姓 名
性 别
民 族
职 称
职 务
1. 纳米电化学储能材料
2. 锂离子电池、钠离子电池
3. 水系电池、固态电池
4. 动力电池、大规模储能电池
2004 - 2008 武汉理工大学 材料物理 学士
2008 - 2013 武汉理工大学 材料物理与化学 博士
2011 - 2013 美国哈佛大学 材料物理与化学 联合培养博士
2013-2016 美国哈佛大学 博士后
2016-2017 新加坡南洋理工大学 博士后
2017-至今 武汉理工大学 研究员、博士生导师
(1) 国家自然科学基金(**,27万元):锂镧锆氧介孔纳米管/PEO-TEGDME复合固态电解质的结构调控与离子输运机制,2019-2021年,项目负责人
(2) 国家自然科学基金(**,300万元):分级介孔纳米线钾离子电池正极材料的表界面调控及原位作用机制,2019-2023年,项目骨干
(3) 国家“十三五”装备预研共用技术和领域基金(50万元):快速自修复全固态电池关键材料研究,2018-2020年,项目负责人
(4) 武汉理工大学自主创新研究基金(2018IVA091):复合固态电解质的合成与微纳结构调控, 2018-2019年,项目负责人
(5) 武汉理工大学ESI学科水平提升计划项目:固态储能器件的研究,2018-2019年,项目负责人
在Nature Nanotech., Nature Commun., Chem, Joule, PNAS, Chem. Rev., Acc. Chem. Res., Adv. Mater., Nano Lett.等国际知名期刊发表学术论文50余篇,论文被引用4600余次。代表论文如下:
1. Q. Liu, Z. Hao, X. Liao, X. Pan, S. Li, L. Xu*, L. Mai. Langmuir-blodgett nanowire devices for in-situ probing of zinc-ion batteries. Small, 2019, **.
2. G. Zhou?, L. Xu?, G. Hu, L. Mai*, Y. Cui*. Nanowires for electrochemical energy storage devices. Chemical Reviews, 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.9b00326.
3. Z. Hao, L. Xu, Q. Liu, W. Yang, X. Liao, J. Meng, X. Hong, L. He, L. Mai*. On-chip Ni–Zn microbattery based on hierarchical ordered porous Ni@Ni(OH)2 microelectrode with ultrafast ion and electron transport kinetics. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2019, 29, **.
4. S. Khajehbashi, L. Xu*, G. Zhang, S. Tan, Y. Zhao, L. Wang, J. Li, W. Luo, D. Peng, L. Mai*. High-performance Na?O2 batteries enabled by oriented NaO2 nanowires as discharge products, Nano Letters, 2018, 18, 3934-3942.
5. K. Yu, X. Pan, G. Zhang, X. Liao, X. Zhou, M. Yan, L. Xu*, L. Mai*. Nanowires in energy storage devices: Structures, synthesis, and applications, Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, **.
6. L. Xu, Y. Zhao, K. Owusu, Z. Zhuang, Q. Liu, Z. Wang, Z. Li, L. Mai*. Recent advances in nanowire-biosystem interfaces: From chemical conversion, energy production to electrophysiology, Chem, 2018, 4, 1538-1559.
7. L. Xu, S. Tang, Y. Cheng, K. Wang, J. Liang, C. Liu, Y. Cao*, F. Wei, L. Mai*. Interfaces in solid-state lithium batteries. Joule, 2018, 2, 1991-2015.
8. J. Meng, H. Guo, C. Niu, Y. Zhao, L. Xu*, Q. Li, L. Mai*, Advances in structure and property optimizations of battery electrode materials. Joule, 2017, 1, 522-547.
9. X. Tian, B. Xiao, X. Xu, L. Xu*, Z. Liu, Z. Wang, M. Yan, Q. Wei, and L. Mai*, Vertically stacked holey graphene/polyaniline heterostructures with enhanced energy storage for on-chip micro-supercapacitors. Nano Research, 2016, 9, 1012-1021.
10. C. Niu; X. Liu; J. Meng; L. Xu*; M. Yan; X. Wang; G. Zhang; Z. Liu; X. Xu; L. Mai*. Three dimensional V2O5/NaV6O15 hierarchical heterostructures: Controlled synthesis and synergistic effect investigated by in situ X-ray diffraction. Nano Energy, 2016, 27, 147-156.
