

武汉病毒研究所 免费考研网/2015-09-21
















一) 面向科学前沿的基础研究



Current research investigation

· Oceanic and hydrologic contributions on Earth Rotation estimated from ocean and hydrologic assimilation data.

· GPS, DORIS observed crust movement in China and geophysical fluid excitations

· Water mass redistribution in Chinese sea and continent possibly detected by Space Geodesy

Participation in research projects Jan. 2004 – Dec. 2006

Manager of the project “Studies on Earth Rotation Problems by using the GRACE data and GCM output”  supported by National Science Foundations of China. Jan. 2000 – Dec. 2002

Manager of the project “The variation of angular momentum of global ocean, atmosphere and ground water and geodetic constraints” supported by National Science Foundations of China. Jan. 2001 – Dec. 2003

Co-manager of the project “The Earth Gravity variation and the Earth Rotation Change” supported by National Science Foundations of China. Aug. 1998 – Aug. 1999

Co-researcher of the project “Effects of atmosphere and hydrosphere upon Earth Rotation variation”  supported by National Science Foundations of Japan.Sept. 1996 – July 1999

Co-manager of the key project “Studying on geophysical environmental variations in China by using geodetic data” supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2009

1.Zhong Min, Duan Jianbin, Xu Houze, etc.,Trend of China land water storage redistribution at medi- and large-spatial scales in recent five years by satellite gravity observations,Chinese Science Bulletin 2009, 54(5) 816-821DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2008.00225(SCI收录) 2008

1.Zhong Min, Yan Haoming, Excitation of Annual Polar Wobble by Global Oceans, Acta Astronomica Sinica, Vol.49(SCI收录)

2.郑伟,许厚泽,钟敏等,基于半解析法有效和快速估计GRACE全球重力场的精度,地球物理学报,Vol.51, No. 6,2008年11月(SCI收录)

3.Zheng Wei, Xu Houze, Zhonmg Min, etc., Physical explanation on designing three axes as different resolution indexes from GRACE satellite-borne accelerometer,Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.25, No.12,4482(SCI收录) 2007

1.常金龙,钟敏,段建宾,闫昊明,江敏,联合卫星重力和卫星测高观测研究热容海平面季节变化,大地测量与地球动力学, 2007 2006

1.Zhong Min(钟敏),Yan Haoming , Xiaoping Wu et al. Non-tidal oceanic contribution to polar wobble estimated from two oceanic assimilation data sets, J. Geodynamics, 41:147–154, 2006(SCI)

2.Yan Haoming, Zhong Min(钟敏), Zhu Yaozhong et al. Non-tidal oceanic contribution to length-of-day changes estimated from two ocean models during 1992–2001, J. of Geophy. Res., VOL. 111, B02410,2006 (SCI)


1.Yan Haoming, Zhong Min, Zhu Yaozhong. Study on atmospheric angular momentum fluctuation—methodology, Acta Astronomica Sinica, Vol.46, No. 4, 2005(in Chinese)


1.Zhang Shiyu, Zhong Min, Yan Haoming. Seasonal Vertical Crust Motions Predicted from Surface Mass Redistribution and observed by GPS in China. Science of Surveying and Mapping, Vol. 29,No.2, 2004 (in Chinese)

2. Yan Haoming, Zhong Min, Zhu Yaozhong. Determination of the degree of freedom of digital filtered time series with an application to the correlation analysis between the length of day and the Southern Oscillation index, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 28, No. 1: 120-126, 2004(SCI收录)


1. Zhong Min, Naito I, Kitoh A. Atmospheric, hydrological and ocean current contributions to Earth’s annual wobble and length-of-day signals based on output from a climate model. J. Geophys. Res., 2003, 108( B1), 2057, doi:10, 1029/2001JB000457(SCI收录)

2. Zhong Min, Yan Haoming, Zhu Yaozhong. Global ocean angular momentum variability and geodetic constraints, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, Vol.28, No.6: 697-702,2003 (in Chinese)

3. Jiang Min, Zhong Min,Yan Haoming. Pseudo-120 day variation in length of day from 1950 to 2003 with El Nino, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, Vol.28, No.6: 703-705, 2003 (in Chinese)

4. Zhu Yaozhong, Yan Haoming, Zhong Min. Nontidal oceanic effects on temporal variations in the Earth’s gravitational field, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, Vol.28, No.6: 663 - 667, 2003 (in Chinese)


1. Zhong Min, Yan Haoming, Zhu Yaozhong. The Investigation of Atmospheric Angular Momentum as a Contributor to Polar Wobble and Length of Day Change with AMIP II GCM Data, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 19, No. 2: 287-296, 2002(SCI收录)

2. Zhong Min, Zhu Yaozhong, Gao Bu xi and Isao Naito. Atmospheric, hydrological and oceanic comprehensive contributions to seasonal polar wobble of Earth Rotation, Science in China (Series A), Vol. 45, No.10, 2002(SCI收录)

3. Zhong Min, Yan Haoming, Zhu Yaozhong and Gao Buxi. Hydrologic contributions on annual Wobble, Acta Astronomica Sinica, Vol.43, No. 2, 2002(in Chinese)

4. Zhong Min, Yan Haoming, Zhu Yaozhong et al. Atmospheric angular momentum fluctuations and their excitations of Earth Rotation variations at seasonal scale, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 26, No.3: 363-371, 2002(SCI收录)


1. Haoming YAO, Min ZHONG, Yaozhong ZHU. The inter-annual amplitude variation of semi-annual polar wobble and the North Atlantic Oscillation, Progresses in Sciences,Vol.11, No.12, 2001 2000(SCI收录)

1. Yan Haoming, Zhong Min, Zhu Yao zhong. Correlation of amplitude change in seasonal LOD oscillations with ENSO,Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, Vol.29:103-106, Sup. May, 2000(in Chinese)

2. Zhou Xuhua,Zhong Min, Gao Bux, Yan Haoming. Time and space characteristics of the equatorial sea-level height variations at intra-seasonal scale, Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, Vol.29:86-89, Sup. May, 2000(in Chinese)


1. Wu Bin, Pen Bibo, Zhong Min. A study on the decadal change of length of day, Acta Astronomica Sinica, Vol.40, No. 4, 1999(in Chinese)

2. Zhong Min, Zhu Yaozhong, Buxi GAO. Hilbert transform analysis on intra-seasonal Length of Day changes and ENSO, Acta Astronomica Sinica, Vol.40, No. 1, 1999


1. Zhong Min, Yaozhong ZHU, Buxi GAO. Correlation of intra-seasonal Length of Day Amplitude Modulation with ENSO,IERS Technical Note, No.26,1998

2. Zhong Min, Buxi GAO. Wavelet analysis on intra-seasonal Length of Day change and ENSO, Acta Astronomica Sinica, Vol.39, No. 1, 1998(in Chinese)



· 2002 – Now. American Geophysical Union

· 1996 – Now. International Astronomic Union

· 1990 – Now. Chinese Geophysical Union

1987 – Now. Chinese Astronomic Union

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