

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-31

精准医疗的前提是准确的分子诊断及精密的分子导航系统。我们研究课题组致力于两个主要研究方向。1.利用高分辨质谱的化学解析技术,发展高灵敏高通量的生物分子诊断技术,即在单细胞、单分子层面实施定性定量研究,在系统范围理解和诠释病理及药理。适用于癌症及病毒性疾病早期诊断,临床确诊,药效检验和患者疗后监测。2. 利用无损伤的拉曼光谱成像技术,对癌变组织边界进行原位、实时的化学识别和定位。相对于现有的物理灰度成像,我们在全新维度空间为微创手术提供精准位置与信息导航。
聂蓓,教授,现就职于中南民族大学,之前曾任职于中国科学院重庆绿色智能研究院研究员,美国圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)助理教授。2006年毕业于美国威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison),获得博士学位,导师Lloyd Smith是DNA自动测序的发明人。中科院高端人才启动基金一项。以一作和通讯作者发表文章18篇,IF ~60。主要研究方向:生物质谱,拉曼化学成像,生物材料。
Zhou, Q.;Ye, X.; Nie, B. “proton-propelled methy-tert-butyl etherextraction for highly efficient mass spectrometric analysis of phospholipids in human plasma” Anal. Meth.2017, 9, 4491-4495.

Molecular Endoscope for pre-Cancer Diagnostics and Chemical Imaging Based Surgical Guidance System
Bei Nie, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, South-central University of Nationalities
Research interest
The primary impetus of our research program is to serve clinical diagnosis and in vivosurgical guidance in a non-invasive fashion. The technological tools that we heavily implemented and constantly advanced are biological mass spectrometry and spontaneous Raman imaging, and anything interplayed in middle, by which we are developing versatile analytical approaches and associated apparatuses, targeting on early-stage cancer diagnosis and chemical distinction between malignant and benign tumors. The ultimate goal of our program emphasized on translating the bench products to clinical applications, especially for oncological treatment, which unfortunately represents the highest mortality rate under current practice. The high-resolution mass spectrometric analysis provides the exhaustive chemical insights regarding genome, proteome and metabolome, comprehensively elucidating the underlying mechanism of tumor development and interactions between drug and targets. On the other hand, Raman imaging renders an additional dimension, chemical recognizable tumor margin, for a real time surgical guidance with a negligible interference to patients.This combined technology ensures in the near future that we will see the final effective solutions in routine oncologic diagnostic and surgical procedures.
Bei Nie, currently employed as a full professor in South-central University of Nationalities. Before that, Dr. Nie worked for Merck Co. Inc (USA) and Chinese academy of science as an independent principle investigator. In 2006, Dr. Nie graduated from Chemistry Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, within 4-year PhD program, under the supervision of Professor Lloyd M. Smith, who is the inventor of automatic DNA sequencing, which revolutionized the genetic research and promoted the completion of HUMAN GENOME PROJECTby shrinking sequencing time from a thousand years to 10. Dr. Nie published, as a leading or corresponding author, 18 scientific articles, with total impact factor over 60, and was awarded 3 grants. His research interest rivetingly pinpointedon: biological mass spectrometry, Raman imaging and biomaterials.

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