

武汉岩土力学研究所 免费考研网/2015-09-19


简历:  简历:  叶剑红,男,1981年6月生,青年千人、研究员、博导,2006年毕业于中国地质大学(北京);2009年在中科院地质与地球物理所获得地质工程硕士学位;之后获得英国工程与物理研究委员会(EPSRC)和ORS Award资助开展博士研究工作,2012年毕业于英国University of Dundee, 获得博士学位。2013-2014年在香港科技大学从事博士后研究工作。2015年入选中组部第6批国家“青年****”。致力于近海岩土工程、海洋土力学、土动力学、孔隙介质理论、砂土液化、波浪/地震-海床-结构物相互作用、中国南海钙质砂力学属性、以及有限元数值计算方面的研究工作。已发表SCI论文20余篇,总被引168次(基于Google Scholar统计),最高单篇被引60余次。目前担任国际SCI期刊Ships and Offshore Structures专辑Recent Development in Offshore Structures客座主编;担任国际工程地质与环境学会(IAEG)会刊Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment (SCI)编委。 Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZMHZnoYAAAAJ&hl=pl


  In 2015

  [1] Ye J H & D-S Jeng (2015) Numerical Simulation of Wave-induced Dynamic Response of Poro-Elasto -Plastic Seabed Foundation and Composite Breakwater, Applied Mathematical modeling, 39 (1), 322-347

  [2] Ye J H,& Wang G (2015). Seismic dynamics of offshore breakwater on liquefiable seabed foundation.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, In Press, DOI: doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.02.003 .

  In 2014

  [1] Ye J H, D-S Jeng, Wang Ren & Zhu Ch-Q (2014). Breaking Wave-Induced Response of Composite Breakwater and Liquefaction of Seabed Foundation. Coastal Engineering, 85:72-86.

  [2] Ye J H, Zhang Yan, Wang Ren & Zhu Ch-Q (2014). Nonlinear interaction between wave, breakwater and its loose seabed foundation: A small-scale case. Ocean Engineering, 91:300-315.

  In 2013:

  [1] Ye J H, D-S Jeng, Wang Ren & Zhu Ch-Q (2013). Numerical study of the stability of breakwater built on sloped porous seabed under tsunami loading. Applied Mathematical modeling, 37:9575-9590.

  [2] Ye J H, D-S Jeng, Wang Ren & Zhu Ch-Q (2013). Validation of a 2D Semi-Coupled Numerical Model for Fluid-Structures-Seabed Interaction. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 42: 333–357.

  [3] Ye J H, D-S Jeng, Wang Ren & Zhu Ch-Q (2013). A 3D Semi-Coupled Numerical Model for the Fluid-Structures-Seabed-Interaction: Model and Verification. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 40: 148-162.

  [4] Jeng D-S, Ye J H, J-S Zhang PL-F Liu (2013). An integrated model for the wave-induced seabed response around marine structures: Model, verifications and applications. Coastal Engineering, 72 (1): 1-19.

  [5] Ye J H & Jeng D-S (2013). Earthquake Induced Dynamic Response of 3D Poro-Elastic Unsaturated Seabed under a Rubble Mound Breakwater. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 44(1):14-26.

  In 2012:

  [1] Ye J H, Zhang Y, Ji H G & Wu F Q (2012). Estimation of the bi-modulus of materials through deformation measurement in a Brazilian disk test. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 52(4):122-131.

  [2] Ye J H, Zhang Y, Sun J Z A & Wu F Q (2012). Correction of the probabilistic density function of discontinuities spacing considering the statistical errors based on negative exponential distribution. Journal of Structural Geology. 40: 17-28.

  [3] Ye J H & Jeng D-S (2012). Response of porous seabed to nature loadings-waves and currents. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 138(6):601-613.

  [4] Ye J H (2012). 3D Liquefaction Criterion for Seabed Considering the Cohesion and Friction of Soil. Applied Ocean Research, 37:111-119.

  [5] Ye J H, Jeng D-S & Chan A H C (2012) Consolidation and Dynamics of 3D Unsaturated Porous Seabed under Rigid Caisson Breakwater under Hydrostatic Pressure and Wave. Science China-Technological Sciences, 55(8): 2362–2376.

