本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-20
姓 名
性 别
职 称
邮 编
手 机
博士:2012.09 至2016.08,渥太华大学土木工程系,导师:Sai K. Vanapalli教授
博士论文:Modelling Stiffness and Shear Strength of Compacted Subgrade Soils
硕士:2009.09 至2012.07,郑州大学土木工程学院,导师:郭院成教授
本科:2005.09 至2009.07,郑州大学土木工程学院
2017.02至 今 武汉大学土木建筑工程学院,特聘副研究员
2016.09至2018.09 渥太华大学土木工程系,博士后
2013.01至2016.08 渥太华大学土木工程系,研究助理/教学助理
2018年秋季学期: 桩基工程
My research interest mainly focuses on the rational design and analysis of sustainable transportation geo-infrastructure considering various environmental factors. My research area covers:
(i) Characterization of the strength and stiffness of pavement materials under varying hydraulic, thermal and loading conditions; (ii) Hydraulic and mechanical responses of pavement materials during drying-wetting and freeze-thaw cycles; (iii) Design and sustainability analysis for transportation infrastructure; (iv) Design and modelling of shallow and deep foundations considering environmental influence.
My research interest also extends to the constitutive modelling of the hydromechanical coupled behaviour of engineered soils using the mechanics of unsaturated soils, and the design and optimization of ground improvement technics such as micropiles, rigid inclusion, deep soil mixing and jet grouting.
A. Theses: 2
B. Journal Publications: 17
C. Manuscripts under Review: 4
D. Technical Reports: 2
E. Keynote / Invited Conference Contributions: 7
F. Conference Publications: 19
Total Publications: 51
A. Theses
1. Han, Z.(2016).Modelling Stiffness and Shear Strength of Compacted Subgrade Soils. PhD Thesis, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada. (URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10393/35059)
2. Han, Z.(2012).Study on Negative Skin Friction in Post-Processed High Fill Subgrade. MSc Thesis, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China.
B. Journal Publications (*corresponding authorship)
3. Han, Z.,Vanapalli, S. K., Ren, J. -P., and Zou,W. -L. (2018).Characterizing cyclic and static modulus and strength of compacted Canadian pavement subgrade soils considering post-compaction moisture variation.Soils and Foundations, 58(5). DOI: 10.1016/j.sandf.2018.06.003.
4. Han, Z., Vanapalli, S. K., Zou,W. -L., Wang, X. -Q., and Zhang, Jun-feng.(2018)Modelling the volumetric behaviour of compacted clay during compression.Acta Geotechnica. (In print)
5. Zou,W. -L.,Han, Z.*, Vanapalli, S. K., Zhang, J. -F., and Zhao, G. -T. (2018).Predicting volumetric behavior of compacted clays during compression.Applied Clay Science, 156C: 116-125.DOI:10.1016/j.clay.2018.01.036.
6. Zou,W. -L., Ye,J. -B.,Han, Z., Vanapalli, S. K.,and Tu, H. -Y. (2018). Effect of montmorillonite content and sodium chloride solution on the residual swelling pressure of an expansive clay.Environmental Earth Science, 77(19): 677.DOI: 10.1007/s12665-018-7873-9
7. Wan, L. -L., Zou, W. -L., Wang, X. -Q., andHan, Z.(2018).Comparison of three kinds of inclusions in reducing lateral swelling pressure.Geosynthetics International.DOI:10.1680/jgein.18.00012.
8. Han, Z., Vanapalli, S. K., and Zou, W. -L. (2017).Integrated approaches for predicting soil-water characteristic curve and resilient modulus of compacted subgrade soils.Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 54(5):646-663. DOI:10.1139/cgj-2016-0349.
9. Han, Z., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2017). Normalizing variation of stiffness and shear strength of compacted fine-grained soils with moisture content.ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 143(9): **. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.**.
10. Han, Z., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2017). Closure to “State-of-the-Art: Prediction of Resilient Modulus of Unsaturated Subgrade Soils”.ASCE International Journal of Geomechanic,17(11): **. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.**
11. Ren, J. -P., Vanapalli, S. K., andHan, Z.(2017). Soil freezing process and different expressions for soil-freezing characteristic curve.Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions. 9(3): 1-8. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1226.2017.000xx.