11. Y. S. No, L. Xu*, M. N. Mankin, H. G. Park*. Shape-controlled assembly of nanowires for photonic elements, ACS Photonics, 2016, 3, 2285-2290.
12. C. Niu, J. Meng, X. Wang, C. Han, M. Yan, K. Zhao, X. Xu, W. Ren, Y. Zhao, L. Xu*, Q. Zhang, D. Zhao, L. Mai*. General synthesis of complex nanotubes by gradient electrospinning and controlled pyrolysis. Nature Communications, 2015, 6, 7402.
13. X. Xu, M. Yan, X. Tian, C. Yang, M. Shi, Q. Wei, L. Xu*; L. Mai*. In situ investigation of Li and Na ion transport with single nanowire electrochemical devices. Nano Letters, 2015, 15, 3879-3884.
14. Z. Cai?, L. Xu?, M. Yan, C. Han, L. He, K. M. Hercule, C. Niu, Z. Yuan, W. Xu, L. Qu, K. Zhao, L. Mai*. Manganese oxide/carbon yolk?shell nanorod anodes for high capacity lithium batteries. Nano Letters, 2015, 15, 738-744.
15. L. Xu, Z. Jiang, L. Mai, Q. Qing*. Multiplexed free-standing nanowire transistor bioprobe for intracellular recording: A general fabrication strategy, Nano Letters, 2014, 14, 3602-3607.
16. Q. Qing, Z. Jiang, L. Xu, R. Gao, L. Mai, C. M. Lieber *. Free-standing kinked nanowire transistor probes for targeted intracellular recording in three dimensions. Nature Nanotechnology, 2014, 9, 142-147.
17. L. Xu, Z. Jiang, Q. Qing, L. Mai, Q. Zhang, C. M. Lieber*. Design and synthesis of diverse functional kinked nanowire structures for nanoelectronic bioprobes, Nano Letters, 2013, 13, 746-751.
18. Y. Zhao?, L. Xu?, L. Mai*, C. Han, Q. An, X. Xu, X. Liu, Q. Zhang. Hierarchical mesoporous perovskite La0.5Sr0.5CoO2.91 nanowires with ultrahigh capacity for Li-air batteries, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012, 109 (48), 19569–19574.
19. L. Mai*, L. Xu, C. Han, X. Xu, Y. Luo, S. Zhao, Y. Zhao. Electrospun ultralong hierarchical vanadium oxide nanowires with high performance for lithium ion batteries, Nano Letters, 2010, 10, 4750-4755.
20. L. Mai*, L. Xu, Q. Gao, C. Han, B. Hu, Y. Pi. Single β-AgVO3 nanowire H2S sensor, Nano Letters, 2010, 10, 2604-2608.
1. 徐林,刘琴,麦立强,纳米线薄膜电化学器件及原位分析纳米线充放电过程中电输运机制的方法,中国,申请号:CN2.7
2. 麦立强,徐林,韩春华,分级结构钒氧化物超长纳米线及其制备方法,中国,申请号:CN8.7
3. 麦立强,董亚杰,徐林,韩春华,单根纳米线电化学器件及其组装、原位表征的方法,中国,申请号:CN1.6
4. 麦立强,蔡正阳,徐林,晏梦雨,一维锰氧化物/碳同轴中空纳米棒及其制备方法和应用,中国,申请号:CN8.X
5. 麦立强,韩春华,高倩,徐林,一种β-AgVO3纳米线硫化氢气敏材料及其用于制作气敏传感器的方法,中国,申请号:CN3.5
6. 陈文,麦立强,祁琰媛,徐林,项旭夫,戴英,周静,朱泉峣,LiFePO4纳米棒的制备方法,中国,申请号:CN0.7
7. 麦立强,李硕,董轶凡,徐林,何亮,高性能磷酸钒钠对称型钠离子电池材料及其制备方法和应用,中国,申请号:CN3.6
8. 麦立强,杨楚楚,田晓聪,许絮,何亮,徐林,超薄预锂化V6O13纳米片及其制备方法和应用,中国,申请号:CN8.0
9. 刘韩星,徐林,曹明贺,微波熔盐法合成片状晶体Sr3Ti2O7,中国,申请号:CN8.5
10. 麦立强,陈文,郭万里,顾彦辉,韩春华,胡彬,张鹏超,徐林,戴英,一种实现二氧化钒纳米线单分散修饰和择优取向排列的方法,中国,申请号:CN5.9
1. 2018年中国新锐科技人物知社特别奖;
2. 2018年教育部自然科学一等奖(第二获奖人);
3. 指导学生获得以下奖励:
Prof. Lin Xu
Address: Wuhan University of Technology, 122 Luoshi Road, Wuhan 430070, China
Email:linxu@whut.edu.cn Tel: +86-**
Wuhan University of Technology
Materials Physics B.E.
