

武汉大学 免费考研网/2015-08-04








1. 肿瘤的分子流行病学:研究遗传变异及环境暴露因素与肿瘤易感性的关系,重点探讨GH-IGF基因家族、MiRNA结合位点的基因多态性与结直肠癌发病的易感性,并深入探讨其发病机制。

2. 环境与全球健康:重点关注空气污染物(PM2.5、PM10、CO、O3、NO2和SO2等)与各种心血管疾病和呼吸系统疾病急性发作和死亡的短期效应和长期影响。

3. 教学研究:探讨公共卫生与预防医学本科专业人才培养改革,全球健康学本科人才培养体系建设。


主 持:

1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“BER通路基因miRNA结合位点基因多态性与结直肠癌易感性的关联及功能研究”(**),起止时间:2015.1-2017.12;

2. 武汉大学自主创新项目“MiRNA 结合位点基因多态性与高血压易感性的流

行病学研究”(**), 起止时间:2011.9-2013.9;

3. 武汉大学公共卫生学院青年基金项目 “生物钟基因多态性与大肠癌关系的

分子流行病学研究”(GW**), 起止时间:2010.11-2013.11


5. 美国中华医学基金会(CMB)教学研究项目“基于胜任力的全球健康人才培养实践和理论探索”(13-134),起止时间:2013.01-2016.01

6. 武汉大学医学部教学研究项目“预防医学专业本科生创新能力培养模式的理论探索”, 起止时间:2013.10-2015.10

参 与:

1. 国家自然基金课题“脂联素家族基因多态性与大肠癌易感性的分子流行病学


2. 国家自然基金课题“大肠癌饮食及相关因素暴露与GH 家族多态性的分子流


3. 国 家 自 然 基 金 课 题 “ 饮食因素与大肠癌相关基因交互作用的研究”


4. 武汉大学课程体系改革试点基地项目“全球健康学专业课程体系建设”,起止时间:2013.7-2016.7

代表性论著 :

1. Hao Xiang, Li Liu, Guang-di Chu, Sheng Wei, Jian-ping Liu, Yi-hua Xu, Ji-gui Chen, Chong-jian Wang, Qing-Yi Wei, Shao-fa Nie*. Association between two functional polymorphisms of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 and colorectal cancer risk in a Chinese population. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 72(11-12): 706-711, 2009

2. Hao Xiang*, Ying Wang, Shaofa Nie. Meta-analysis of the association between insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 genetic polymorphisms and colorectal cancer susceptibility, PLOS ONE, 8(3):e59665, 2013

3. Xiang H, Mertz KJ, Arena VC, Brink LL, Xu X, Bi Y, Talbott EO. Estimation of short-term effects of air pollution on stroke hospital admissions in Wuhan, China. PLoS One. 12;8(4):e61168, 2013

4. Zhang F, Xiang H(Co-first Author), Fan Y, Ganchuluun TA, Kong W, Ouyang Q, Sun J, Cao B, Jiang H, Nie S*. The effects of sulfonylureas plus metformin on lipids, blood pressure, and adverse events in type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Endocrine. 44(3):648-58,2013

5. Zhong R, Liu L, Zou L, Sheng W, Zhu B, Xiang H, Chen W, Chen J, Rui R, Zheng X, Yin J, Duan S, Yang B, Sun J, Lou J, Liu L, Xie D, Xu Y, Nie S*, Miao X. Genetic variations in the TGFβ signaling pathway, smoking and risk of colorectal cancer in a Chinese population. Carcinogenesis.34(4):936-42, 2013

6. Liu L,Zhong R,Wei S,Yin JY,Xiang H,Zou L,Chen W,Chen JG,Zheng XW,Huang LJ,Zhu BB,Chen Q,Duan SY,Rui R,Yang BF,Sun JW,Xie DS,Xu YH, Miao XP,Nie SF*. Interactionsbetweengeneticvariantsin theadiponectin,adiponectinreceptor1 and environmentalfactorson theriskofcolorectalcancer. PLOS ONE. 6(11):e27301, 2011

7. Hao Xiang, Ying Wang, Shaofa Nie*. Meta Analysis On The Associations Between Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3 Genetic Polymorphisms And Colorectal Cancer Susceptibility. UICC 2012 WorldCancer Congress. Aug. 27-30, 2012, pp 244, Montreal, QC,Canada, poster

8. Hao Xiang, Shaofa Nie*. Association Between IGF-IR Gene Polymorphisms And Colorectal Cancer Risk: A Case-Control Study In A Chinese Population. UICC 2012 WorldCancer Congress. Aug. 27-30, 2012, pp 268, Montreal, QC, Canada, poster

9. Evelyn Talbott*, Hao Xiang, Luann Brink, Kristen Mertz, Xiaohui Xu, Vincent Arena. Association of Air Pollution and Cerebrovascular Hospitalization from 2006-2008 in Wuhan, China. 2012 International Stroke Conference,Feb.1-3,2012,pp 223, New Orleans, L.A., U.S, poster
