姓 名
性 别
民 族
职 称
职 务
gqshao@whut.edu.cn; shaogangqin@126.com
I. 特种无机新材料的结构构建、解析与精修
II. 新型结构-功能一体化材料
III. 新能源材料
IV. 金属-非金属复合材料/金属陶瓷
1982.9–1986.7: 华南理工大学(原华南工学院),材料学学士
1989.9–1992.4: 武汉理工大学(原武汉工业大学),材料学硕士1995.9–1999.12: 武汉理工大学(原武汉工业大学),材料学博士
2001.3–2003.8: 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所,材料学博士后
2007.3–2007.7: 上海外国语大学高级英语进修班,毕业
在国际刊物上发表SCI/EI论文100余篇,参编著作1部。已获国家发明专利10余项、实用新型专利3项。被“无机晶体结构数据库”(Inorganic Crystal Structure Database, ICSD,德国)和“国际衍射中心数据库”(International Center for Diffraction Data, ICDD,美国)收录20余张标准卡片。在2014–2016连续获得国际衍射中心(ICDD,美国)“对公开的粉末衍射文件中新结构的显著贡献”证书。获得过国防科学技术三等奖和湖北省科学技术进步二等奖。
Prof. Gang-Qin Shao (G.-Q. Shao)
Address: 122 Luoshi Road, Wuhan, Hubei 430070, P. R. China
Email:gqshao@whut.edu.cn; shaogangqin@126.com Tel: 86-**
9/1982 - 7/1986: B. Eng., South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
9/1989 - 4/1992: M. Eng., Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China
9/1995 - 1/2000: Ph.D., Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China
3/2001 - 8/2003: Postdoctoral fellow, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Shanghai, China
3/2007 - 7/2007: Graduate in the Advanced English Language Training Class, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China
4/1992 - Now: Employee of State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Res. Prof. (5/2003 - now), Assoc. Prof. (9/1998 - 4/2003), Assist. Prof. (7/1994 - 8/1998), Res. Assoc. (4/1992 - 6/1994)
12/2008 - 12/2009: Visiting scholar, Dept. Mater. Sci. Eng., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
9/2007 - 2/2008: Visiting scholar, Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials, Stanford University, USA
7/1986 - 8/1989: Employee of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, Yangtze Water Resource Commission, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Assist. Engineer (7/1987 - 8/1989), Noviciate Engineer (7/1986 - 6/1987)
Having been responsible for some research projects from Hi-Tech Res. Develop. Program (863), Commission of Science Technology & Industry for National Defense of China, Key Project for Sci-Tech Res. of Chinese Ministry of Education, Sci-Tech Develop. of Hubei province, Sci-Tech Develop. of Wuhan city, Key Project for Sci-Tech Develop. of Guangdong Province of China. And some consigned projects from Global 500 firms, the listed enterprises in China, famous universities and other companies, et al..
Having been participated some projects such as Hi-Tech Res. Develop. Program (863), the 8th Five-Year Sci. & Technol. Plan, National Natural Sci. Fund of China, Key Project of National Natural Sci. Fund of China, et al..
1. G.-Q. Shao* et al., Crystal structures of Ce0.9(Al11Mg0.1)O17.95 (ICDD I04511), (Ce0.9Ca0.1)Al11O17.95 (ICDD I04512), LiFePO4F (ICDD I04003), VPO4 (ICDD I02794), Bi2(V0.9Mn0.1)O5.38 (ICDD I01522), Bi2(V0.8Mn0.2)O5.27 (ICDD I01523), International Center for Diffraction Data, USA, 2012-2017
2. G.-Q. Shao* et al., Crystal structures of LiFeSO4F (CSD 432778), LiFe0.9V0.1PO4F0.91O0.09 (CSD 432937), LiFe0.7V0.3PO4F0.76O0.24 (CSD 432936), LiFe0.5V0.5PO4F0.71O0.29 (CSD 432935), LiFe0.3V0.7PO4F0.70O0.30 (CSD 432934), LiFe0.1V0.9PO4F0.70O0.30 (CSD 433677) and LiVPO4F0.64O0.36 (CSD 432933), Ce0.9(Al11Mg0.1)O17.95 (CSD 426798), (Ce0.9Ca0.1)Al11O17.95 (CSD 426796), (Ce0.9Sr0.1)Al11O17.95 (CSD 426797), Sr3Co2Fe24O41 (CSD 429545), Sr4Co2Fe36O60 (CSD 429547), Sr2Co2Fe28O46 (CSD 429548), SrCo2Fe16O27 (CSD 429546), LiFePO4F (CSD 428404), Li2FePO4F (CSD 428412), a-Li3Fe2(PO4)3 (CSD 428405), VPO4 (CSD 425759), Bi2(V0.9Mn0.1)O5.38 (CSD 423667), Bi2(V0.8Mn0.2)O5.27 (CSD 423668), Inorganic Crystal Structure Database, FIZ Karlsruhe-Leibniz Inst. for Inform. Infrastr., Germany, 2011-2017
