

武汉纺织大学 免费考研网/2015-09-09

2001.9~2011.6,中南大学,本、硕、博士学位,其中2009-2010年国家公派留学美国Texas A&M University;
2011.7-现 武汉纺织大学材料学院,副教授,硕士生导师;
科研:2013年获得 武汉纺织大学 首届 “科技未来之星
国家自然科学基金-青年基金:直径可控一维低熔点金属Sn、Bi、In、Zn纳米线阵列的构建及储锂过程机理研究;编号**/E0113 (2012年);
联系方式:csufangdong@gmail.com, **@qq.com.

1. Dong Fang, Licheng Li, Weilin Xu, Guangzhong Li, Gang Li, Nanfang Wang, Zhiping Luo, Jie Xu, Li Liu, ChenLi Huang, Caowei Liang, Yongsheng Ji, Self-assembled hairy ball-like Co3O4 nanostructures for lithium ion batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 13203-13208.
2. Dong Fang, Kelong Huang, Suqin Liu, Dingyuan Qin. High density copper nanowire arrays deposition inside ordered titania pores by electrodeposition, Electrochemistry Communications, 2009, 11(4): 901-904.
3. Dong Fang, Kelong Huang, Suqin Liu, Zhiping Luo, Xiaoxia Qing, Qiguang Zhang. High-density NiTiO3/TiO2 nanotubes synthesized through sol–gel method using well-ordered TiO2 membranes as template, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 498 (1) 37-41.
4. Dong Fang, Kelong Huang, Shuqin Liu, Zhaojian Li. Electrochemical properties of ordered TiO2 nanotube loaded with Ag nano-particles for lithium anode material, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008, 464(1-2): L5-L9.
5. Dong Fang, Kelong Huang, Shuqin Liu, Jianhan Huang. Fabrication and photoluminiscent properties of titanium oxide nanotube arrays, Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2008, 19 (6): 1059-1064.
6. Dong Fang, Kelong Huang, Zhiping Luo, Yue Wang, Suqin Liu, Qiguang Zhang. Freestanding ZrO2 nanotube membranes made by anodic oxidation and effect of heat treatment on their morphology, and crystalline structure, Journal of Material Chemistry, 2011, 21(13): 4989-4994.
7. Dong Fang, Zhiping Luo, Kelong Huang, Dimitris C. Lagoudas. Effect of heat treatment on morphology, crystalline structure and photocatalysis properties of TiO2 nanotubes on Ti substrate and freestanding membrane, Applied Surface Science, 2011, 257(15):6451-6461.
8. Dong Fang, Jingang Yu, Zhiping Luo, Suqin Liu, Kelong Huang, Weilin Xu. Fabrication parameter-dependent morphologies of self-organized ZrO2 nanotubes during anodization, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2012, 16(3):1219-1228.
9. Dong Fang, Suqin Liu, Zhiping Luo, Kelong Huang, Weilin Xu. Facile fabrication of freestanding through-hole ZrO2 nanotube membranes via two-step anodization methods, Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258(17): 6217-6223.
10. 方东,刘素琴,陈若媛, 黄可龙,李倦生,余超,覃定员。高度有序钛基体阳极氧化钛纳米管阵列的制备与表征,无机材料学报,2008, 23(4): 647-651.
11. Francis R. Phillips, Dong Fang, Hongxing Zheng, Dimitris C. Lagoudas, Phase transformation in free-standing SMA nanowires, Acta Materialia, 2011, 59(5): 1871-1880.
12. Yu Quan, Dong Fang, Xueying Zhang, Suqin Liu, Kelong Huang. Synthesis and characterization of gallium oxide nanowires via a hydrothermal method, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2010, 121(1-2): 142-146.
13. Xi Hu, Kelong Huang, Dong Fang, Suqin Liu, Enhanced performances of dye-sensitized solar cells based on graphite-TiO2 composites, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2011, 176(5): 431-435.
14. Yu Quan, Suqin Liu, Kelong Huang, Dong Fang, Xueying Zhang, Huawei Hou, Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of Eu-doped GaOOH/α-Ga2O3/β-Ga2O3 nanoparticles, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010, 20(8): 1458-1462.
15. Yue Wang, Suqin Liu, Kelong Huang, Dong Fang, Shuxin Zhuang. Electrochemical properties of freestanding TiO2 nanotube membranes annealed in Ar for lithium anode material. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2012, 16(2): 723-729.
16. Tao Wu, Kelong Huang, Suqin Liu, Shuxin Zhuang, Dong Fang, Sha Li, Dan Lu, Anqun Su. Hydrothermal ammoniated treatment of PAN-graphite felt for vanadium redox flow battery. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2012, 16(2): 579-585.
17. Xiaoxia Qing, Suqin Liu, Kelong Huang, Kezhen Lv, Youping Yang, Zhouguang Lu, Dong Fang, Xinxing Liang. Facile synthesis of Co3O4 nanoflowers grown on Ni foam with superior electrochemical performance. Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 56(14): 4985-4991.
18. Sha Li, Kelong Huang, Suqin Liu, Dong Fang, Xiongwei Wu, Dan Lu, Tao Wu. Effect of organic additives on positive electrolyte for vanadium redox battery. Electrochimica Acta, 2011, in press.
19. 姚祖福,黄可龙,于金刚,郭军,李艳华,方东。单分散、规则球形Au@SiO2核-壳纳米粒的制备及光谱研究。无机化学学报,2009,25,2163-2168.
20. Hongliang Li, Suqin Liu , Chenghuan Huang, Zhi Zhou, Yanhua Li, Dong Fang. Characterization and supercapacitor application of Coin-like -nickel hydroxide nanoplates. Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 58, 89-94.
21. Sui Peng, Nan-Fang Wang, Xiao-Juan Wu, Su-Qin Liu, Dong Fang, You-Nian Liu, Ke-Long Huang, Vanadium Species in CH3SO3H and H2SO4 Mixed Acid as the Supporting Electrolyte for Vanadium Redox Flow Battery, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2012, 7(1): 643-649.
22. Shengqi Liu, Suqin Liu, Kelong Huang, Jiansheng Liu, Yongkun Li, Dong Fang, Hongmei Wang, Yufei Xia, A novel Et4NBF4 and LiPF6 blend salts electrolyte for supercapacitor battery, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2012, 16(4): 1631-1634.
24. Bin Huang, Suqin Liu, Hongliang Li, Shuxin Zhuang, Dong Fang, Comparative Study and Electrochemical Properties of LiFePO4F Synthesized by Different Routes, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society. 2012, 33(7): 2315-2319.
25. Hongxing Zheng, Zhiping Luo, Dong Fang, Francis R. Phillips, Dimitris C. Lagoudas. Reversible phase transformations in a shape memory alloy In-Tl nanowires observed by in situ transmission electron microscopy. Material Letter, 2012, 70 (1): 109-112.

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    武汉纺织大学 免费考研网 2015-09-09
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    武汉纺织大学 免费考研网 2015-09-09
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    本站小编 免费考研网 2015-09-07
  • 武汉科技大学材料与冶金学院2015年硕士研究生复试实施细则(新)
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