电话: **
Email: yanyonggao@whut.edu.cn
1998.09~2004.07 武汉理工大学 材料科学与工程专业本硕连读获硕士学位
2004.09~2007.07 武汉理工大学 材料学专业获博士学位
2007.07~2009.07 武汉理工大学新材所助理研究员
2009.07~2012.07 美国国家标准与技术局(NIST)博士后研究
2009.09~2018.09 武汉理工大学材料复合新技术国家重点实验室副研究员
2018.10~至今 武汉理工大学材料复合新技术国家重点实验室研究员
1. 热电材料的组合材料学研究与基因谱图构建
2. 热电材料和器件的3D打印制备新工艺研究
3. 微型热电器件及其在战略性新兴领域的应用
长期从事热电材料及器件的基础和应用研究,对包含AgPbmSbTe2+m(LAST)化合物、P型填充式方钴矿、BiSbTe合金、Zn4Sb3和笼合物在内多类热电材料的制备、结构和热电性能进行了系统深入的研究。对组合材料学方法应用于设计和优化新热电化合物进行了的研究,自主开发了首台组合薄膜热电性能高通量表征设备,对填充式方钴矿、Bi-Sb-Te、Ge-Sb-Te等热电材料组合样品库进行了制备和高通量表征;在热电材料的低成本快速制备方面,发展了热电材料的高温自蔓延结合3D打印(SHS-3D)制备新技术,制备了热电性能和力学性能俱佳的Bi2Te3基热电材料。在中温热电器件研究方面,新型热电器件制备及表征技术,开发出高效环境友好型n-Mg2Si/p-Cu2Se基原型热电器件,优选出适于n-Mg2Si/p-Cu2Se器件的电极材料Ni-Al合金,建立了热电原型器件的制备及转换效率表征技术,测试热电转换效率为Mg2Si器件报道最好水平;在热电转换技术的应用领域,自主开发了从材料到器件集成制造的微型热电器件制造成套工艺,性能与国外产品相媲美。作为团队成员参与了太阳能光电热电复合发电和汽车尾气发电系统的研制。在新型热电材料和器件的研究方面积累了丰富的理论和实践经验,取得了一些重要的研究成果,研究工作在在Nat. Commun.、Energ. Environ. Sci.、Small、Appl. Phys. Lett.、Adv. Eng. Mater.、Acta Mater.、Rev. Sci. Instrum.等国际知名学术期刊上发表论文60多篇,以第一发明人获得授权发明专利近10项。2013年获得美国商务部颁发的 “杰出客座研究人员”奖。指导本科生参与的湖北省第十二届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品“微型热电制冷(TEC)芯片的超快光制造及其在5G通讯和物联网中的应用”获得湖北省三等奖。
1. 国家重点研发课题子课题
课题经费:201 万元
2. 武汉市科技局应用基础前沿项目
课题经费:50 万元
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目
项目经费:60 万元
4. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目
项目经费:25 万元
5. 湖北省自然科学基金青年基金
项目经费:3 万元
1. 973课题
项目经费:772 万元
2. 中-美重大国际合作项目
项目经费:918 万元
3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目
项目经费:320 万元
1. Junhao Qiu, Yonggao Yan, Tingting Luo, Kechen Tang, Lei Yao, Jian Zhang, Min Zhang, Xianli Su, Gangjian Tan, Hongyao Xie, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis,Ctirad Uher and Xinfeng Tang. 3D Printing of highly textured bulk thermoelectric materials: mechanically robust BiSbTe alloys with superior performance. Energy Environ. Sci., 2019, 12: 3106 (2019年度热点论文)
2. Tiezheng Hu, Weiqiang Cao, Dongwang Yang, Yonggao Yan, Yu Cao, Tingting Zhang, Xianli Su, Wei Liu, Pierre Poudeu-Poudeu, Xinfeng Tang. Ultra-fast fabrication of bulk ZrNiSn thermoelectric material through self-propagating high-temperature synthesis combined with in-situ quick pressing. Scripta Materialia, 2019, 165: 140
3. Tiezheng Hu, Yonggao Yan, Si Wang, Xianli Su, Wei Liu, Gangjian Tan, Pierre Poudeu-Poudeu and Xinfeng Tang. One-step ultra-rapid fabrication and thermoelectric properties of Cu2Se bulk thermoelectric material. RSC Advance, 2019, 9: 10508
4. Jian Zhang, Yonggao Yan, Hongyao Xie, Ting Zhu, Cheng Zhang, Junhao Qiu, Lei Yao, Xinfeng Tang. Novel Ge-Sb-Te thermoelectric materials: A demonstration for an efficient diffusion couple technique in expediently exploiting new thermoelectric materials. Ceramics International. 2019, 245(13):16039-16045
5. Chuang Luo, Junhao Qiu, Yonggao Yan, Jihui Yang, Ctirad Uher and Xinfeng Tang. Finite element analysis of temperature and stress fields during the selective laser melting process of thermoelectric SnTe. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2018, 261:74-85
6. Yonggao Yan. Wuqian Gen, Thermoelectric properties of n-type ZrNiSn prepared by rapid non-equilibrium laser processing. RSC Advances. 2018, 8: 15796-15803
