本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-20
Email: tangb@whu.edu.cn
1985.9-1989.6:武汉大学生物系微生物专业 学士
1989.9-1992.6:武汉大学生物系微生物专业 硕士
1992.9-1995.6:中国科学院微生物研究所酶室生物化学专业 博士
1995.7-1997.9:武汉大学生命科学学院 讲师
1997.10-2003.10:武汉大学生命科学学院 副教授
2000.9-2002.9:日本国立食品研究所酶室 博士后
《Applied and Environmental Microbiology》编委 (Editorial Board Member, 2019-2021)
● 极端(嗜热、嗜盐等)微生物酶结构与功能、适应机理及定向分子进化
● 极端古菌蛋白质组及其噬菌体分子遗传学
● 微生物基因及酶资源开发和应用
● 国家自然科学基金(**)超嗜热古菌蛋白酶Pyrolysin响应温度变化的分子机制
● 国家自然科学基金(**)N端前肽介导的重组丝氨酸蛋白酶在大肠杆菌中跨外膜转运
● 国家自然科学基金(**)基于嗜热、嗜温及嗜冷菌来源的三种高度同源蛋白酶的温度适应性分子机制研究
● 国家自然科学基金(**)高温放线菌休眠芽胞表面活性蛋白酶的性质及功能研究
● 国家自然科学基金(**)嗜热细菌胞外蛋白酶WF146的成熟机制及其调控机制
● 国家自然科学基金(**)嗜热脂肪芽胞杆菌WF146高温蛋白酶“冷适应”研究
1. Li M, Yin J, Mei S, Wang X, Tang XF*, Tang B* (2018) Halolysin SptA, a serine protease, contributes to growth-phase transition of haloarchaeon Natrinema sp. J7-2, and its expression involves cooperative action of multiple cis-regulatory elements. Front Microbiol 9:1799.
2. Zhu F, Yang X, Wu Y, Wang Y, Tang XF, Tang B* (2017) Release of an HtrA-like protease from the cell surface of thermophilic Brevibacillus sp. WF146 via substrate-induced autoprocessing of the N-terminal membrane anchor. Front Microbiol 8:481.
3. Gao X, Zeng J, Yi H, Zhang F, Tang B*, Tang XF* (2017) Four inserts within the catalytic domain confer extra stability and activity to hyperthermostable pyrolysin from Pyrococcus furiosus. Appl Environ Microbiol 83(5).pii:e03228-16.
4. Liu F, Zhao ZS, Ren Y, Cheng G, Tang XF, Tang B* (2016) Autocatalytic activation of a thermostable glutamyl endopeptidase capable of hydrolyzing proteins at high temperatures. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 100(24):10429-41.
5. Tang W, Wu Y, Li M, Wang J, Mei S, Tang B*, Tang XF* (2016) Alternative translation initiation of a haloarchaeal serine protease transcript containing two in-frame start codons. J Bacteriol 198(13):1892-901. (Spotlight article)
6. Meng D, Dai M, Xu BL, Zhao ZS, Liang X, Wang M, Tang XF, Tang B* (2016) Maturation of fibrinolytic bacillopeptidase F involves both hetero- and autocatalytic processes. Appl Environ Microbiol 82(1):318-27.
7. Xu BL, Dai M, Chen Y, Meng D, Wang Y, Fang N, Tang XF, Tang B* (2015) Improving the thermostability and activity of a thermophilic subtilase by incorporating structural elements of its psychrophilic counterpart. Appl Environ Microbiol 81(18):6302-13.
8. Wang L, Cheng G, Ren Y, Dai Z, Zhao ZS, Liu F, Li S, Wei Y, Xiong J, Tang XF, Tang B* (2015) Degradation of intact chicken feathers by Thermoactinomyces sp. CDF and characterization of its keratinolytic protease. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 99(9): 3949-59.
9. Du X, Li M, Tang W, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Wang J, Li T, Tang B, Tang XF* (2015) Secretion of Tat-dependent halolysin SptA capable of autocatalytic activation and its relation to haloarchaeal growth. Mol Microbiol 96(3):548-65.
10. Ji X, Zhang C, Fang Y, Zhang Q, Lin L, Tang B, Wei Y* (2015) Isolation and characterization of glacier VMY22, a novel lytic cold-active bacteriophage of Bacillus cereus. Virol Sin 30(1):52-8.
11. Zhang Y, Wang M, Du X, Tang W, Zhang L, Li M, Wang J, Tang B, Tang XF* (2014) Chitin accelerates activation of a novel haloarchaeal serine protease that deproteinizes chitin-containing biomass. Appl Environ Microbiol 80(18):5698-708.
