

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-31



[1] Yi He, Gongbao Li,,Standing waves for a class of Kirchhofftype problems in R^3 involving critical Sobolev exponents, Calculus of Variationsand Partial Differential Equations 54(2015),3067-3106.(SCI)
[2] Yi He, Gongbao Li, Standingwaves for a class of Schr?dinger-Poisson equations in R^3 involving criticalSobolev exponents, Annales Academie Scientiarum Fennice, Mathematica40(2015),729-766. (SCI)
[3] Yi He, Gongbao Li,Concentrating soliton solutions for quasilinear Schrodinger equations involvingcritical Sobolev exponents, Discrete and Continuous DynamicalSystems-Series A 36(2016),731-762. (SCI)
[4] Yi He, Gongbao Li, Theexistence and concentration of weak solutions to a class of p-Laplacian typeproblems in unbounded domains, Science China Mathematics,57(2014), 1927-1952. (SCI)
[5] Yi He, Gongbao Li,Shuangjie Peng, Concentrating bound states for Kirchhoff type problems in R^3 involving critical Sobolevexponents, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 14(2014), 483-510. (SCI)
[6] Yi He, Concentrating bounded states for a class of singularly perturbed Kirchhoff type equations with a general nonlinearity,J. Differential Equations 26(2016)6178–6220. (SCI)

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