7. Tian-Le Chen, Chuang Luo, Yong-Gao Yan, Ji-Hui Yang, Qing-Jie Zhang, Ctirad Uher, Xin-Feng Tang. Rapid fabrication and thermoelectric performance of SnTe via non-equilibrium laser 3D printing. Rare Metals. 2018, 37: 300-307
8. Yonggao Yan, Hongquan Ke, Jihui Yang, Ctirad Uher, and Xinfeng Tang. Fabrication and Thermoelectric Properties of n?Type CoSb2.85Te0.15 Using Selective Laser Melting. : ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2018,10(16):13669-13674
9. Yu Mao, Yonggao Yan, Keping Wu, Hongyao Xie, Zekun Xiu, Jihui Yang, Qingjie Zhang, Ctirad Uher and Xinfeng Tang. Non-equilibrium fabrication and characterization of n-type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 thermoelectric material by rapid laser melting and solidification. RSC Advances. 2017, 7, 21439-21445.
10. Keping Wu, Yonggao Yan, Jian Zhang, Yu Mao, Hongyao Xie, Jihui Yang, Qingjie Zhang, Ctirad Uher, Xinfeng Tang, Preparation of n-type Bi2Te3 thermoelectric materials by non-contact dispenser printing combined with selective laser melting. Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters. 2017, 11, **
11. Rizwan Akram, Yonggao Yan, Dongwang Yang, Xiaoyu She, Gang Zheng, Xianli Su, Xinfeng Tang. Microstructure and thermoelectric properties of Sb doped Hf0.25Zr0.75NiSn Half-Heusler compounds with improved carrier mobility. Intermetallics. 2016, 74, 1-7
12. R. Akram, Q. Zhang, D. Yang, Y. Zheng, Y. Yan, X. Su, X. Tang, “Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties of La-Doped ZrNiSn Half-Heusler Compound”, Journal of Electronic Materials. 2016,44, 3563-3570
13. L. Wu, X. Su, Y. Yan, C. Uher, X. Tang, “Ultra-Fast One-Step Fabrication of Cu2Se Thermoelectric Legs With Ni–Al Electrodes by Plasma-Activated Reactive Sintering Technique”, Advanced Engineering Materials. 2016, 18(7), 1181-1188
14. Y. G. Yan, W. Wong-Ng, L. Li, I. Levin, J. A. Kaduk, M. R. Suchomel, X. Sun, G. J. Tan, X. F. Tang, “Structures and thermoelectric properties of double-filled (CaxCe1?x)Fe4Sb12 skutterudites”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2014 , 218, 221-229
15. Y. G. Yan, J. Martin, W. Wong-Ng, M. Green, X. F. Tang, “A temperature dependent screening tool for high throughput thermoelectric characterization of combinatorial films”, Review of Scientific Instruments. 2013, 84, 115110-115110
16. Y. G. Yan, W. Wong-Ng, J. A. Kaduk, G. J. Tan, W. J. Xie, X. F. Tang, “Correlation of thermoelectric and microstructural properties of p-type CeFe4Sb12 melt-spun ribbons using a rapid screening method”, Applied Physics Letters. 2011, 98, 142106
17. E. Espinal, Y. Yan, L. Zhang, L. Espinal, A. Morey, B. O. Wells, M. Aindow, S. L. Suib, “Substrate Control of Anisotropic Resistivity in Heteroepitaxial Nanostructured Arrays of Cryptomelane Manganese Oxide on Strontium Titanate”, Small, 2014,10, 66-72
18. Xianli Su, Fan Fu, Yonggao Yan, Gang Zheng, Tao Liang, Qiang Zhang, Xin Cheng, Dongwang Yang, Hang Chi, Xinfeng Tang, Ctirad Uher, “Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis for compound thermoelectrics and new criterion for combustion processing”, Nature communications. 2014, 5, 4908.
