

武汉理工大学 免费考研网/2015-08-24

崔晓峰教授 简介





武汉理工大学化学化工与生命科学学院生命科学与技术系主任、教授、博士生导师、湖北省楚天学者特聘教授、美国伦斯勒理工大学(RPI)生物技术与交叉研究中心客座教授(Adjunct Professor)。曾担任美国斯特摩根医疗公司首席科学家和研发总监、德国慕尼黑工业大学高级研究员、美国哥伦比亚大学副研究科学家。作为世界上最早开始研究生物制造和3D生物打印的专家学者,曾成功打印出世界上首例具有生理功能的人毛细血管网。在美国Scripps Research Institute通过生物打印制造出世界上首例达到人关节软骨各项指标的3D软骨组织,该工作荣获国际软骨修复学会最佳论文奖(500篇论文中的唯一获奖者,自学会成立以来的第一位华人,个人奖金5000美元)和美国Scripps Research Institute杰出贡献奖。崔教授亦曾先后获得国际骨科研究学会著名研究员奖、国际生物材料学会杰出贡献奖、美国国家纺织中心主席奖、美国政府杰出海外人士、入选美国名人录等荣誉。在生物增材制备、智能生物材料、干细胞研究与应用、血管构建、生物反应器、高通量药物筛选、关节软骨、半月板、骨骼和肌肉的组织工程等研究领域发表高水平学术期刊与会议论文五十余篇,论文引用超过1000次以上,H因子12。主持和参与高达千万美元的基金项目。崔教授现担任三种国际学术期刊编委、美国国立卫生总署、美国国家科学基金会、澳大利亚国家基金理事会评审专家、二十余种国际学术期刊的审稿专家。曾受邀亲自参加美国探索频道关于生物3D打印专题节目的录制拍摄,其研究工作被美国CNN、FOX等国家新闻网广泛报道。并受邀在国际学术会议和世界著名大学(包括普林斯顿大学、杜克大学、德州安德森癌症医学中心、加州大学等)做学术报告30余次。
2004-2008 美国克莱姆森大学生物医学工程博士,导师:Thomas Boland教授

2001-2004 美国克莱姆森大学材料科学与工程硕士,导师:Michael Ellison教授

1994-1998 华东理工大学生化工程学士
2014-至今 武汉理工大学化学化工与生命科学学院生命科学与技术系,主任、教授、博士生导师

2013-至今 美国伦斯勒理工大学(RPI) 生物技术交叉学科研究中心,客座教授

2013-2014 美国斯特摩根医疗公司,首席科学家,研发总监

2012-2013 德国慕尼黑工业大学高等研究院,高级研究员

2010-2012 美国斯克利普斯研究院,副研究员

2010-2010 美国哥伦比亚大学,副研究科学家

2009-2010 美国斯克利普斯研究院,博士后研究员,合作导师:Martin Lotz教授
1. 2014 入选美国名人录

2. 2014 湖北省楚天学者特聘教授

3. 2012 国际软骨修复学会最佳论文奖

4. 2012 美国斯克利普斯研究院杰出贡献奖

5. 2012 国际软骨修复学会世界大会奖学金

6. 2012 国际骨科研究学会著名研究员奖

7. 2012 美国政府杰出海外人士

8. 2009 国际生物材料学会杰出贡献奖

9. 2008 美国真空学会Dorothy M. & Earl S. Hoffman奖

10. 2005 美国国家纺织中心主席奖
美国Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute客座教授

德国Technical University of Munich医学院资深研究员

课题组与美国MIT,Columbia University,Georgia Tech,Scripps Research Institute,University of California San Diego,University of California Davis,Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,Technical University of Munich,Tufts University等建立了良好的合作关系,进入本课题组的学生将有机会与这些国际顶尖的研究机构进行合作研究,优秀的毕业研究生可以推荐至上述研究院校进一步深造,也有机会直接进入国外生物技术和医疗公司工作。