12. Han, Z., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2016).Stiffness and shear strength of unsaturated soils in relation to soil-water characteristic curve.Géotechnique, 66(8): 627-647. DOI: 10.1680/geot./15-P-104.
13. Han, Z., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2016). State-of-the-Art: Prediction of resilient modulus of unsaturated subgrade soils.ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, 16(4): **. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.**.
14. Han, Z., Vanapalli, S. K., and Kutlu, Z. N. (2016). Modelling the behavior of a friction pile in a compacted glacial till.ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, 16(6): D**. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.**.
15. Han, Z., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2016). Relationship between resilient modulus and suction for compacted subgrade soils.Engineering Geology, 211: 85-97. DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2016.06.020.
16. Vanapalli, S. K., and Han, Z.* (2016).Modelling the mechanical properties of a compacted glacial till.IndianGeotechnical Journal, 46(3): 261-271. DOI: 10.1007/s40098-016-0183-9.
17. Han, Z., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2015). Model for predicting the resilient modulus of unsaturated subgrade soil using the soil-water characteristic curve.Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 52(10): 1605-1619. DOI: 10.1139/cgj-2014-0339.
18. Guo, Y. -C., Wei, Y. -Q., andHan, Z.(2015). Research on service behavior of post-processed high fill embankment on different initial consolidation degree.Highway. 60(1): 27-30.
19. Guo, Y. -C., Wei, Y. -Q., andHan, Z.(2013). Study on load transfer mechanism in post-processed high fill subgrade embankment.Journal Shenyang Jianzhu University (Natural Science), 29(5): 775-781.
C. Manuscripts under Review
20. Han, Z., Vanapalli, S. K., and Zou,W. -L.Simple approaches for modeling hysteretic soil water retention behavior. Submitted toASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering.
21. Ye, Y. -X., Zou,W. -L., andHan, Z.Characteristics of the soil-water retention surface projections. Submitted toSoil Science.
22. Ye, Y. -X., Zou,W. -L., andHan, Z.Predicting the entire soil-water characteristic curve using limited measurements from a low suction range. Submitted toJournal of Mountain Science.
23. Wan, L. -L., Zou, W. -L.,Han, Z., and Wang, X. -Q. Effect of stress history on the mechanical and rheological behavior of EPS geofoam. Submitted toGeotextile and Geomembrane.
D. Technical Reports
24. Han, Z.,Ren, J. -P., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2017). Influence of Climate Factors on the Long Term Performance of Pavements. National Research Council Canada, Project: Climate-Resilient Core Public Infrastructure: Roads.
25. Vanapalli, S. K., and Han, Z.(2016).Characterization of the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide Input Parameters for the Resilient Modulus of Ontario Subgrade Soils. Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, 2014 Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program (HIIFP2014).
E. Keynote / Invited Conference Contributions
26. Han, Z.(2017). Stiffness and shear strength of unsaturated soils.2017 Canadian Geotechnical Conference,Keynote Address, Ottawa, Canada.
27. Vanapalli, S. K., and Han, Z.(2017). Design of shallow and deep foundations using the mechanics of unsaturated soils.2017 Pan-American Conference on Unsaturated Soils,Fredlund Symposium Invited Address, Dallas, USA.
28. Vanapalli, S. K., and Han, Z.(2016). Addressing transportation geotechnics challenges using mechanics of unsaturated soils.2016 Indian Geotechnical Conference,Keynote Address,Chennai, India. In Geotechnical Design and Practice. Developments in Geotechnical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-0505-4_8.
29. Vanapalli, S. K.,Han, Z., Qi, S., and Liu, Y. (2016). Some applications of the mechanics of unsaturated soils in forensic geotechnical engineering.5th International Conference on Forensic Geotechnical Engineering,Keynote Address, Bengaluru, India.
30. Vanapalli, S. K., and Han, Z.(2016). Canadian practice on determining and estimating the resilient modulus of pavement materials.2016 TRB Annual Meeting,Invited Address,Washington, D.C., USA.