  [6] Jeng D-S & Ye J H (2012). Three-dimensional consolidation of a porous unsaturated seabed under rubble mound breakwater. Ocean Engineering, 53:48-59.

  [7] Ye J H (2012). Seismic Response of Poro-Elastic Seabed and Composite Breakwater under Strong Earthquake Loading. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 10 (5):1609-1633.

  [8] Zhang Y, Ji H G, Ye J H & Li S Y (2012). Analytical solutions of the tensile strength and preponderant crack angle for the I-II mixed crack in brittle material. Mechanika, 18(1): 22-28.

  [9] Ye J H & Jeng D-S (2012). Numerical Modeling of Consolidation of 2-D Porous Unsaturated Seabed under a Composite Breakwater. Mechanika, 18(4):373-379.

  Before 2012:

  [1] Ye J H & Jeng D-S (2011). Effects of bottom shear stresses on the wave-induced dynamic response in a porous seabed: PORO-WSSI (shear) model. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 27(6):898–910.

  [2] Ye J H, Wu F Q & Sun J Z (2009): Estimation of the tensile elastic modulus of rock materials with Brazilian disc by applying opposite concentrate load diametrically based on isotropy. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 46(3), 568-576.

  [3] Ye J H, Yang Y, Chang ZH & Wang YF (2009): The airy stress function method for the stress analytical solution of the Brazilian Disc Test. Journal of Engineering Geology, 17(4): 524-528.

  [4] Ye J H, Cui F, Wu F Q & Sun J Z (2007): Development of probability seismic hazard assessment software system. Journal of Engineering Geology, 15(6): 840-847.

  [5] Ye J H, Yu J S, Liu X & Wang Y (2005): Experimental research on the difference between maximum tensile strains of different rock specimens under uniaxial compressing and splitting. Earth and Environment, 33(Suppl), 562–567.

  [6] Ye J H, Yang Y, Sun J Z & Sheng N (2005): Discussion on the applicability of the settlement calculation formula in the code for design of building foundation. Geotechnical Engineering World, 9(3): 34-36.

  [7] Zhu WB, Wu F Q, Ren A W, Xiong Z & Ye J H (2009). Analysis and forecast on stability of local rock blocks with complex structures during large scale underground excavation. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control, 20(4): 130-134.

  [8] Ren A W, Wu F Q, He H F, Wang D, Dong J Y & Ye J H (2009). A new method to invert nonlinear stress field of underground powerhouse at Jinping first stage hydropower station. Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Natural Science), 31(5): 758-761.


  [1] Ye J H, Wang G & Qi S W (2014). Numerical simulation of seismic liquefaction mechanism in Quaternary loose seabed, Applied Ocean Research, Submitted.

  [2] Ye J H, Jeng D-S, Chan A H C, Wang R & Zhu C-Q (2014) 3D Integrated Numerical model for Fluid-Structures-Seabed Interaction (FSSI), Part I: Elastic Seabed Foundation. Ocean Engineering, submitted.

  [3] Ye J H, Jeng D-S, Chan A H C, Wang R & Zhu C-Q (2014) 3D Integrated numerical model for Fluid-Structures-Seabed Interaction (FSSI), Part II: Elasto-Plastic Seabed Foundation. Coastal Engineering, submitted.

  [4] Ye J H & Wang G (2014). Nonlinear Seismic Dynamics of Offshore Breakwater built on sloping Quaternary sediments. International Journal of Geomechanics, submitted.


  [1] Ye J H, Zhang Y, Ji H G & Wu F Q (2011). Estimation of the elastic tensile and compressive modulus through measuring the displacement filed in Brazilian disc test. The 2nd International Young scholar’s Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Beijing, 15-18 October 2011, 239-244.

  [2] Ye J H & Jeng D-S (2010): Effects of bottom shear stresses on the wave-induced seabed dynamic response. The 11th BGA Young Geotechnical Engineering’s Symposium, Bristol, 6-8 July 2010.

  [3] Shabani B, Jeng D-S, Ye J H & Guo Y (2010): Numerical modeling of wave-induced pore pressures around a buried pipeline: WSPI-3D model. The 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, ASME, Shanghai, 6-11 June 2010.