12. Zeng J, Gao X, Dai Z, Tang B, Tang XF* (2014) Effects of metal ions on stability and activity of hyperthermophilic pyrolysin and further stabilization of this enzyme by modi?cation of a Ca2+-binding site. Appl Environ Microbiol 80(9):2763-72.
13. Feng J, Wang J, Zhang Y, Du X, Xu Z, Wu Y, Tang W, Li M, Tang B, Tang XF* (2014) Proteomic analysis of the secretome of haloarchaeon Natrinema sp. J7?2. J Proteome Res 13(3):1248-58
14. Zhu H, Xu BL, Liang X, Yang YR, Tang XF, Tang B* (2013) Molecular basis for auto- and hetero-catalytic maturation of a thermostable subtilase from thermophilic Bacillus sp.WF146. J Biol Chem 288(48):34826-38
15. Feng J, Liu B, Zhang Z, Ren Y, Li Y, Gan F, Huang Y, Chen X, Shen P, Wang L, Tang B*, Tang XF* (2012) The complete genome sequence of Natrinema sp. J7-2, a haloarchaeon capable of growth on synthetic media without amino acid supplements. PLoS ONE 7(7): e41621.
16. Dai Z, Fu H, Zhang Y, Zeng J, Tang B, Tang XF* (2012) Insights into the maturation of hyperthermophilic pyrolysin and the roles of its N-terminal propeptide and long C-terminal extension. Appl Environ Microbiol 78(12):4233-41
17. Xu Z, Du X, Li T, Gan F, Tang B, Tang XF* (2011) Functional insight into the C-terminal extension of halolysin SptA from haloarchaeon Natrinema sp. J7. PLoS ONE 6(8): e23562.
18. Liang X, Bian Y, Tang XF, Xiao G, Tang B* (2010) Enhancement of keratinolytic activity of a thermophilic subtilase by improving its autolysis resistance and thermostability under reducing conditions. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 87(3):999-1006
19. Fang N, Zhong CQ, Liang X, Tang XF, Tang B* (2010) Improvement of extracellular production of a thermophilic subtilase expressed in Escherichia coli by random mutagenesis of its N-terminal propeptide. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 85(5):1473-81.
20. Zhong CQ, Song S, Fang N, Liang X, Zhu H, Tang XF, Tang B* (2009) Improvement of low-temperature caseinolytic activity of a thermophilic subtilase by directed evolution and site-directed mutagenesis. Biotechnol Bioeng 104(5):862-70. (Spotlight article)
21. Cheng G, Zhao P, Tang XF, Tang B* (2009) Identification and characterization of a novel spore-associated subtilase from Thermoactinomyces sp. CDF. Microbiology-SGM 55:3661-72.
22. Yang YR, Zhu H, Fang N, Liang X, Zhong CQ, Tang XF, Shen P, Tang B* (2008) Cold-adapted maturation of thermophilic WF146 protease by mimicking the propeptide binding interactions of psychrophilic subtilisin S41. FEBS Lett 582(17):2620-26.
23. Bian Y, Liang X, Fang N, Tang XF, Tang B*, Shen P, Peng Z (2006) The roles of surface loop insertions and disulfide bond in the stabilization of thermophilic WF146 protease. FEBS Lett 580(25):6007-14. (Faculty 1000 of Biology)
24. Shi W, Tang XF, Huang Y, Gan F, Tang B*, Shen P (2006) An extracellular halophilic protease SptA from a halophilic archaeon Natrinema sp. J7: gene cloning, expression and characterization. Extremophiles 10(6):599-606.
25. Wu J, Bian Y, Tang B*, Chen X, Shen P, Peng Z (2004) Cloning and analysis of WF146 protease, a novel thermophilic subtilisin-like protease with four inserted surface loops. FEMS Microbiol Lett 230(2):251-8.
26. Tang B, Nirasawa S, Kitaoka M, Marie-Claire C, Hayashi K* (2003) General function of N-terminal propeptide on assisting protein folding and inhibiting catalytic based on observations with a chimeric thermolysin-like protease. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 301:1093-8.
27. Tang B, Nirasawa S, Kitaoka M, Hayashi K* (2002) The role of the N-terminal propeptide of the pro-aminopeptidase processing protease: refolding, processing and enzyme inhibition. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 296 78-84.
28. Tang B, Nirasawa S, Kitaoka M, Hayashi K* (2002) In vitro stepwise autoprocessing of the proform of pro-aminopeptidase processing protease from Aeromonas caviae T-64. Biochim Biophys Acta 1696:16-27.
29. Wei C, Tang B, Zhang Y, Yang K* (1999) Oxidative refolding of recombinant prochymosin. Biochem J 340:345-51.
30. Tang B, Zhang S, Yang K* (1994) Assisted refolding of recombinant prochymosin with the aid of protein disulfide isomerase. Biochem J 301:17-20.
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