

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26

杨明红, 男,工学博士,武汉理工大学光纤传感国家工程实验室研究员。
2003.6 毕业于华中科技大学激光技术研究院,获博士学位;
2003.7-2005.12 德国耶拿弗劳恩霍夫应用光学精密机械研究所 (Fraunhofer IOF Jena)博士后;
2006.1-2008.9 德国柏林工业大学分析科学研究所 (TU Berlin) 科学研究员
2008.10至今 武汉理工大学光纤传感国家工程实验室 研究员
1.新型复合敏感材料;2. 薄膜光学;3.薄膜光电子器件及系统;4.光纤传感器。
1.M. Yang, Y. Sun, D.Zhang, D. Jiang, “Using Pd/WO3 composite thin films as sensing materials for optical fiber hydrogen sensors“ Sensor & Actuator B: Chemical 143, 2, (2010)750–753
2.M.Yang, J. Dai, C. Zhou, D. Jiang “Optical fiber magnetic field sensors with TbDyFe magnetostrictive thin films as sensing materials“ Optics Express 17, I23, (2009) 20777–20782
3.M. Yang, Y. Sun, C.Zhou, D. Jiang, “Optical fibre magnetic field/current sensors with TbDyFe-FeNi multilayer as sensing materials“ Sensor Letters. 7, (2009) 576–579
4.M. Yang, C. Cobet, N. Esser, “Optical thin film polarizer integrated with suppression of higher orders in the VUV and soft x-ray spectral regions”, Applied Physics Letters 92, (2008) 01110
5.M. Yang, C. Zhou, D. Jiang, L. Shen, “Broadband-reflecting optical thin films for the far ultraviolet spectral range“, Thin Solid Films, 517, 2, (2008), 878-880
6.M. Yang, C. Cobet, N. Esser, “Tunable thin film polarizer for the VUV and soft x-ray spectral regions”, Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 5, (2007), 072705
7.M. Yang, C. Zhou, D. Jiang, “Comparison of different strategies to realize highly reflective thin film coatings at 1064nm“, Infrared Physics & Technology, 51, 6, (2008), 572-575
8.M. Yang, C. Cobet, N. Esser, “Tunable thin film polarizer for the VUV and soft x-ray spectral regions”, Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 5, (2007), 072705
9.M. Yang “Design and performance of a tunable polarizer for VUV and soft x-ray spectral regions”, Journal of Optics A: Pure Appl. Opt. 9 (2007) 936-939
10.M. Yang, A. Gatto, N. Kaiser, “Highly reflecting aluminium-protected optical coatings for the VUV spectral range ”, Applied Optics, 45, 1, (2006), 178-183
11.M. Yang, A. Gatto, N. Kaiser, “Designs and depositions of vacuum UV narrow bandpass filters for analytical chemistry applications”, Applied Optics, 45, 7, (2006) 1359 – 1363
12.M. Yang, A. Gatto, N. Kaiser, “Metal enhanced highly reflecting optical coatings for the spectral range from Vacuum UV to Near IR ”, Journal of Optics A: Pure Appl. Opt. 8 (2006) 327-332
13.A. Gatto, M. Yang, N. Kaiser, “Coatings for the next-generation micro mechanical mirrors”, Applied Optics, 45, 7, (2006) 1602 –1607
14.A. Gatto, M. Yang, N. Kaiser, “Towards resistant VUV coatings for free electron laser down to 150 nm”, Applied Optics 45, 28, (2006) 7316 –17318
15.M. Yang, A. Gatto, N. Kaiser, “Research and development of VUV optical coatings for micro mirrors applications”, Optics and Precision Engineering,13, 4 (2005) 465-470
16.M. Yang, J. Liu, Q. Chen, et al, “Design of 25 GHz thin film filter with a third high refractive index materials as cavity layers”, Thin Solid Films 425 (2003) 193-195
17.N. Kaiser, U.Schluz, T. Feigl, M. Yang “Challenges and trends in optical coatings” Optics and Precision Engineering, Vol.13 No.4 (2005) 389-396
德国专利 DE3 (2004年)
欧洲专利 PCT EP2005/006901 (2005年)
国际专利 WO2006/000445 (2006年)
美国专利 US 11/630 175 (2007年)
中国专利 7.7 (2009年)
电话:(027)** * 8101(O)
E-mail: minghong.yang@whut.edu.cn


相关话题/材料科学与工程学院 武汉理工大学