

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-22

方兴,男,大地测量学博士,副教授。 2011年德国汉诺威大学博士毕业并回国留武汉大学工作,2015赴美国俄亥俄州立大学进行博士后研修。主要从事变形监测,地球框架确定及GNSS时间序列分析等大地测量数据处理方面的研究。发表SCI论文26篇,EI论文5篇并荣获ESRI中国杯测绘学报2017年度优秀论文。
办公地点:武汉大学信息学部4 号楼321
2015.03-2017.03 美国俄亥俄州立大学, 博士后,导师:Prof B Schaffrin
(Post doc, Ohio State University, USA)
2008.01 -2011.04 德国汉诺威大学,大地测量学博士,导师:Prof H Kutterer
(Dr.-Ing., Leibniz University Hanover, Germany)
2004.10 -2007.07 德国汉诺威大学,大地测量学硕士
(Dipl.-Ing., Leibniz University Hanover, Germany)
2000.09 -2004.06 武汉大学,测绘工程
(Bechelor, Wuhan University, China)
2014.11 至今 武汉大学副教授 (Associate Prof, Wuhan University)
2011.09 –2014.11 武汉大学讲师 (Assisant Prof, Wuhan Universtiy)
3、SCI paper (一作及通讯)
16)Fang X; Zeng WX; Zhou YJ; Wang B (2020) On the Total Least Median of Squares adjustment for the pattern recognition in point clouds. Measurement. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2020.107794
15)Qin, YX, Fang, X*, Zeng WX,Wang B (2020) General Total Least Squares Theory for Geodetic Coordinate Transformations. Appl. Sci.?2020,?10, 2598. https://doi.org/10.3390/app**
14)Wang B,? Liu C, Fang X*,? Chen WJ (2020) A universally efficient algorithm and precision assessment for seamless 3D similarity transformation, Measurement science and technology, https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6501/ab7dee
13) Zeng WX, Fang X*, Lin Y, Huang X, Yao YB ?(2017) On the errors-in-variables model with inequality constraints of dependent variables for geodetic transformation. Survey Review, DOI: 10.1080/**.2017.**
12) Zeng WX, Fang X*, Lin Y, Zhou YJ, Huang X?(2017)?On the Total Least-Squares estimation for autoregressive model, Survey Review,?DOI:10.1080/**.2017.**
11) Fang X, Li B, Alkhatib H, Zeng WX, Yao YB (2016) Bayesian inference for the Errors-In-Variables model. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 61 (2017), 35-52,
10) Xie C, Huang X, Zeng WX, Fang X* (2016) A novel water index for urban high-resolution eight-band WorldView-2 imagery, International Journal of Digital Earth, 9:10, 925-941, DOI:10.1080/**.2016.**
9) Wang J, Kutterer H, Fang X* (2016) External error modeling with combined model in terrestrial laser scanning, Survey Review, 48 (346):40-50
8) Fang X, Wu Y (2016) On the errors-in-variables model with equality and inequality constraints for selected numerical examples. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 51:515–525
DOI: 10.1007/s40328-015-0141-5
7) Fang X, Wang J, Li B, Zeng W, Yao Y (2015) On total least squares for quadratic form estimation. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 59(3): 366-379 DOI: 1007/s11200-014-0267-x
6) Fang X (2015) Weighted total least-squares with constraints: a universal formula for geodetic symmetrical transformations. Journal of Geodesy, 89 (5): 459-469
5) Zhou Y, Fang X* (2016) A mixed weighted least squares and weighted total least squares adjustment method and its geodetic applications. Survey review. 48:351, 421-429,
DOI: 10.1179/Y.
4) Fang X (2014a) On non-combinatorial weighted Total Least Squares with inequality constraints. Journal of Geodesy, 88 (8): 805-816
3) Fang X (2014b) A structured and constrained Total Least-Squares solution with cross-covariances, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 58 (1): 1-16
2) Fang X (2014c) A total least squares solution for geodetic datum transformations. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 49 (2): 189-207
1) Fang X (2013) Weighted Total Least Squares: necessary and sufficient conditions, fixed and random parameters. Journal of Geodesy, 87 (8): 733-749
Bin Wang;?Xing Fang; Chao Liu; and Bangyan Zhu (2020)Data Snooping for the Equality Constrained Nonlinear Gauss–Helmert Model Using Sensitivity Analysis. Journal of Surveying Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.**
Wu Y, Liu X, Liu W, Ren J, Lou Y, Dai X, Fang X??(2017)Long-term behavior and statistical characterization of BeiDou signal-in-space errors. GPS Solutions, 21(4), 1907-1922
Xie C, Huang X, Wang L, Fang X, Liao W ?(2017) Spatiotemporal change patterns of urban lakes in China’s major cities between 1990 and 2015. International Journal of Digital Earth, DOI: 10.1080/**.2017.**
Zhou YJ, Gong JH, Fang X?(2017) Accurate coupled lines fitting in an errors-in-variables framework. Survey Review,?DOI: 10.1080/**.2017.**
Zeng HE, Fang X, Chang GB, Yang RH (2018) A dual quaternion algorithm of the Helmert transformation problem. Earth, planet and space, 70:26
Lin Y, Wei T, Yang B, Knyazikhin Y, Zhang Y, Sato H, Fang X, Liang X, Yan L, Sun S (2017) TLS-bridged co-prediction of tree-level multifarious stem structure variables from worldview-2 panchromatic imagery: a case study of the boreal forest. International Journal of Digital Earth. 10:7, 701-718, DOI:10.1080/**.2016.**
Zhou YJ, Kou XJ, Li J, Fang X (2017) Comparison on structured and weighted total least squares adjustment methods for linearly structured errors-in-variables models, J. Surv. Eng., ASCE, 2017, 143(1): **
Huang X, Xie C, Fang X, Zhang L (2015) Combining Pixel-and Object-Based Machine Learning for Identification of Water-Body Types From Urban High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Imagery. Journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing. 8(5):2097-2110
Lu J, Chen Y,? Li BF, Fang X (2014) Robust Total Least Squares with Reweighting Iteration for Three-Dimensional Similarity Transformation, Survey Review, 46(334):28-36
Zhang YQ, Wang ML, Fang X, Ozguner M?(2018) Unifying Analytical Methods With Numerical Methods for Traffic System Modeling and Control. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems PP(99):1-15
4. EI paper
6) 胡川,方兴,赵立都.融合正交几何信息的非线性等式约束整体最小二乘平差及迭代算法[J].测绘学报,2020,49(7):816-823.
稳健估计的一种改进选权迭代算法 测绘学报
4) 曾文宪, 方兴*, 刘经南, 姚宜斌 DOI:10.11947/j.AGCS.2016.**
通用EIV平差模型及其加权整体最小二乘估计 测绘学报???? 2016 Vol. 45 (8): 890-894
3) ?方兴, 曾文宪, 刘经南, 姚宜斌, 王勇 DOI:10.11947/j.AGCS.2016.**
基于非线性高斯-赫尔默特模型的混合整体最小二乘估计,测绘学报???? 2016 Vol. 45 (3): 291-296
2) 方兴 曾文宪 刘经南 姚宜斌 DOI:DOI:10.13485/j.cnki.11-2089.2014.0193
三维坐标转换的通用整体最小二乘算法 测绘学报???? 2014 Vol. 43 (11): 1139-114
1) 曾文宪 方兴* 刘经南 DOI:10.13485/j.cnki.11-2089.2014.0173
附有不等式约束的加权整体最小二乘算法 测绘学报???? 2014 Vol. 43 (10): 1013-1018
5.?other paper
Schaffrin B, Snow K, Fang X (2018) Alternative Approaches for the Use of Uncertain Prior Information to Overcome the Rank-Deficiency of a Linear Model.?In book: Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical Inference DOI10.1007/978-3-319-73241-_12