1. 中央高校基本科研基础学科重点项目(2015IB004),2015-2016,主持

2. 楚天学者特聘教授配套经费,主持

3. 美国斯特摩根医疗公司研发项目(TERM001-3),2013-2018,主持

4. 德国慕尼黑工业大学汉斯资深研究员基金,2013-2015,主持

5. 美国国立卫生总署(AG007996),Studies of joint aging & osteoarthritis,2010-2013,参与

6. 美国国家科学基金(**),Dynamic materials based on anchimeric assistance,2010-2013,参与

7. 美国加州再生医学研究院(TR1-01216),Stem cell based therapy for cartilage regeneration and osteoarthritis,2010-2012,参与

8. 美国国立卫生总署(5R01HL042846),Structure & function of platelet membrane glycoproteins,2009-2010

9. 美国国家科学基金会(**),BBSI in biomaterials science and engineering at Clemson University,2006–2008,参与
1. Gao G, Schilling A, Hubbell K, Yonezawa T, Truong D, Hong Y, Dai G, Cui X*. Improved Properties of Bone and Cartilage Tissue from 3D Inkjet-bioprinted Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Simultaneous Deposition and Photocrosslinking in PEG-GelMA. Acta Biomaterialia, Minor revision (通讯作者,IF: 5.684, SCI 1区)
2.Gao G, Yonezawa T, Hubbell K, Dai G, Cui X*. Inkjet-bioprinted acrylated peptides and PEG hydrogel with human mesenchymal stem cells promote robust bone and cartilage formation with minimal printhead clogging. Biotechnology Journal, DOI: 10.1002/biot.**, 2014 (通讯作者,IF: 3.708, SCI 2区)
3. Gao G, Schilling AF, Yonezawa T, Wang J, Dai G, Cui X*. Bioactive Nanoparticles Stimulate Bone Tissue Formation in Bioprinted Three-Dimensional Scaffold and Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Biotechnology Journal, 9 (10): 1304-11, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/biot.**(通讯作者,IF: 3.708, SCI 2 区)
4. Cui X, Lu Y, Lee V, Kim D, Dorsey T, Wang Q, Lee Y, Vincent P, Schwarz J, Dai G. Venous Endothelial Marker COUP-TFII Regulates the Distinct Pathologic Potentials of Adult Arteries and Veins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), Minor revision (IF: 9.809, SCI 1区)
5. Cui X, Boland T. Human Microvasculature Fabrication Using Thermal Inkjet Printing Technology. Biomaterials, 30 (31): 6221-7, 2009. (IF: 7.604, SCI 1区)
6. Cui X*, Breitenkamp K, Finn MG, Lotz M, Colwell C. Direct Human Cartilage Repair Using Thermal Inkjet Printing Technology.Osteoarthritis & Cartilage, 19: S47-48, 2011. (IF: 4.262, SCI 1区)
7. Cui X*, Hasegawa A, Lotz M, D’Lima DD. Structured 3D Co-culture of Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Meniscus Cells Promotes Meniscal Phenotype without Hypertrophy. Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 109 (9): 2369-80, 2012.(通讯作者,IF: 3.648, SCI 1区)
8. Cui X, Breitenkamp K, Lotz M, D’Lima DD. Synergistic Action of FGF-2 & TGF-β1 Enhances Bioprinted Human Neocartilage Formation. Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 109 (9): 2357-68, 2012. (IF: 3.648, SCI 1区)
9. Cui X*, Dean D, Ruggeri ZM, Boland T. Cell Damage Evaluation of Thermal Inkjet Printed Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells. Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 106 (6): 963-9, 2010. (IF: 3.648, SCI 1区)
10. Cui X, Breitenkamp K, Finn MG, Lotz M, D’Lima DD. Direct Human Cartilage Repair Using 3D Bioprinting Technology.Tissue Engineering Part A, 18 (11-12): 1304-12, 2012. (IF: 4.065, SCI 2区)
11. Cui X*, Gao G, Yonezawa T, Dai G. Human Cartilage Tissue Fabrication Using Three-Dimensional Inkjet Printing Technology. Journal of Visualized Experiments, (88), e51294, doi:10.3791/51294, 2014. (通讯作者,IF: 1.19, SCI)