31. Vanapalli, S. K., and Han, Z.(2014). Application of the unsaturated soil mechanics in the design of pavements.6thInternational Conference on Unsaturated Soils,Invited Address, Sydney, Australia, Unsaturated Soils: Research & Applications, Edited by N. Khalili, A. Russell, and A. Khoshghalb, CRC Press, 1799-1805. DOI: 10.1201/b17034-263.
32. Vanapalli, S. K., and Han, Z.(2013). Prediction of the resilient modulus of unsaturated fine-grained soils.4thInternational Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering,Keynote Address, NCR, India, Advances in Engineering and Technology. Edited by B. S. Harish, and V. V. Das, Elsevier, a division of Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd, 876-887. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3889.2881.
F. Conference Publications
33. Zou, W. -L., Wang, X. -Q., Zhang, J. -F.,Han, Z.,and Wan, L. -L. (2018). Constitutive model for soaking-induced volume change of unsaturated compacted expansive soil. InProceedings of the 2018China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Vienna, Austria. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-97112-4_26.
34. Zou, W. -L., Ye, Y. -X.,Han, Z., and Wang, X. -Q. (2018). Soil-water space curve of a silty sand. InProceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Hong Kong, China.
35. Bruce, J., Gurpersaud, N.,Han, Z., Montgomery, M., and Lee, H. (2018) Micropiles installed into an artesian aquifer at Richmond Hill GO station pedestrian bridge. InProceedings of the GeoEdmonton 2018, the 71stAnnual Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Edmonton, Canada.
36. Han, Z., Vanapalli, S. K., Ren, J. P., Zou, W.-L. (2017). Empirical relationships for predicting the resilient modulus of Ontario subgrade soils. InProceedings of theTransportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, (Paper No. **). https://trid.trb.org/view/**
37. Han, Z., Zou, W. -L., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2017). Stiffness and permanent strain behavior of an unsaturated red clay under cyclic loadings. InProceedings of the 2017 Pan-Am Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Dallas, USA.
38. Ahmed, F.,Han, Z., Vanapalli, S. K., and Ren, J. P. (2017). Estimating the variation of the resilient modulus with respect to moisture content for a compacted subgrade soil from pocket penetrometer results. InProceedings of the GeoOttawa2017, the 70thAnnual Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
39. Ren, J. P.,Han, Z., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2017). Predicting resilient modulus of frozen subgrade soils. InProceedings of theTransportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, (Paper No. 17-03396). https://trid.trb.org/view/**
40. Han, Z.,Ren, J. P., Faria, A. andVanapalli, S. K. (2016). Modelling the resilient modulus of Ontario subgrade soils considering the environmental influences. InProceedings of the GeoVancouver2016, the 69thAnnual Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
41. Al-Khazaali, M.,Han, Z., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2016). Modelling the load-settlement behavior of model piles in unsaturated sand and glacial till. InProceedings of the 2016 ASCE Geotechnical & Structural Engineering Congress, Phoenix, USA, Edited by C. Y. Chandran and M. I. Hoit, 2075-2087. DOI: 10.1061/42.178.
42. Oh, W. T., Vanapalli, S. K., Qi, S., andHan, Z.(2016). Stability of an unsaturated vertical trench. InProceedings of the 2016 European Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Paris, France, Edited by P. Delage, Y. - J. Cui, S. Ghabezloo, J. M. Pereira, and A. M. Tang, UNSP 15003. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/.
43. Han, Z., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2015). Prediction of the resilient modulus of unsaturated base-course materials. InProceedings of the IFCEE 2015, San Antonio, USA. Geotechnical Special Publication 256, IFCEE 2015, Edited by M. Iskander, M. T. Suleimanand, J. B. Anderson and D. F. Laefer, 2112-2121. DOI: 10.1061/87.195.
44. Han, Z., Baudin, M., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2015). Two-step approach for estimating the resilient modulus of pavement subgrade taking account the influence of moisture regime. InProceedings of the 2015 ASCE Airfield & Highway Pavement Conference, Miami, USA. DOI: 10.1061/16.076.(SCI)
45. Han, Z., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2015). Resilient modulus - suction correlations for several subgrade soils from China. InProceedings of the 2015 Asia-Pacific Conferences on Unsaturated Soils, Guilin, China, Unsaturated Soil Mechanics from Theory to Practice, Edited by Z. Chen, C. Wei, D. Sun, and Y. Xu, CRC Press, 247-252. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4162.1526.