1. Yuejiao Shu, Xianli Su, Yonggao Yan and Xinfeng Tang. Modification of Bulk Heterojunction and Cl Doping for High-Performance Thermoelectric SnSe2/SnSe Nanocomposites. 37th international and European Conference on thermoelectrics, Congress center of Caen, France, Aug. 1~ 5, 2018
2. Yonggao Yan, Tianle Chen, Chuang Luo, Jihui Yang, Qingjie Zhang, Ctirad Uher and Xinfeng Tang. Rapid Fabrication and Thermoelectric Performance of SnTe via Non-Equilibrium Laser 3D Printing. 36th international Conference on thermoelectrics, Pasadena, California, USA July 31~ Aug 3, 2017
3. Yu Mao, Yonggao Yan, Keping Wu, Hongyao Xie, Zekun Xiu, Jihui Yang, Qingjie Zhang, Ctirad Uher and Xinfeng Tang. Non-equilibrium fabrication and characterization of n-type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 thermoelectric material by rapid laser melting and solidification. 36th international Conference on thermoelectrics, Pasadena, California, USA July 31~ Aug 3, 2017
4. Qiang Zhang, Long Cheng, Wei Liu, Yun Zheng, Xianli Su, Hang Chi, Huijun Liu, Yonggao Yan, Xinfeng Tang, Ctirad Uher. Low effective mass and carrier concentration optimization for high performance p-type Mg2(1-x)Li2xSi0.3Sn0.7 solid solutions. 34th international Conference on thermoelectrics, Dresden, Germany, June 28~ July 2, 2015
5. Yonggao Yan, Joshua Martin, Winnie Wong-Ng, Martin Green, and Xinfeng Tang. A temperature dependent screening tool for high throughput thermoelectric characterization of combinatorial films. The 32nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics. June 30~July 4, 2013 Kobe, Japan (邀请报告)
6. Y. G. Yan, W. Wong-Ng. and J. Martin. Synthesis and Characterization of Thermoelectric Combinatorial Thin Film. April 8 - 13, 2012 MRS Spring meeting, San Francisco
7. Y. G. Yan, W. Wong-Ng, J. Martin, G. J Tan, and X. F. Tang. Combinatorial approach on thermoelectric materials using a temperature dependent screening tool. In ICT2011, the 30th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, July 17-21, 2011, Traverse City, Michigan, USA
8. Y. G. Yan, X. F. Tang, W. Wong-Ng, J. Kaduk, B. G. Burke, G. J Tang., W. J. Xie, M. Green, and T. M. Tritt, Melt-spun Ribbon Characterization from a Thermoelectric Power Factor Screening. November 29 - December 2, 2010 MRS Fall meeting, Boston
9. Y. G. Yan, X. F. Tang, H. Liu, and Q. J. Zhang, Preparation and Thermoelectric Properties of Ag0.5In0.5-x Pb5Sn4Te10. In ICT2008, the 27th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, August 3-7, 2008. Corvallis, Oregon, USA
10. Y. G. Yan, X. F. Tang, P. Li, and Q. J. Zhang, Microstructure and Thermoelectric Transport Properties of Type I Clathrates Ba8Sb2Ga14Ge30 Prepared by Ultrarapid Solidification Process. In ICT2008, the 27th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, August 3-7, 2008. Corvallis, Oregon, USA
11. Y. G. Yan, X. F. Tang, H. Liu, L. Yin, and Q. J. Zhang, Cooling rate dependence of microstructure and thermoelectric properties of AgPb18SbTe20 compounds, in ICT2007, the 26th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, June 3 to 7, 2007, Jeju, Korea
1. 鄢永高; 周梦兰; 唐新峰; 苏贤礼; 张健. 一种快速筛选性能优化的热电材料的方法. ZL9.3
2. 鄢永高; 陈天乐; 唐新峰; 苏贤礼; 吴林春; 毛宇; 吴克平. 一种从单质粉体为起始原料一步超快速制备热电器件的方法. ZL8.9
3. 鄢永高; 徐行涛; 唐新峰; 苏贤礼; 吴林春. 一种与Cu2Se基热电材料相匹配的电极及其连接工艺. ZL2.7
4. 鄢永高;吴林春;唐新峰;苏贤礼. 一种超快速制备Cu2Se基热电发电元器件的方法,ZL8.1
5. 鄢永高;吴林春;唐新峰;苏贤礼;郑刚. 一种超快速制备碲化铋基热电元器件的方法,ZL7.x