Wuhan University of Technology
Materials Physics and Chemistry Ph.D
Harvard University
Materials Physics and Chemistry Joint Ph.D
Harvard University
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Nanyang Technological University
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Wuhan University of Technology
National Natural Science Foundation of China(**): Composite solid electrolytes of LLZO mesoporous nanotubes/PEO-TEGDME: Structure control and ionic transport mechanism, 2019-2021.
National Natural Science Foundation of China(**): Surface interface regulation and in-situ mechanism of hierarchical mesoporous nanowire cathode materials for potassium-ion batteries, 2019-2023.
National 13th Five-Year Common technology and field fund for equipment pre-research: Study on key materials of fast self-repairing all-solid-state batteries, 2018-2019.
Research supporting funds of WUT: Electrochemical energy storage nanomaterials and devices, 2018-2023.
1. Q. Liu, Z. Hao, X. Liao, X. Pan, S. Li, L. Xu*, L. Mai. Langmuir-blodgett nanowire devices for in-situ probing of zinc-ion batteries. Small, 2019, **.
2. G. Zhou?, L. Xu?, G. Hu, L. Mai*, Y. Cui*. Nanowires for electrochemical energy storage devices. Chemical Reviews, 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.9b00326.
3. Z. Hao, L. Xu, Q. Liu, W. Yang, X. Liao, J. Meng, X. Hong, L. He, L. Mai*. On-chip Ni–Zn microbattery based on hierarchical ordered porous Ni@Ni(OH)2 microelectrode with ultrafast ion and electron transport kinetics. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2019, 29, **.
4. S. Khajehbashi, L. Xu*, G. Zhang, S. Tan, Y. Zhao, L. Wang, J. Li, W. Luo, D. Peng, L. Mai*. High-performance Na?O2 batteries enabled by oriented NaO2 nanowires as discharge products, Nano Letters, 2018, 18, 3934-3942.
5. K. Yu, X. Pan, G. Zhang, X. Liao, X. Zhou, M. Yan, L. Xu*, L. Mai*. Nanowires in energy storage devices: Structures, synthesis, and applications, Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, **.
6. L. Xu, Y. Zhao, K. Owusu, Z. Zhuang, Q. Liu, Z. Wang, Z. Li, L. Mai*. Recent advances in nanowire-biosystem interfaces: From chemical conversion, energy production to electrophysiology, Chem, 2018, 4, 1538-1559.
7. L. Xu, S. Tang, Y. Cheng, K. Wang, J. Liang, C. Liu, Y. Cao*, F. Wei, L. Mai*. Interfaces in solid-state lithium batteries. Joule, 2018, 2, 1991-2015.
8. J. Meng, H. Guo, C. Niu, Y. Zhao, L. Xu*, Q. Li, L. Mai*, Advances in structure and property optimizations of battery electrode materials. Joule, 2017, 1, 522-547.
9. X. Tian, B. Xiao, X. Xu, L. Xu*, Z. Liu, Z. Wang, M. Yan, Q. Wei, and L. Mai*, Vertically stacked holey graphene/polyaniline heterostructures with enhanced energy storage for on-chip micro-supercapacitors. Nano Research, 2016, 9, 1012-1021.
10. C. Niu; X. Liu; J. Meng; L. Xu*; M. Yan; X. Wang; G. Zhang; Z. Liu; X. Xu; L. Mai*. Three dimensional V2O5/NaV6O15 hierarchical heterostructures: Controlled synthesis and synergistic effect investigated by in situ X-ray diffraction. Nano Energy, 2016, 27, 147-156.
11. Y. S. No, L. Xu*, M. N. Mankin, H. G. Park*. Shape-controlled assembly of nanowires for photonic elements, ACS Photonics, 2016, 3, 2285-2290.
12. C. Niu, J. Meng, X. Wang, C. Han, M. Yan, K. Zhao, X. Xu, W. Ren, Y. Zhao, L. Xu*, Q. Zhang, D. Zhao, L. Mai*. General synthesis of complex nanotubes by gradient electrospinning and controlled pyrolysis. Nature Communications, 2015, 6, 7402.