12. Cui X*, Gao G, Qiu Y. Accelerated Myotube Formation Using Bioprinting Technology for Biosensor Applications. Biotechnology Letters, 35 (3): 315-21, 2013.(通讯作者,IF: 1.853, SCI)
13. Cui X*, Boland T, D’Lima DD, Lotz M. Thermal Inkjet Printing in Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine. Recent Patents on Drug Delivery & Formulation,6 (2): 149-55, 2012. (通讯作者,IF: 2.46)
14. Cui X*, Ellison M. Effects of Biodiesel Waste Glycerol on the Growth Characteristics of Pichia pastoris Genetically Modified to Produce Spidroin. International Journal of ChemTech Research, 4 (2): 713-9, 2012.
15. Cui X, Boland T, Simultaneous Deposition of Human Microvascular Endothelial Cells & Biomaterials for Human Microvasculature Fabrication Using Inkjet Printing, NIP24/digital Fabrication 2008:24th International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies, Technical Program & Proceedings, 24: 480-3, 2008
16. de Laat B, Cui X, Nagrampa-Orje J, Yabe M, Roberts JR, Ruggeri ZM, Biomechanical Properties of the Glycoprotein Ib-von Willebrand Factor Interaction under Flow. Circulation, 120 (18): S1169-9, 2009 (IF: 15.202, SCI 1区)
17. Yonezawa T, Kurata R, Tajima A, Cui X, Maruta H, Nakaoka H, Nakajima K, Inoko H. Comparative Proteomics and Network Analysis Identify PKC Epsilon Underlying Long-Chain Fatty Acid Signaling. Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 7 (11): 340-46, 2014 (IF: 2.56)
18. Yonezawa T, Kurata R, Yoshida K, Murayama MA, Cui X, Hasegawa A. Free Fatty Acids-Sensing G Protein-Coupled Receptors in Drug Targeting & Therapeutics. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 20 (31): 3855-71, 2013. (IF: 4.070, SCI 2 区)
19. Zhang C, Zhao K, Hu T, Cui X, Brown N, Boland T. Loading Dependent Swelling & Release Properties of Novel Biodegradable, Elastic & Environmental Stimuli-sensitive Polyurethanes, Journal of Controlled Release, 131(2): 128-36, 2008. (IF: 7.633, SCI 1区)
20. Deitch S, Kunkle C, Cui X, Boland T, Dean Delphine. Collagen Matrix Alignment Using Inkjet Printer Technology, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1094: DD07-16, 2008
21. Singh N,Cui X, Boland T, Husson SM. The Role of Independently Variable Grafting Density & Layer Thickness of Polymer Nanolayers on Peptide Adsorption & Cell Adhesion, Biomaterials, 28 (5): 763-71, 2007.(IF: 7.604, SCI 1区)
22. Boland T, Cui X, Chaubey A, Burg T, Groff R, Burg K, Precision Printing of Cells & Biomaterials onto 3D Matrices, Proceedings of the ASME International Conference on Manufacturing Science & Engineering, MSEC2007 (31023): 77-81, 2007
23. Boland T, Cui X, Aho M, Baicu C, Zile M. Image Based Printing of Structured Biomaterials for Realizing Complex 3D Cardiovascular Constructs, Journal of Imaging Science & Technology, 2: 86-8, 2006 (SCI)
24. Boland T, Xu T, Damon B, Cui X. Application of Inkjet Printing to Tissue Engineering, Biotechnology Journal, 1 (9): 910-7, 2006. (IF: 3.446, SCI 2 区)
25. Xu T, Gregory CA, Molnar P, Cui X, Jalota S, Bhaduri SB, Boland T. Viability & Electrophysiology of Neural Cell Structures Generated by the Inkjet Printing Method, Biomaterials, 27 (19): 3580-8, 2006. (IF: 7.604, SCI 1区)
26. Singh N, Husson SM,Cui X, Boland T. Polymer Brush Layers with Variation of Grafting Density for Peptide Adsorption and Cell Adhesion Studies, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 231: 418-PMSE, 2006(SCI)

相关话题/化学 化工 生命