6. 鄢永高;邱思源;唐新峰;苏贤礼. 一种与Mg-Si-Sn基热电元件相匹配的分层电极及其连接工艺,ZL9.x
7. 鄢永高;吴克平;唐新峰;苏贤礼;陈天乐;毛宇. 一种用于3D打印的热电材料粉体悬浮液及其制备方法,ZL6.X
8. 鄢永高;唐新峰;苏贤礼;吴林春;陈天乐. 一种快速制备热电器件的方法,ZL4.8
9. 鄢永高;毛宇;唐新峰;苏贤礼;陈天乐;吴克平;吴林春. 基于湿法铺粉的选择性激光熔融设备及其打印工艺,ZL0.6
10. 鄢永高;唐新峰;苏贤礼;陈天乐;吴林春;毛宇;吴克平. 一种超快速制备热电材料粉体和器件的方法,ZL4.0
State Key Laboratory for Material Synthesis and Processing
Tel: 86-**
Email: yanyonggao@whut.edu.cn
2004.9 ~ 2007.7: Ph. D, Material Science, WHUT, China
2002.9 ~ 2004.7: Master degree, Material Science, WHUT, China
1998.9 ~ 2002.7: Bachelor degree, Material Science and Engineering, WHUT, China
2018.10~ now: Professor, WHUT, China
2009.9 ~ 2018.9: Associate professor, WHUT, China
2009.7~2012.7: Post doctor, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA
2007.7 ~ 2009.7: Assistant research fellow, WHUT, China
1. The design and optimization of novel thermoelectric compounds by using principles of combinatorial material science
2. The study on key scientific problems with regard to the 3D printing of thermoelectric materials and modules
3. High performance thermoelectric module for power generation and solid-state cooling
Professor Yonggao Yan has been engaged in the basic and application research of thermoelectric materials and devices for a long time. He has systematically studied the preparation, structure and thermoelectric properties of many thermoelectric materials, including AgPbmSbTe2+m(LAST) compound, p-type filled skutterudite, BiSbTe alloy, Zn4Sb3 and cage-like compounds, such as clathrates. He has been carring out the study on the application of combinatorial materials in the design and optimization of new thermoelectric compounds. Professor Yonggao Yan has independently developed the first high-throughput characterization equipment for thermoelectric properties of combinatorial films. The combinatorial sample library of filled skutterudite, BiSbTe, GeSbTe and other thermoelectric materials has been prepared and characterized with high-throughput techniques. In the feild of low-cost and rapid preparation of thermoelectric materials, The Self-propagation High-temperature Synthesis(SHS) combined with 3D printing technique has been developed to prepare Bi2Te3-based and other thermoelectric materials with excellent thermoelectric and mechanical properties. He also worked on power generation modules for energy harvesting in the various applications. A high-efficiency and environment-friendly n-Mg2Si / p-Cu2Se based prototype thermoelectric module has been developed, the electrode material Ni-Al alloy suitable for this module has been optimized, the preparation and conversion efficiency characterization technology of thermoelectric prototype module has been established, and the thermoelectric conversion efficiency has been tested to be the best reported value for Mg2Si device. In thermoelectric cooling research field, he has developed a complete set of manufacturing process of micro thermoelectric module from materials preparation, to module manufacturing and characterizations. The micro TEC modules prepared in the lab show comparable performance with that of commercial products. As a team member, he participated in the development of hybrid solar photovoltaic and thermoelectric power generation and automobile waste heat thermoelectric harvesting system. Rich theoretical and practical experience has been accumulated