13. X. Xu, M. Yan, X. Tian, C. Yang, M. Shi, Q. Wei, L. Xu*; L. Mai*. In situ investigation of Li and Na ion transport with single nanowire electrochemical devices. Nano Letters, 2015, 15, 3879-3884.
14. Z. Cai?, L. Xu?, M. Yan, C. Han, L. He, K. M. Hercule, C. Niu, Z. Yuan, W. Xu, L. Qu, K. Zhao, L. Mai*. Manganese oxide/carbon yolk?shell nanorod anodes for high capacity lithium batteries. Nano Letters, 2015, 15, 738-744.
15. L. Xu, Z. Jiang, L. Mai, Q. Qing*. Multiplexed free-standing nanowire transistor bioprobe for intracellular recording: A general fabrication strategy, Nano Letters, 2014, 14, 3602-3607.
16. Q. Qing, Z. Jiang, L. Xu, R. Gao, L. Mai, C. M. Lieber *. Free-standing kinked nanowire transistor probes for targeted intracellular recording in three dimensions. Nature Nanotechnology, 2014, 9, 142-147.
17. L. Xu, Z. Jiang, Q. Qing, L. Mai, Q. Zhang, C. M. Lieber*. Design and synthesis of diverse functional kinked nanowire structures for nanoelectronic bioprobes, Nano Letters, 2013, 13, 746-751.
18. Y. Zhao?, L. Xu?, L. Mai*, C. Han, Q. An, X. Xu, X. Liu, Q. Zhang. Hierarchical mesoporous perovskite La0.5Sr0.5CoO2.91 nanowires with ultrahigh capacity for Li-air batteries, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012, 109 (48), 19569–19574.
19. L. Mai*, L. Xu, C. Han, X. Xu, Y. Luo, S. Zhao, Y. Zhao. Electrospun ultralong hierarchical vanadium oxide nanowires with high performance for lithium ion batteries, Nano Letters, 2010, 10, 4750-4755.
20. L. Mai*, L. Xu, Q. Gao, C. Han, B. Hu, Y. Pi. Single β-AgVO3 nanowire H2S sensor, Nano Letters, 2010, 10, 2604-2608.
1. L. Mai, L. Xu, C. Han. Preparation of hierarchical ultralong vanadium oxide nanowires. CN8.7
2. L. Mai, Y. Dong, L. Xu, C. Han. Fabrication and in situ characterization of single nanowire electrochemical devices. CN1.6
3. L. Mai, Z. Cai, L. Xu, M. Yan. Preparation method and application of one-dimensional manganese oxide/carbon coaxial hollow nanorods. CN8.X
4. L. Mai, C. Han, Q. Gao, L. Xu. Fabrication of single β-AgVO3 nanowire H2S sensor. CN3.5
5. W. Chen, L. Mai, Y. Qi, L. Xu, X. Xiang, Y. Dai, J. Zhou, Q. Zhu. Preparation of LiFePO4 nanorods. CN0.7
6. L. Mai, S. Li, Y. Dong, L. Xu, L. He. Preparation method and application of high-performance sodium vanadyl phosphate symmetrical sodium-ion battery materials. CN3.6
7. L. Mai, C. Yang, X. Tian, X. Xu, L. He, L. Xu. Preparation method and application of pre-lithiated ultrathin V6O13 nanosheets. CN8.0
8. H. Liu, L. Xu, M. Cao. Microwave molten salt synthesis for tabular Sr3Ti2O7. CN8.5
9. L. Mai, W. Chen, W. Guo, Y. Gu, C. Han, B. Hu, P. Zhang, L. Xu, Y. Dai. A method for monodispersed modification and preferred orientation alignment of vanadium dioxide nanowires. CN5.9
10. L. Mai, W. Ren, X. Yao, Y. Zhao, L. Xu. Method and application of three-dimensional Na3V2(PO4)3 nanowire network electrode material and preparation. CN0.X
1. Keynote talk, One Dimensional Nanomaterials for Emerging Energy Storage, The Eighth International Conference on the progress of innovative energy materials, Nanning, China, November 30-December 4, 2018.
2. Invited talk, One Dimensional Energy Storage Materials and Devices, The 4th China Energy Storage Engineering Conference-China-Japan Battery Seminar, Hefei, China, July 13-15, 2018.
3. Invited talk, Nanowire Energy Storage Materials and Devices, The 5th National Conference on Solid-State Battery, Ningbo, China, August 16-18, 2019.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26
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