

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26

姓 名
性 别

民 族


职 称
职 务





1978.9 ~ 1982.7 武汉工业大学复合材料专业本科,获学士学位;
1984.9 ~ 1987.6 武汉工业大学固体力学专业研究生,获硕士学位;
1994.9 ~ 2000.1 武汉理工大学材料学专业博士研究生,获博士学位;
1998.10 ~ 1999.10 英国布里思托大学(University of Bristol )Research Fellow。

1982.7~1984.8 江西九江市国营第五七二七厂助理工程师;
1987.7~1992.9 武汉工业大学力学系讲师;
1992.10~1997.10 武汉工业大学力学系副教授;
1997.10~2000.12 武汉理工大学工程结构与力学系教授;
2001.1~ 武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院高分子与复合材料系教授。

1.复合材料应用对大型客机技术指标及成本的影响研究,工信部项目子课题, 2012.9-2013.12;
2.集水装置材料及结构性能试验研究,国家重大科技专项子课题, 2011.12-2014.12
6.华电奉节电厂上大压小新建工程烟冲玻璃钢排烟内筒监造, 华电国际电力股份有限公司奉节发电厂,2014.1-2016.8

1.王继辉. 复合材料液体模塑成型技术[M]. 译著,化学工业出版社,2004.5.
2.倪爱清,王继辉,祖磊.船舶与海洋工程复合材料耐久性[M] 译著,化学工业出版社,2015.7.
3.王继辉等. 燃煤电厂用玻璃纤维增强塑料烟囱内筒[S].GB/T 30811-2014; 燃煤电厂玻璃纤维增强塑料烟道[S].GB/T 30812-2014.
4.王继辉等. 人造石英石板材原料和利用制备人造石英石的方法[P]. 发明专利:,,.
5.王继辉等. 一种采用玻璃钢烟囱内筒排放低温、高湿烟气的烟囱[P]. 发明专利:ZL 5X.
6.王继辉,胡海晓等. 中高温耐酸腐蚀玻璃纤维浸润剂及其制备方法[P]. 发明专利:20**.
7.Chen H, Wang J, Ni A, et al. Effect of novel intumescent ?ame retardant on mechanical and ?ame retardant properties of continuous glass ?bre reinforced polypropylene composites[J]. Composite Structures, 2018.07.071.(Online)
8.Zhang G, Wang J, Ni A, et al. Process-induced residual stress of variable-stiffness composite laminates during cure [J]. Composite Structures, 2018.07.040.(Online)
9.Ding A, Wang J, Ni A, et al. Hygroscopic ageing of nonstandard size sandwich composites with vinylesterbased composite faces and PVC foam core[J]. Composite Structures, 2018.08.031.(Online)
10.Ding A, Wang J, Ni A, et al. Ageing of sandwich composites with E-glass fibre/vinylester skins and PVC foam core in synergistic environmental agents [J]. Composite Structures, 2018.01.071. (Online)
11.Chen H, Wang J, Ni A, et al. The Effects of a Macromolecular Charring Agent with Gas Phase and Condense Phase Synergistic Flame Retardant Capability on the Properties of PP/IFR Composites[J]. Materials, 2018.11(1):111-126.
12.Chen H, Wang J, Ni A, et al. Effect of an intumescent flame retardant on the fracture toughness (Mode I), thermal, and flame-retardant properties of continuous glass fibre-reinforced polypropylene composites[J]. Plastics Rubber & Composites, 2018.47(1):1-9.
13.潘斌,王继辉,张桂明等. 考虑纤维损伤的大孔口层合板缝合补强等效力学模型[J]. 复合材料学报, **.002.(网络首发)
14.韩霞,王继辉,倪爱清等.应力水平及纤维角度对CGFRPP复合材料蠕变行为的影响及其Burgers模型参数的数值预测[J].复合材料学报, **.003.(网络首发)
15.丁安心, 王继辉, 倪爱清等. 热固性树脂基复合材料固化变形解析预测研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2018,35(6):1361-1376.
16.丁安心, 李书欣, 王继辉等. 热固性树脂基复合材料固化变形和残余应力数值模拟研究综述[J]. 复合材料学报, 2017, 34(3):471-485.
17.Sun L, Wang J, Ni A, et al. Modelling and experiment of process-induced distortions in unsymmetrical laminate plates[J]. Composite Structures, 2017,182:524-32.
18.Ding A, Li S, Wang J, et al. A new analytical solution considering three dimensional effects on spring-in of curved composite parts[J]. Composites sience and technology, 2017,142:30-40.
19.Ding A, Li S, Wang J, et al. A new path-dependent constitutive model predicting cure-induced distortions in composite structures[J]. Composites Part A Applied Science & Manufacturing, 2017, 95:183-196.
20.Qin Z, Zhang L,Wang J , et al. Determining division location for sectional wind turbine blades[J]. Energies, 2017, 10(9):1404-1410.
21.Zu L, Wang J, Li S. Influence of fiber slippage coefficient distributions on the geometry and performance of composite pressure vessels[J]. Polymer Composites, 2016, 37(1):315-321.
22.Ding A, Li S, Wang J, et al. A thermo-viscoelastic model of process-induced residual stresses in composite structures with considering thermal dependence[J]. Composite Structures, 2016, 136:34-43.
23.Ding A, Li S, Wang J, et al. A comparison of process-induced residual stresses and distortions in composite structures with different constitutive laws[J]. Journal of Reinforced Plastics & Composites, 2016, 35(10):2-18
24.Ding A, Li S, Wang J, et al. Prediction of Process-Induced Distortions in L-Shaped Composite Profiles Using Path-Dependent Constitutive Law[J]. Applied Composite Materials, 2016, 23(5):1-19.