in the research of new thermoelectric materials and modules, and some important research results have been published in Nat. Commun., Energy Environ. Sci., Small, Appl. Phys. Lett., Adv. Eng. Mater., Acta Mater., Rev. Sci. Instrum., and other well-known international academic journals. He has published more than 60 papers, and obtained over 10 authorized invention patents. In 2013, he won the "outstanding guest researcher" award from the U.S. Department of Commerce due to the research work in NIST. He also actively participates in the college student’s research training program. Under his guidance, the undergraduate extracurricular academic project "rapid optical manufacturing of micro thermoelectric refrigeration (TEC) chip and its application in 5G communication and Internet of things" won the third prize in the 12th "Challenge Cup" competition in Hubei Province.
1. Junhao Qiu, Yonggao Yan, Tingting Luo, Kechen Tang, Lei Yao, Jian Zhang, Min Zhang, Xianli Su, Gangjian Tan, Hongyao Xie, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis,Ctirad Uher and Xinfeng Tang. 3D Printing of highly textured bulk thermoelectric materials: mechanically robust BiSbTe alloys with superior performance. Energy Environ. Sci., 2019, 12: 3106 (2019年度热点论文)
2. Tiezheng Hu, Weiqiang Cao, Dongwang Yang, Yonggao Yan, Yu Cao, Tingting Zhang, Xianli Su, Wei Liu, Pierre Poudeu-Poudeu, Xinfeng Tang. Ultra-fast fabrication of bulk ZrNiSn thermoelectric material through self-propagating high-temperature synthesis combined with in-situ quick pressing. Scripta Materialia, 2019, 165: 140
3. Tiezheng Hu, Yonggao Yan, Si Wang, Xianli Su, Wei Liu, Gangjian Tan, Pierre Poudeu-Poudeu and Xinfeng Tang. One-step ultra-rapid fabrication and thermoelectric properties of Cu2Se bulk thermoelectric material. RSC Advance, 2019, 9: 10508
4. Jian Zhang, Yonggao Yan, Hongyao Xie, Ting Zhu, Cheng Zhang, Junhao Qiu, Lei Yao, Xinfeng Tang. Novel Ge-Sb-Te thermoelectric materials: A demonstration for an efficient diffusion couple technique in expediently exploiting new thermoelectric materials. Ceramics International. 2019, 245(13):16039-16045
5. Chuang Luo, Junhao Qiu, Yonggao Yan, Jihui Yang, Ctirad Uher and Xinfeng Tang. Finite element analysis of temperature and stress fields during the selective laser melting process of thermoelectric SnTe. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2018, 261:74-85
6. Yonggao Yan. Wuqian Gen, Thermoelectric properties of n-type ZrNiSn prepared by rapid non-equilibrium laser processing. RSC Advances. 2018, 8: 15796-15803
7. Tian-Le Chen, Chuang Luo, Yong-Gao Yan, Ji-Hui Yang, Qing-Jie Zhang, Ctirad Uher, Xin-Feng Tang. Rapid fabrication and thermoelectric performance of SnTe via non-equilibrium laser 3D printing. Rare Metals. 2018, 37: 300-307
8. Yonggao Yan, Hongquan Ke, Jihui Yang, Ctirad Uher, and Xinfeng Tang. Fabrication and Thermoelectric Properties of n?Type CoSb2.85Te0.15 Using Selective Laser Melting. : ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2018,10(16):13669-13674
9. Yu Mao, Yonggao Yan, Keping Wu, Hongyao Xie, Zekun Xiu, Jihui Yang, Qingjie Zhang, Ctirad Uher and Xinfeng Tang. Non-equilibrium fabrication and characterization of n-type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 thermoelectric material by rapid laser melting and solidification. RSC Advances. 2017, 7, 21439-21445.
