

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-11

Researcher ID:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/S-6779-2017
1. Yu Yongxiang#, Li Xing#,Zhao Chengyi, Zheng Ningguo, Jia Hongtao, Yao Huaiying*. Soilsalinity changes the temperature sensitivity of soil carbon dioxide and nitrousoxide emissions,Catena, 2020,195: 104912.
2. Yu Yongxiang, Zhao Chengyi, ZhengNingguo, Jia Hongtao, Yao Huaiying*. Interactive effects of soiltexture and salinity on nitrous oxide emissions following crop residueamendment, Geoderma, 2019, 337: 1146-1154.
3. Yu Yongxiang, Jia Hongtao, ZhaoChengyi*. Evaluation of the effects of plastic mulching andnitrapyrin on nitrous oxide emissions and economic parameters in an aridagricultural field, Geoderma, 2018, 324: 98-108.
4. Yu Yongxiang, Tao Hui, YaoHuaiying, Zhao Chengyi*. Assessment of the effect of plasticmulching on soil respiration in the arid agricultural region of China underfuture climate scenarios, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 256-257:1-9.
5. Yu Yongxiang, Zhao Chengyi*,Jia Hongtao, Niu Baicheng, Sheng Yu, Shi Fengzhi. Effects of nitrogenfertilizer, soil temperature and moisture on the soil-surface CO2efflux and production in an oasis cotton field in arid northwestern China,Geoderma, 2017, 308: 93-103.
6. Yu Yongxiang, Tao Hui, JiaHongtao, Zhao Chengyi*. Impact of plastic mulching on nitrous oxideemissions in China's arid agricultural region under climate change conditions.Atmospheric Environment, 2017, 158: 76-84.
7. Yu Yongxiang, Zhao Chengyi*,Jia Hongtao. Ability of split urea applications to reduce nitrous oxideemissions: A laboratory incubation experiment. Applied Soil Ecology, 2016, 100:75-80.
8. Yu Y, Zhao C*,Stahr K, Zhao X, Jia H. Plastic mulching increased soil CO2concentration and emissions from an oasis cotton field in Central Asia. SoilUse and Management, 2016, 32: 230-239.
9. Yu Yongxiang, Zhao Chengyi*.Modelling soil and root respiration in a cotton field using the DNDC model.Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2015, 178, 787–791.

相关话题/生物工程 生态