3. F.-F. Ma, G.-Q. Shao*, J.-W. Mao, S.-H. Fan, A.-L. Zhang, G.-Z. Xie, C. Zhu, J.-N. Gu, J.-L. Yan, Structure of triplite LiFeSO4F powder synthesized through an ambient two-step solid-state route, Powder Diffraction, 33(1): 38-43, 2018
4. S.-H. Fan, G.-Q. Shao*, C. Zhu, F.-F. Ma, J.-W. Mao, A.-L. Zhang, G.-Z. Xie, J.-L. Yan, Y. Zhang, Crystal structure and electrochemical properties of LiFe1-xVxPO4F1-δOδ cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 280: 248-257, 2018
5. H.-N. Girish, G.-Q. Shao*, B. Basavalingu, Well-monocrystallized LaCrO3 particles from LaCrO4 precursor by supercritical hydrothermal technique, RSC Adv., 6: 79763-79767, 2016
6. H.-L. Xiao, G.-Q. Shao, Q.-L. Sai, C.-T. Xia, S.-M. Zhou, X.-Z. Yi, Wide bandgap engineering of β-(Al, Ga)2O3 mixed crystals, J. Inorgan. Mater., 31(11): 1258 - 1262, 2016
7. H.-N. Girish, G.-Q. Shao*, Advances in high-capacity Li2MSiO4 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, …) cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries, RSC Adv., 5: 98666-98686, 2015
8. J. Li, H.-F. Zhang, G.-Q. Shao*, B.-L. Wu, S.-X. Ouyang, Negative differential resistance: another banana? Europhys. Lett. (EPL), 108(1): 27001-p1-27001-p5, 2014
9. D. Chen, G.-Q. Shao*, B. Li, G.-G. Zhao, J. Li, J.-H. Liu, Z.-S. Gao, H.-F. Zhang, Synthesis, crystal structure and electrochemical properties of LiFePO4F cathode material for Li-ion batteries, Electrochim. Acta, 147: 663-668, 2014
10. X.-B. Li, G.-Q. Shao, J.-M. Luo, J.-S. Lu, M.-S. Xue, Y.-H. Hou, L.-P. Deng, Fabrication and characterization of GDC electrolyte/electrode integral SOFC with BaO/Ni-GDC anode, Mater. Res. Bull., 50: 337-340, 2014
11. X.-B. Li, G.-Q. Shao, X.-H. Yu, J. Wang, H.-X. Gu, Sintering and electrical properties of Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 film prepared by spray pyrolysis and tape casting, J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron., 22(2): 189-192, 2011
12. T.-G. Wang, G.-Q. Shao*, W.-J. Zhang, X.-B. Li, Electrical properties of Pr6O11-doped WO3 capacitor-varistor ceramics, Ceram. Int’l, 36(3): 1063-1067, 2010
13. G.-Q. Shao*, X.-H. Yu, W. Cai, H.-X. Gu, J. Li, B. Li, B.-L. Wu, S.-X. Ouyang, Substitution mechanism and structural study of MnO-doped Bi2VO5.5-δ, Solid State Ionics, 219: 20-28, 2012
14. G.-Q. Shao*, X.-L. Duan, J.-R. Xie, X.-H. Yu, W.-F. Zhang, R.-Z. Yuan, Sintering of nanocrystalline WC-Co composite powder, Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci., 5(4): 281-286, 2003
15. G.-Q. Shao*, H. Cai, J.-R. Xie, X.-L. Duan, B.-L. Wu, R.-Z. Yuan, J.-K. Guo, Preparation of nanocomposite Ni/YSZ cermet powder by EDTA complexes-gel-conversion process (CGCP), Mater. Lett., 57(21): 3287-3290, 2003
Granted over 10 Chinese Invention Patents and 3 Chinese Patents of Utility Model.
Having been attended some international conferences held by the Materials Research Society, American Chemical Society, American Ceramic Society, International Center for Diffraction Data, USA, et al..