Address:Lab of Composite Design and Manufacture ,Wuhan University of Technology
Email: jjhwang@whut.edu.cn Tel: +86**

09/1978 ~07/1982
B.S. in Composite Materials and Engineering,
Wuhan University of Technology, China

09/1984 ~ 06/1987
M.S. in Solid Mechanics, Wuhan University of Technology, China

Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, China

10/1998 ~ 10/1999
Research Fellow, University of Bristol, UK


07/1987 ~ 09/1992
Lecturer, Department of Mechanics, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan

10/1992 ~ 10/1997
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanics, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan

10/1997 ~ 12/2000
Professor, Department of Engineering Structure and Mechanics, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan

01/2001 ~
Present Professor (PhD Supervisor), School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan

Impacts of using composite materials on technical specifications and costs of large passenger aircraft, Sub-project by the Ministry of Industry, Principal Investigator.

Material and structural properties of catchment devices, Sub-project of the National Key Project of Science and Technology, Principal Investigator.

Project No.201401PT06, Military supporting project of China, PrincipalInvestigator.

The anti-corrosion technology of FRP chimney for power plant flue gas desulfurization, Project by North China Power Engineering Co., Ltd of China Power Engineering Consulting Group, Principal Investigator.

FRP outlet flue reconstruction of wet electrostatic precipitator for boilers # 1 and # 2, Project by Shenhua Guohua Sanhe Power Generation Co., Ltd, Principal Investigator.

Huadian fengjie power plant is a small new construction project for the construction of smoke glass steel exhaust pipe inside the tube, Project by Fengjie power plant, huadian international power co., Ltd., Principal Investigator.

Research on integrated application of SCJZ lightweight composite materials, Sub-project of national defense advanced research, Principal Investigator.

Research onXXX complex structure lightweight RTM molding technology, Sub-project of national defense advanced research, Principal Investigator.

