E-mail: ctian@whu.edu.cn
2004-2008,学士,华中科技大学, 能源与动力工程学院
2008-2014,博士,华中科技大学, 煤燃烧国家重点实验室/热能工程
2011-2013,访学,Chemical and Material Engineering, University of Alberta. Canada
1. 燃煤污染物控制(颗粒物生成与防治,Hg/As排放与控制,CO2吸附)
2. 固体燃料热转化(生物质/污泥热解与高值化利用)
3. 燃烧纳米材料(颗粒动力学,火焰动力学)
4. 新能源与可再生能源
1.“磁性石墨烯基复合吸附剂对脱硫浆液中Hg2+还原控制的研究”国家自然科学基金 (**),2016-2018,项目负责人。
4.“燃煤电厂烟气汞排放及控制的基础研究”, 中国科学院环境地球化学国家重点实验室开放基金(SKLEG**),2016-2017,项目负责人。
6.“粉煤灰高值利用关键技术与示范” 国家重点研发计划 (2017YFB**),2017-2020,子课题负责人。
7.“电厂燃煤有害元素形态演变与污染防治” 国家重点基础研究发展计划 (973:2014CB238904),2014-2018,主要参加人员。
10.“煤中重矿物组合定量分析及其与微量元素关联性的研究”,国家自然科学基金 (**),2012-2015,主要参与人员。
11.“燃煤飞灰中磁珠对单质汞的定量演化和脱除方法研究”国家自然科学基金 (**), 2012-2015,参与。
12.“二氧化碳温室气体矿化隔离的研究”, 国家自然科学基金 (**),2009-2012,参与人员,主要参与CO2矿物碳酸化的实验工作。
13.“Novel Functional Composite Materials for Dusts and Heavy Metals Removal from Combustion Gases”, sponsored by Helmholtz-Alberta Initiative-Energy & Environment (HAI-E&E) program and the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC),主要参与人员。
1.Xuehai Yu, Chong Tian*, Junying Zhang. Investigation of fireside corrosion at water-cooled wall from a coal-fired power plant in China. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017, 127:1164-1171.
2.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang, Rajender Gupta,Yongchun Zhao. Release behaviors of arsenic in fine particles generated from a typical high-arsenic coal at a high temperature. Energy & Fuels. 2016 , 30:6201-6209.
3.Chong Tian, Hongbo Zeng, Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, Rajender Gupta, et al. Understanding of physicochemical properties and formation mechanisms of fine particular matter generated from Canadian coal combustion. Fuel,2016, 165: 224-234.
4.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang, Rajender Gupta, Yongchun Zhao, Shuai Wang, Chemistry, mineralogical, and residence of arsenic in a typical high arsenic coal. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2015,141:61-67
5.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang, Yongchun Zhao, Rajender Gupta, Chuguang Zheng, Understanding of mineralogy and residence of trace elements in coals via a novel method combing low temperature ashing and float-sink technique. International Journal of coal Geology,2014, 131:162-171
6.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang ,Yongchun Zhao, Chuguang Zheng, Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 over sol-gel derived copper-doped Titania catalysts. Cleaner Combustion and sustainable world, 2013, pp 1247-1254
7.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang, Rajender Gupta, Chuguang Zheng, Arsenic Emissions and Speciations in High-temperature Treatment of a Typical High Arsenic Coal. Cleaner Combustion and sustainable world, 2016, pp 229-234
8.Chang Lin, Yongchun Zhao, Hailong Li, Chong Tian, Yi Zhang, Xuehai Yu, and Junying Zhang."Effect of sulfite on divalent mercury reduction and re-emission in a simulated desulfurization aqueous solution." Fuel Processing Technology 165 (2017): 138-144
9.Liu Huan, Jianping Yang, Chong Tian, Yongchun Zhao, and Junying Zhang. "Mercury removal from coal combustion flue gas by modified palygorskite adsorbents." Applied Clay Science 147(2017):36-43.
10.Ni Peng, Zhuo Xiong, Chong Tian, Hailong Li, Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang, and Chuguang Zheng. "Influence of carbonation under oxy-fuel combustion flue gas on the leachability of heavy metals in MSWI fly ash." Waste Management ×(2017): ×-×.
11.Yuxi Liu, Chong Tian, Hongbo Zeng, Rajender Gupta, Kuznicki, S. M. et.al. Nanocomposites of graphene oxide, Ag nanoparticles, and magnetic ferrite nanoparticles for elemental mercury (Hg 0) removal. RSC Advances, 2015, 5 : 15634-15640.
