffold supported Pt/C oxygen electrodes with superior gas-proton transportation properties and activities for fuel cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2015, 3 (29), 15001.
23 Zhang, J., Li, J., Tang, H., Pan, M., Jiang, S. P. Comprehensive strategy to design highly ordered mesoporous Nafion membranes for fuel cells under low humidity conditions. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2014, 2 (48), 20578.
24 Xiong, M., Tang, H., Wang, Y., Pan, M. Ethylcellulose-coated polyolefin separators for lithium-ion batteries with improved safety performance. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2014, 101, 1140.
25 Wang, Z., Tang, H., Li, J., Zeng, Y., Chen, L., Pan, M. Insight into the structural construction of a perfluorosulfonic acid membrane derived from a polymeric dispersion. Journal of Power Sources. 2014, 256, 383.
26 Liang, C., Li, J., Tang, H., Zhang, H., Zhang, H., Mu, P. Approaching high temperature performance for proton exchange membrane fuel cells with 3D ordered silica/Cs2.5H0.5PW electrolytes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2014, 2 (3), 753.
Li, J., Tang, H., Chen, L., Chen, R., Pan, M., Jiang, S. P. Highly ordered and periodic mesoporous Nafion membranes via colloidal silica mediated self-assembly for fuel cells. Chemical Communications. 2013, 49 (58), 6537.
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