

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-22

姓名:袁诚 手机号:**
部门:设计系 职称:副教授

姓名:袁诚 手机号:**
部门:设计系 职称:副教授

俄罗斯赫尔岑国立师范大学:硕士(油画)Masterof Science in oil painting, University of Herzen , Russia
武汉大学: 硕士(城市规划)Master of Science of Urban Planning, Wuhan University, China
湖北美术学院: 学士(水彩)Bachelor of watercolor,HubeiFine Arts Institute, China

Basic Ornamental Moldings ;oil painting; watercolor;the art of painting; graphic design of art

Teachingassistant (1995-2000), lecturer(2000), associate professor (2008)
In Art Design of the instituteof Urban Design, WuhanUniversity, Wuhan, Hubei, China.

1. 壁画设计作品《沃土· 腾飞》荣获“湖北省科技美术作品大展”银奖 2003年
Thewall painting designing work 《沃土· 腾飞》won the silver award in the Exhibition ofScience and Art work in Hubei Province in 2003
2. 美术作品<节奏欢快>在“首届全国小幅水彩画展”中获优秀奖 2003年
The art work <节奏欢快> won a honorable award in the First Watercolor Exhibition of Small Publication in China in 2003 3. 美术 作品《成熟季节》在湖北省高等学校美术大展中获铜奖 2003年
The art work 《成熟季节》won a bronze prize in theArt Exhibition of institutionof higher educationin Hubei Province in 2003
4. 设计作品《武大职工美容健身中心》在中国(武汉)国际建筑装饰设计大赛中获铜奖 2003年
The design the gym and salon for the staff inWuhan Universitywon a bronze prize in the National Designing Competition of Architecture andDecorate in Wuhan China in 2003
5. 美术作品《旋律如梦》在“第十届湖北省美术作品展”荣获铜奖 2004年
The art work 《旋律如梦》won a bronze prize in the Tenth Exhibition of painting in Hubei Province in2004
6. 美术作品《土炉 铝壶 柴火茶》在“湖北省第二届高等学校美术大展”中荣获铜奖 2005年
The art work 《土炉 铝壶 柴火茶》won a bronze prize in the Second PaintingExhibition of institutionof higher education in Hubei Province in 2005
7. 美术作品《山乡正午》在“湖北省第四届高校美术作品展”中荣获银奖 2010年
The art work《山乡正午》won asilver prize in the Fourth Painting Exhibition of institution of higher education in HubeiProvince in 2010
8. 论文《探讨城市雕塑的创作程序》在湖北省第四届高校美术教学论坛中获优秀奖 2010年
The easy on the designing process of city sculpturewon a honorable award inthe Fourth Art TeachingForum of theinstitution in Hubei Province in 2010

Refereed Articles 发表 论文

袁诚,2008,高校色彩教学研究 ,著名(俄罗斯赫尔岑国立师范大学校刊)24期:488-491 页
Yuan, C., 2008. The research on the colors’ teaching in university --school paperof theUniversity Herzenin Russia.24:488-491.
袁诚,2008,写实在美术教学中的地位 著名(俄罗斯赫尔岑国立师范大学校刊)28期:415-420 页
Yuan, C., 2008. The status of Realism in artteaching--Schoolpaperof theUniversity Herzenin Russia.28:415-420
袁诚,2008,城市雕塑的互动性研究 ,艺术教育研究(俄罗斯圣彼得堡艺术教育杂志)24期:67-75 页
Yuan, C., 2008. The research on the interaction of city sculpture, theresearch on art teaching—magazine of art teaching in St. Petersburg, Russia. 24:67-75.
袁诚,2008,高校色彩教学研究 ,著名(俄罗斯赫尔岑国立师范大学校刊)24期:488-491 页
Yuan, C., 2008. The research on the colors’ teaching in university --school paperof theUniversity Herzenin Russia.24:488-491.
袁诚,2002,创造可持续发展的绿色人居环境 ,武汉大学学报(增刊):90-92页
Yuan, C., 2002. Create sustainable and environmentally-friendlydeveloping living environment—school paper in Wuhan University (supplement):90-92.
袁诚,2001,数字化展示设计的探讨 ,武汉大学学报(增刊):116-118页
Yuan, C., 2001. Discussion on the designing of digitization and display-- school paper in Wuhan University (supplement):116-118.
OtherPublications and Technical Reports其它出版物和学术活动

2010, 《温暖的阳光》was selected inShanghai Zhujiajiao International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition
2010, 《大地痕迹之一》was selected inThe Ninth Exhibition of Watercolor and Pastel
2009年作品“自然气息”系列参加“女人花”展 武汉美莲社艺术中心
2009, the series of works named “natural flavor” were selected in “women exhibition”, held by WuhanMeyshe.
2007, 《土地》was selected in Russianart exhibition in memory of the victory day of WORLD WAR II, held by St. Petersburg ArtistsAssociation.
2007年作品《墙》入选“俄罗斯纪念二战胜利日美术作品展”, 圣彼得堡美术家协会举办
2007,《墙》was selected in Russian art exhibition in memory of the victory day ofWORLD WAR II, held by St. PetersburgArtists Association.
2007, 《原》、《大路》were selected in The First Chinese ArtExhibition in Russia
2006, 《夏日》was selected in St. Petersburg Autumn ArtExhibition, held by St. Petersburg Artists Association.
2005, 《被翻耕的土地》was selected in The Seventh Exhibition Of Watercolor and Pastel
2004年钢笔画作品《小街的拐弯角》、《民居》入选《速写风景范本》 浙江人民美术出版社出版2004
2004,works of pen drawing 《小街的拐弯角》、《民居》was selected in 《速写风景范本》,published by Zhejiang People’s Fine Arts Publishing House.
2003年论文《城市雕塑的特性》在湖北省高等学校美术教育论坛评选中荣获教师组三等奖 第一作者
2003, the easy on thecharacter of urban sculpture
2003, 《秋赋》was selected in HigherSchool Art Exhibition in Hubei Province
2003年作品《老街之二》入选“中国水彩画写生精品大展 ”
2003, 《老街之二》was selected in The exhibition of watercolor
2003, 《静物》was selected in 《中国写生作品选集》
1999, 《大漠烟云》was selected in The Ninth Art Exhibition inHubei Province.

Publicationsof teaching material教材出版情况
2002, Composition of the textbook “ pen drawing skill”, as the mainauthor, published by Hubei Art press, 6th edit, and listed as national generalsenior education “ eleventh fiveyear” educationresource .
Complete the Wu Han university educationadministration 15th textbook term, “Basis of color” , as the main author, publishedby Wu Han University press.
2010 Composition of textbook “design color”, as thethird author, published by Wu Han University Press

Basic Ornamental Moldings ;oil painting; watercolor;the art of painting; graphic design of art

CoursesTaught:To undergraduates: Modeling Basis(1)、Modeling Basis(2)、ModelingBasis(3)、ModelingBasis(4)、Techniquesand Presentation in Industrial Design、Practicein fine arts、Fundamentals of ArchitecturalDesign

To masters: Art Theory

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