46. Han, Z., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2014). Predicting the variation of resilient modulus with respect to suction using the soil-water characteristic curve as a tool. InProceedings of the ASCE 2014 GeoCongress Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Geotechnical Special Publication 234, Geo-Characterization and Modeling for Sustainability, Edited by M. Abu-Farsakh, X. Yu, and L. R. Hoyos, 1463-1472. DOI: 10.1061/72.143.
47. Han, Z., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2014). Prediction of the variation of the resilient modulus with respect to the soil suction for three granular materials using three methods. InProceedings of the 2014 GeoShanghai Conference, Shanghai, China, Geotechnical Special Publication 239, Pavement Materials, Structures, and Performance, Edited by B. Huang, and S. Zhao, 414-423. DOI: 10.1061/18.041.
48. Han, Z., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2014). Semi-empirical model for predicting the resilient modulus of unsaturated fine-grained soils using the soil-water characteristic curve. InProceedings of the 6thInternational Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Sydney, Australia, Unsaturated Soils: Research & Applications, Edited by N. Khalili, A. Russell, and A. Khoshghalb, CRC Press, 797-803. DOI: 10.1201/b17034-113.
49. Taylan Kutlu, Z. N., Vanapalli, S. K., andHan, Z.(2014). Modeling the p-δ behavior of single friction pile in compacted fine-grained soils. InProceedings of the 6thInternational Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Sydney, Australia, Unsaturated Soils: Research & Applications, Edited by N. Khalili, A. Russell, and A. Khoshghalb, CRC Press, 1791-1797. DOI: 10.1201/b17034-262.
50. Han, Z., Han, S., Oh, W. T., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2014). Modelling the stress-settlement behavior of shallow foundation in unsaturated sand using Sigma/W and Plaxis. InProceedings of the 67th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Regina, Canada. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2589.2885.
51. Han, Z., and Vanapalli, S. K. (2013). Comparison between three different models for predicting the variation of the resilient modulus of subgrade soils with respect to soil suction. InProceedings of the 66thCanadian Geotechnical Conference & 11th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Montreal, Canada. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4686.4405.
1. 2019-2021,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:非饱和路基冻土的土水特征及温湿动态响应(主持);
2. 2017, National Research Council Canada(加拿大国家研究委员会NRC), Climate-Resilient Core Public Infrastructure: Roads Project: Influence of Climate Factors on the Long Term Performance of Pavements(主持);
3. 2016-2018,Ministry of Transportation of Ontario(加拿大安大略省交通部), Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program Project: Simple approaches for predicting resilient modulus of Ontario pavement materials considering the influence of temperature and moisture changes(合作主持);
4. 2014-2016,Ministry of Transportation of Ontario(加拿大安大略省交通部), Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program Project: Characterization of the mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide input parameters for the resilient modulus of Ontario subgrade soils(合作主持);
5. 2012-2016,Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council(加拿大自然科学与工程基金会NSERC) Project: Design of pavements using the mechanics of unsaturated soils(合作主持)。
1. First Prize Award, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Graduate Student Presentation Competition,2017;
2. Technical paper “State-of-the-Art: Prediction of resilient modulus of unsaturated subgrade soil” nominated for the ASCE Thomas A. Middlebrooks Award,2017;
3. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) Excellence Award,2014.
1. 加拿大注册专业工程师(P.Eng);
2. 二级注册结构工程师;
3. 加拿大岩土工程学会(Canadian Geotechnical Society)教育委员会(Education Committee)执行委员;
4. 会员:美国土木工程师协会(ASCE),国际深基础学会(DFI),加拿大岩土工程学会(CGJ),加拿大土木工程协会(CSCE);
5. 审稿人:ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics,Indian Geotechnical Journal,Canadian Geotechnical Journal,Soil Systems,Engineering Geology等。
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