Lu J, Chen Y, Fang X, Zheng B (2015) Performing 3D similarity transformation using the weighted total least-squares method. International Association of Geodesy Symposia Volume 140
Fang X, Kutterer H (2015)On the weighted Total Least Squares Solutions International Association of Geodesy Symposia Volume International Association of Geodesy Symposia Volume 140
Wang J, Kutterer H, Fang X (2012) On the detection of systematic errors in terrestrial laser scanning data, Journal of Applied Geodesy, Volume 6, Issue 3-4, pp 187–192
Müller J, Hofmann F, Fang X, Biskupek L, (2014) Lunar Laser Ranging: Recent Results Based on Refined Modelling, Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, International Association of Geodesy Symposia book series (IAG SYMPOSIA, volume 139)
6.?oral presentation
Fang X. On Least-Squares within the Gauss Markov model, Scientific Congress of the Turkish National unoin of geodesy and geophysics. Izmir, Turkey, 2018
Fang X. A global solution for the weighted total least squares with inequality constraints. VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy, International Association of Geodesy, Rome, Italy, 2013
Fang X and H Kutterer. On the weighted Total Least Squares Solutions. The 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Geodetic Observation and Monitoring Systems (QuGOMS’11), International Association of Geodesy, Munich, Germany, 2011
Fang X and J Mueller. Special aspects of parameter estimation in LLR data processing. Theory and Model for the New Generation of the Lunar Laser Ranging Data, second workshop, Bern, Swiss, 2011 (http://www.issibern.ch/teams/lunarlaser/private/Talks_Second_Workshop/)
Schaffrin B, Snow K, Fang X. On the total lest-squares approach to a multivariable errors-in-variables model. Presented at international statistical institute, regional statistics conference, Bali, 22-24 March 2017
7. Reviewer in the following journals and proceedings
1. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 3. Advances in space Research, 4. Applied Mathematics, 5. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 6. Earth, Planet and Space, 7. IAG Symposium, 8. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 9. Journal of Applied Geodesy, 10. Journal of Geodesy, 11. Journal of Geodetic Science, 12. Journal of Spatial Science, 13. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 14. Nuclear Science and Techniques 15. Sensors 16. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 17. Survey Review, 18. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 19. Plos one, 20?Statistics and Probability Letters 21?Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 22 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 23 remote sensing 24 International Journal of Image and Data Fusion
8. 科研项目(funding)
主持中央高校自主科研学科交叉项目一项:房地产特征价格模型的整体最小二乘估计理论研究 **kf0230
GNSS 接收机自主完备性监测的高级算法与性能研究
9. 个人荣誉 (Honor)及国际兼职
TUJJB scientific committee成员
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