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  • 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所导师简介-朱长歧
    导师介绍 姓名:朱长歧联系电话:** 电子邮件:cqzhu@whrsm.ac.cn 研究方向:珊瑚礁工程地质与水文地质、岩土工程加固理论 学科类别:岩土工程简历:  朱长歧,男,1963年生,研究员,岩土工程博士生导师,注册土木工程师(岩土)。1986年毕业于长春地质学院(现吉林大学)工程地质专业获 ...
    武汉岩土力学研究所 免费考研网 2015-09-19
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    导师介绍 姓名:周正明联系电话:** 电子邮件:zmzhou@whrsm.ac.cn 研究方向:土力学的理论与数值研究,大型软件开发与应用,岩土工程的非线性仿真分析 学科类别:岩土工程简历: 英国国籍,研究员,博士生导师。主要从事土力学的理论与数值研究,大型软件开发与应用,岩土工程的非线性仿真分析, ...
    武汉岩土力学研究所 免费考研网 2015-09-19
  • 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所导师简介-周辉
    导师介绍 姓名:周辉联系电话:** 电子邮件:hzhou@whrsm.ac.cn 研究方向:1、岩体工程的安全性分析;2、高渗透压、非Darcy流条件下的岩石流固耦合理论、数值计算方法与工程分析;3、岩盐应力-渗流-溶解耦合分析与能源地下(岩盐)储存工程的安全性研究 学科类别:岩土工程简历:  周辉 ...
    武汉岩土力学研究所 免费考研网 2015-09-19
  • 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所导师简介-郑 宏
    导师介绍 姓名:郑 宏联系电话:**, **(办), **(传真) 电子邮件:hzheng@whrsm.ac.cn 研究方向:1) 计算岩土力学;2) 边坡稳定性分析原理与方法 学科类别:岩土工程、工程力学简历: 郑宏 男,1964年5月出生。中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所研究员,中国科学院研究生院博 ...
    武汉岩土力学研究所 免费考研网 2015-09-19
  • 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所导师简介-张传庆
    导师介绍 姓名:张传庆联系电话:** 电子邮件:cqzhang@whrsm.ac.cn 研究方向:1、高应力灾害孕灾机制;2、高应力灾害调控机制与方法 学科类别:岩土工程简历:  张传庆,男,1977年生,山东平原人,博士,研究员,博士生导师。2000年9月获山东建筑大学(原山东建筑工程学院)学士学 ...
    武汉岩土力学研究所 免费考研网 2015-09-19
  • 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所导师简介-张友良
    导师介绍 姓名:张友良联系电话:** 电子邮件:ylzhang@whrsm.ac.cn 研究方向:裂隙岩体多场耦合问题研究;岩土工程高性能动态反馈分析;地下、滑坡等岩土工程超级数值仿真。 学科类别:岩土工程简历: 张友良,男,博士,研究员,中国科学院的“百人计划”入选者,1972年6月出生于湖北省武 ...
    武汉岩土力学研究所 免费考研网 2015-09-19
  • 2005年武汉岩土所考研问答:招生情况
      请问一下贵所06年岩土招生人数,公费比例,自费比例,保送比例,自费生的收费。  【回复】有关招生信息请登录我所网页查看,或关注前面已回答的问题。 ...
    武汉岩土力学研究所 考研网 2015-09-18
  • 2005年武汉岩土所考研问答:复试分数线
      老师,我想问一下贵所往年复试分数线?在哪里能买到专业试卷?  【回复】我所复试分数线是国家线。我所提供00年至05年专业试卷,每年每份3元。 ...
    武汉岩土力学研究所 考研网 2015-09-18
  • 2005年武汉岩土所考研问答:岩土工程硕士
      我想考咱们的岩土工程的硕士,想问一下过去几年的专业课考题能不能买?具体应该怎么半?还有我看咱们的导师都是博导,那硕士的导师都是哪些?谢谢!我的信箱:heroboy9131@163.com电话:** ...
    武汉岩土力学研究所 考研网 2015-09-18
  • 2005年武汉岩土所考研问答:导师信息
      研究所岩土工程主要侧重于哪个方面,还有一些导师的信息。哪个导师工程项目比较多。录取比例是多少。还有学费的情况  【回复】我所导师有关信息请登录我所网页查看。其他问题请关注前面已回答的问题。 ...
    武汉岩土力学研究所 考研网 2015-09-18