

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26

姓 名:尹海斌
性 别:男
职 称:教授
学 历:研究生
学 位:博士
电 话:**
邮 箱:chinaliuyin@whut.edu.cn
2019年-至 今,武汉理工大学,机电工程学院,教授、博导



[1] Haibin. Yin*, Jing. Liuand Feng.Yang, Hybrid Structure Designof Lightweight Robotic Arms Based on Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic and Aluminum Alloy, IEEE Access, 2019, (7) 64932-64945.
[2] Haibin. Yin*, Cheng. Kong, Junfeng. Li and Guilin. Yang, Modeling of Grasping Force for a Soft Robotic Gripper with Variable Stiffness, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2018, 128: 254-274.
[3] H. Yin*, J. Zhou, J. Li and V. S. Joseph, Fabrication and Properties of Composite Artificial Muscles Based on Nylon and a Shape Memory Alloy, Journal of Material Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27(7) 3581-3589.
[4] H. Yin*, S. Huang, M. Heand J. Li, A unified design of lightweight robotic arms based on unified description of structure and drive trains, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2017.07.04, 14(4): 1~14.
[5] H. Yin*, Y. LiandJ. Li, Decomposed dynamic control for a flexible robotic arm in consideration of nonlinearity and the effect of gravity, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017.02.01, 9(2).
[6] H. Yin*, Y. Kobayashi, J. Xu, F. Huang, Theoretical and Experimental Investigation on Decomposed Dynamic Control for a Flexible manipulator based on nonlinearity, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2014.7.24, 20(11): 1718~1726.
[7] J. Li, L. Zhu, Gu. Zhong, M. He, H. Yin*and Y. Tan, Stiffness characteristics of soft finger with embedded SMA fibers, Composite Structures, 2017.01.15, 160: 758~764.
[8] J. Li, H. Yin*and Y. Tan, A novel variable stiffness soft finger actuated by shape memory alloy, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetic and Mechanics, 2017, 53(4): 727~733.
[9] J. Li, G. Zhong, Z. Li, S. Zeng, H. Yin*and Y. Tan, Position control of a robot finger with variable stiffness actuated by shape memory alloy, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA), Singapore, 2017.5.29-2017.6.3.
[10] 尹海斌,钟国梁,李军锋,《机器人刚柔耦合动力学》,华中科技大学出版社,2018


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