10. Keping Wu, Yonggao Yan, Jian Zhang, Yu Mao, Hongyao Xie, Jihui Yang, Qingjie Zhang, Ctirad Uher, Xinfeng Tang, Preparation of n-type Bi2Te3 thermoelectric materials by non-contact dispenser printing combined with selective laser melting. Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters. 2017, 11, **
11. Rizwan Akram, Yonggao Yan, Dongwang Yang, Xiaoyu She, Gang Zheng, Xianli Su, Xinfeng Tang. Microstructure and thermoelectric properties of Sb doped Hf0.25Zr0.75NiSn Half-Heusler compounds with improved carrier mobility. Intermetallics. 2016, 74, 1-7
12. R. Akram, Q. Zhang, D. Yang, Y. Zheng, Y. Yan, X. Su, X. Tang, “Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties of La-Doped ZrNiSn Half-Heusler Compound”, Journal of Electronic Materials. 2016,44, 3563-3570
13. L. Wu, X. Su, Y. Yan, C. Uher, X. Tang, “Ultra-Fast One-Step Fabrication of Cu2Se Thermoelectric Legs With Ni–Al Electrodes by Plasma-Activated Reactive Sintering Technique”, Advanced Engineering Materials. 2016, 18(7), 1181-1188
14. Y. G. Yan, W. Wong-Ng, L. Li, I. Levin, J. A. Kaduk, M. R. Suchomel, X. Sun, G. J. Tan, X. F. Tang, “Structures and thermoelectric properties of double-filled (CaxCe1?x)Fe4Sb12 skutterudites”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2014 , 218, 221-229
15. Y. G. Yan, J. Martin, W. Wong-Ng, M. Green, X. F. Tang, “A temperature dependent screening tool for high throughput thermoelectric characterization of combinatorial films”, Review of Scientific Instruments. 2013, 84, 115110-115110
16. Y. G. Yan, W. Wong-Ng, J. A. Kaduk, G. J. Tan, W. J. Xie, X. F. Tang, “Correlation of thermoelectric and microstructural properties of p-type CeFe4Sb12 melt-spun ribbons using a rapid screening method”, Applied Physics Letters. 2011, 98, 142106
17. E. Espinal, Y. Yan, L. Zhang, L. Espinal, A. Morey, B. O. Wells, M. Aindow, S. L. Suib, “Substrate Control of Anisotropic Resistivity in Heteroepitaxial Nanostructured Arrays of Cryptomelane Manganese Oxide on Strontium Titanate”, Small, 2014,10, 66-72
18. Xianli Su, Fan Fu, Yonggao Yan, Gang Zheng, Tao Liang, Qiang Zhang, Xin Cheng, Dongwang Yang, Hang Chi, Xinfeng Tang, Ctirad Uher, “Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis for compound thermoelectrics and new criterion for combustion processing”, Nature communications. 2014, 5, 4908.