1)Wang J. Liquid Composite Molding Technology(Translation)[M], Chemical Industry Press, 2004.5.
2)Ni A, Wang J, et al. Durability of Composites in a Marine Environment(Translation)[M], Chemical Industry Press, 2015.7.
3)Wang J, et al. Glass fiber reinforced plastic chimney liners for coal-fired units & Glass fiber reinforced plastic flue for coal-fired units[S]. GB/T 30811-2014 & GB/T 30812-2014.
4)Chen H, Wang J, Ni A, et al. Effect of novel intumescent ?ame retardant on mechanical and ?ame retardant properties of continuous glass ?bre reinforced polypropylene composites[J]. Composite Structures, 2018.07.071.(Online)
5)Zhang G, Wang J, Ni A, et al. Process-induced residual stress of variable-stiffness composite laminates during cure [J]. Composite Structures, 2018.07.040.(Online)
6)Ding A, Wang J, Ni A, et al. Hygroscopic ageing of nonstandard size sandwich composites with vinylesterbased composite faces and PVC foam core[J]. Composite Structures, 2018.08.031.(Online)
7)Ding A, Wang J, Ni A, et al. Ageing of sandwich composites with E-glass fibre/vinylester skins and PVC foam core in synergistic environmental agents [J]. Composite Structures, 2018.01.071. (Online)
8)Chen H, Wang J, Ni A, et al. The Effects of a Macromolecular Charring Agent with Gas Phase and Condense Phase Synergistic Flame Retardant Capability on the Properties of PP/IFR Composites[J]. Materials, 2018.11(1):111-126.
9)Chen H, Wang J, Ni A, et al. Effect of an intumescent flame retardant on the fracture toughness (Mode I), thermal, and flame-retardant properties of continuous glass fibre-reinforced polypropylene composites[J]. Plastics Rubber & Composites, 2018.47(1):1-9.
10)Pan B, Wang J, Zhang G, et al. The equivalent model of stitching reinforcement on composite laminates with a large hole considering fiber damage [J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, **.002. (Online)
11)Han X, Wang J, Ni A, et al. Effects of stress levels and fiber orientations on creep behavior of CGFRPP composite and numerical prediction of burgers model parameters[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, **.003. (Online)
12)Ding A, Wang J, Ni A, et al. A review of analytical prediction of cure-induced distortions in thermoset composites[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2018,35(6):1361-1376.
13)Ding A, Li S, Wang J, et al. A review of numerical simulation of cure-induced distortions and residual stresses in thermoset composite[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2017, 34(3): 471- 485.
14)Sun L, Wang J, Ni A, et al. Modelling and experiment of process-induced distortions in unsymmetrical laminate plates[J]. Composite Structures, 2017,182:524-32.
15)Ding A, Li S, Wang J, et al. A new path-dependent constitutive model predicting cure-induced distortions in composite structures[J]. Composites Part A Applied Science & Manufacturing, 2017, 95:183-196.
16)Zu L, Wang J, Li S. Influence of fiber slippage coefficient distributions on the geometry and performance of composite pressure vessels[J]. Polymer Composites, 2016, 37(1):315-321.
17)Ding A, Li S, Wang J, et al. A thermo-viscoelastic model of process-induced residual stresses in composite structures with considering thermal dependence[J]. Composite Structures, 2016, 136:34-43.
18)Ding A, Li S, Wang J, et al. A new analytical solution considering three dimensional effects on spring-in of curved composite parts[J]. Composites sience and technology, 2017,142:30-40.
19)Ding A, Li S, Wang J, et al. A comparison of process-induced residual stresses and distortions in composite structures with different constitutive laws[J]. Journal of Reinforced Plastics & Composites, 2016, 35(10):2-18
20)Qin Z, Zhang L,Wang J , et al. Determining division location for sectional wind turbine blades[J]. Energies, 2017, 10(9):1404-1410.
21)Ding A, Li S, Wang J, et al. Prediction of Process-Induced Distortions in L-Shaped Composite Profiles Using Path-Dependent Constitutive Law[J]. Applied Composite Materials, 2016, 23(5):1-19.
22)Zhu J, Wu W, Wang J , et al. Influence of out-of-plane waviness on elastic properties of composite laminates[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2016, 33(9):1981-1988.
23)Sun L, Ding A, Wang J, et al. Research on process-induced residual stress for composite laminates based on three-dimensional viscoelasticity[J]. Journal of applied mechanics, 2016, 33(5): 797-785.
24)Sun L, Ding A, Wang J. Characterization of the Tool-Part Interaction During the Curing of CFRP Composites [J]. Applied mathematics and mechanics, 2016, 37(3):245-255.
1)Wang J, et al. Sheet materials and their preparation methods for artificial quartz stones[P]. China Patent No.: , , .
2)Wang J, et al. A chimney with CFRP tube to emit low temperature and high humidity flue gas[P], China Patent No: ZL 5X.
3)Wang J, Hu H, et al. Preparation method for a medium-high temperature acid-resistant glass fiber impregnating agent[P], China Patent No: 20**.
SAMPE (Beijing Chapter) member of a council;
International?Committee?On?Industrial?Chimneys,CICIND committee;
《Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica | Acta Mater Compos Sin》 magazine editor;
International Committee of Composite Processing Technique committee.


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