12.Yongchun Zhao,Junying Zhang,Chong Tian, Hailong Li, Chuguang Zheng. Mineralogy and chemical composition of high-calcium fly ashes and density fractions from a coal-fired power plant in China. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24 : 834–843
13.Gong, B.G., Tian, C., Xiong, Z., Zhao, Y.C., Zhang, J.Y., Mineral changes and trace element releases during extraction of alumina from high aluminum fly ash in Inner Mongolia, China. 2016. International Journal of Coal Geology (Accepted).
14.Yijun Xie, Bin Yan, Chong Tian, Yuxi Liu, Qingxia Liu, Hongbo Zeng. Efficient removal of elemental mercury (Hg0) by SBA-15-Ag adsorbents. Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2014, 2(42): 17730-17734.
15.Chen, X.X., Xiong, Z., Qin, Y.D., Gong, B.G., Tian, C., Yong, C.Z., Zhang, J.Y., Zheng, C.G., High-temperature CO2 sorption by Ca-doped Li4SiO4 sorbents. 2016. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.05.267.
16.田冲,刘禹希,张军营,赵永椿. 氧化石墨烯(GO)及复合物制备及其对汞吸附特性的研究, 工程热物理学报,2017
17.田冲,赵永椿,张军营,郑楚光. 镍基催化剂对CO-超临界水制氢固碳反应的影响, 动力工程学报, 2011,31(11),869-874
18.田冲,赵永椿,张军营,郑楚光. Cu掺杂纳米TiO2光催化还原CO2实验研究, 工程热物理学报, 2012,33(2),356-360
19.余学海,孙平,田冲*,等. 神府煤矿物组合特性及微量元素分布特性定量研究,煤炭学报,2015,40(11), 2683-2689 (*通讯作者)
20.张凯,赵永椿,田冲*,等. 燃煤细颗粒物排放实验及形成机理,煤炭学报,2015,40(11):2696-2701 (*通讯作者)
21.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang, Yongchun Zhao. abrication of silver nano-particles functionalized adsorbents for Hg0 adsorption. 13th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant,July 16-21,2017.Providence,Rhode Island, USA (Oral Presentation)
22.Chong Tian, Xuehai Yu, Junying Zhang, Yongchun Zhao. Physicochemical characteristics of fine particles collected from WESP in a coal-fired power plant. 11th China-Korea Clean Energy Workshop,September 20-23,2016.Nanjing,China (Oral Presentation)
23.Chong Tian,Junying Zhang,Yan Yang,Chao Wei,Wenju Li,Yongchun Zhao,Chuguang Zheng. Mineralogical characteristics and transformation behaviors of silicon bearing minerals during high silicon coal combustion. The International Committee for coal and Organic Petrology,September 18-23,2016.Houston,Texas USA (Poster)
24.Chong Tian, Ganlin Wang, Yongchun Zhao, Junying Zhang. Migration and leaching behaviors of heavy metals in municipal sewage sludge via thermal hydrolysis treatment. 6th international Conference on Engineering for waste and biomass valorization, May 23-26,2016,Albi,France (Oral presentation)
25.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang, Rajender Gupta, Chuguang Zheng. Arsenic emission and speciation in high temperature treatment of a typical high arsenic coal. 41th International Technical conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems. June 5-9, 2016,Clearwater, Florida USA (Oral presentation)
26.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang, Rajender Gupta, Chuguang Zheng. Fabrication of silver nano-particles functionalized adsorbents for Hg0 adsorption. 33th annual international Pittsburgh coal conference. August 8-12,2016.Cape Town, South Africa (Oral presentation)
27.Chong Tian, Hen Yang, Junying Zhang, Yongchun Zhao. Direct aqueous mineral carbonation under Low-medium pressure conditions based on Oxy-firing combustion. 13th China-Japan Symposium on coal and C1 Chemistry, August 31- September 4, 2015. Dunhuang, Gansu China. (Oral presentation)
28.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang, Rajender Gupta. Yongchun Zhao. Vaporization and partition of arsenic in high temperature of a typical high arsenic coal. The 8th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, July 19-22,2015, Beijing, China. (Oral presentation)
29.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang, Rajender Gupta, Hongbo Zeng et. al. Fabrication of novel sorbents for elemental mercury adsorption. The 12th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, June 14-19,2015, Chejudo, Korean.(Poster)
30.Chong Tian, Yuxi Liu, Yijun Xie, Junying Zhang, Yongchun Zhao, Hongbo Zeng, Rajender Gupta. Nnano-silver functionalized adsorbents development and application for Hg0 adsoprtion. 8th International conference/Exhibition on combustion Incineration/Pyrolysis, Emission and Climate Change (I-CIPEC), October 15-18,2014, Hangzhou, China (Oral presentation)