1. Yuejiao Shu, Xianli Su, Yonggao Yan and Xinfeng Tang. Modification of Bulk Heterojunction and Cl Doping for High-Performance Thermoelectric SnSe2/SnSe Nanocomposites. 37th international and European Conference on thermoelectrics, Congress center of Caen, France, Aug. 1~ 5, 2018
2. Yonggao Yan, Tianle Chen, Chuang Luo, Jihui Yang, Qingjie Zhang, Ctirad Uher and Xinfeng Tang. Rapid Fabrication and Thermoelectric Performance of SnTe via Non-Equilibrium Laser 3D Printing. 36th international Conference on thermoelectrics, Pasadena, California, USA July 31~ Aug 3, 2017
3. Yu Mao, Yonggao Yan, Keping Wu, Hongyao Xie, Zekun Xiu, Jihui Yang, Qingjie Zhang, Ctirad Uher and Xinfeng Tang. Non-equilibrium fabrication and characterization of n-type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 thermoelectric material by rapid laser melting and solidification. 36th international Conference on thermoelectrics, Pasadena, California, USA July 31~ Aug 3, 2017
4. Qiang Zhang, Long Cheng, Wei Liu, Yun Zheng, Xianli Su, Hang Chi, Huijun Liu, Yonggao Yan, Xinfeng Tang, Ctirad Uher. Low effective mass and carrier concentration optimization for high performance p-type Mg2(1-x)Li2xSi0.3Sn0.7 solid solutions. 34th international Conference on thermoelectrics, Dresden, Germany, June 28~ July 2, 2015
5. Yonggao Yan, Joshua Martin, Winnie Wong-Ng, Martin Green, and Xinfeng Tang. A temperature dependent screening tool for high throughput thermoelectric characterization of combinatorial films. The 32nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics. June 30~July 4, 2013 Kobe, Japan (Invited talk)
6. Y. G. Yan, W. Wong-Ng. and J. Martin. Synthesis and Characterization of Thermoelectric Combinatorial Thin Film. April 8 - 13, 2012 MRS Spring meeting, San Francisco
7. Y. G. Yan, W. Wong-Ng, J. Martin, G. J Tan, and X. F. Tang. Combinatorial approach on thermoelectric materials using a temperature dependent screening tool. In ICT2011, the 30th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, July 17-21, 2011, Traverse City, Michigan, USA
8. Y. G. Yan, X. F. Tang, W. Wong-Ng, J. Kaduk, B. G. Burke, G. J Tang., W. J. Xie, M. Green, and T. M. Tritt, Melt-spun Ribbon Characterization from a Thermoelectric Power Factor Screening. November 29 - December 2, 2010 MRS Fall meeting, Boston
9. Y. G. Yan, X. F. Tang, H. Liu, and Q. J. Zhang, Preparation and Thermoelectric Properties of Ag0.5In0.5-x Pb5Sn4Te10. In ICT2008, the 27th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, August 3-7, 2008. Corvallis, Oregon, USA
10. Y. G. Yan, X. F. Tang, P. Li, and Q. J. Zhang, Microstructure and Thermoelectric Transport Properties of Type I Clathrates Ba8Sb2Ga14Ge30 Prepared by Ultrarapid Solidification Process. In ICT2008, the 27th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, August 3-7, 2008. Corvallis, Oregon, USA
11. Y. G. Yan, X. F. Tang, H. Liu, L. Yin, and Q. J. Zhang, Cooling rate dependence of microstructure and thermoelectric properties of AgPb18SbTe20 compounds, in ICT2007, the 26th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, June 3 to 7, 2007, Jeju, Korea
1. A method to prepare p-type filled skutterudites thermoelectric materials. Chinese Patent No. ZL 7
2. A multilayer electrode for Mg-Si-Sn thermoelectric legs and its bonding technique, Chinese patent, No. ZL 9.X
3. An ultra-fast method to prepare Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric modules, Chinese patent, No. ZL 7.X
4. An method for rapid screening and optimizing thermoelectric materials, Chinese patent, No. ZL9.3
5. A method of one-step ultra fast preparation of thermoelectric modules from single elemental powder. Chinese patent, ZL8.9
6. A type of Electrode matching with Cu2Se based thermoelectric material and its connection method. Chinese patent, ZL2.7
7. A method of ultra-fast preparation of Cu2Se based thermoelectric components. Chinese patent, ZL8.1
8. A powder suspension of thermoelectric materials for 3D printing and its preparation method,Chinese patent, ZL6.X
9. A method of rapid preparation of thermoelectric devices, Chinese patent, ZL4.8
10. Selective laser melting equipment and printing process based on wet powder spreading,Chinese patent, ZL0.6
11. A method of ultra-fast preparation of thermoelectric materials and devices,Chinese patent, ZL4.0