31.Chong Tian,Junying Zhang,Yongchun Zhao,Rajender Gupta. Arsenic occurrence and its release behavior during thermal treatment of a typical high arsenic coal. 17th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (ICHMET), September 22-23,2014, Guiyang, China (Oral presentation)
32.Chong Tian, Yuxi Liu, Qingxia Liu, Hongbo Zeng, Mercury Removal from Flue Gases by Metal Oxides Loaded Graphene Oxide. 17th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (ICHMET), September 22-23,2014, Guiyang, China (Oral presentation)
33.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang, Rajnder Gupta, Yongchun Zhao, Arsenic occurrence and enrichment in single pyrite segregated by float-sink in coal sample from Guizhou, China. 13th annual International Pittsburgh coal conference, September 16-19, 2013, Beijing, China (Poster)
34.Chong Tian, Yuxi Liu, Yijun Xie, Qingye Lu, Qingxia Liu, Zhenghe Xu, Steve kuznicki, Rajender Gupta, Hongbo Zeng, Particulate Matter (PM10) Emission in Coal Combustion and Mercury Removal by Novel Sorbents. 3rd Science Forum of the Helmholtz-Alberta Initiative, September 19-20,2013 , Edmonton, Alberta, Canada(Poster)
35.Chong Tian, Qingye Lu, Hongbo Zeng, Junying Zhang, Rajender Gupta, Particulate Matter (PM10) Emission during Combustion of a High Silicon Chinese Coal and a Canadian Coal. US National Combustion Meeting, May 19-22,2013,Utah, U.S. (Oral presentation)
36.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang, Yongchun Zhao, Rajender Gupta, Heavy minerals and trace elements in Yangquan Anthracite from Shanxi Province, China. 64th Annual Meeting of ICCP & 29th Annual Meeting of TSOP, September 15-24,2012,Beijing, China(Oral presentation)
37.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang, Yongchun Zhao, Chuguang Zheng, Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 over sol-gel derived Copper-doped Titania catalysts. 7th International Symposium on coal combustion (7th ISCC), July 17-20,2011, Harbin, China (Oral presentation)
38.Chong Tian. Occurrence of arsenic in coal and its transformation behaviors during coal combustion. 3rd young scientist forum in combustion, April 15-16, 2017, Xian, China. (Oral presentation, In Chinese)
39.Chong Tian,Junying Zhang,Yongcun Zhao, Rajender Gupta. Frabrication of Graphene oxide composites and its application in Hg removal. Annual meeting of Engineering thermophysics,October 21-23, 2016, Anhui, China. (Oral presentation, In Chinese)
40.Chong Tian. Design of recyclable sorbents and application in Hg0 adsorption in flue gas. 2rd young scientist forum in combustion, April 8-10. 2016, Hefei, China. (Oral presentation, In Chinese)
41.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang,Yongcun Zhao, Rajender Gupta. Investigations on emissions of arsenic contained fine particles in coal utilization in high temperature. Annual meeting of Engineering thermophysics,October 23-25, 2015, Beijing, China. (Oral presentation, In Chinese)
42.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang. Modes of occurrence if arsenic in coal and its release behavior in high temperature. 1st young scientist forum in coal society. December 19-20, 2014. Beijing, China. (Invited oral presentation, In Chinese)
43.Chong Tian,Junying Zhang,Hongbo Zeng,Rajender Gupta. Fabrication of Nano silver functionalized zeolite derived from fly ash and its application on Hg0 adsorption. Annual meeting of Engineering thermophysics,November 1-3, 2014,Shanxi, China. (Oral presentation, In Chinese)
44.Chong Tian, Junying Zhang ,Yongchun Zhao, Chuguang Zheng, Experiment study on photoreduction of CO2 over Copper-doped Titania Catalysts. Annual meeting of Engineering thermophysics,December 3-7, 2010,Guangzhou, China. (Oral presentation, In Chinese)
1.主持“17th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment”国际会议“Sources, emissions and controls of heavy metals”专题分会场,2014;
2.担任国际期刊Fuel、Environmental Science & Technology、Energy and Fuels、Environmental Pollutions等审稿人;
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-20
相关话题/机械学院 动力
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