

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-29

姓名:何阳波 职称:副教授
个人简介2004/09-2008/06 东北农业大学 园林//学士
2009/01-2014/12 North Dakota State University土壤学/硕士和博士
2015/03-2019/12 华中农业大学讲师
2019/12- 华中农业大学副教授

土壤肥料学、土壤退化与防治(Soil Degradation Conservation and Remediation), 环境土壤学,土壤修复与地力提升,土壤与地质实习,自然地理实习,土壤修复与地力提升实习

Soil Degradation Conservation and Remediation

2019-2020:华中农业大学“引智类”研究生全英文课程建设项目“Scientific writing”,主持
2017-2019:研究生英语授课品牌课程建设项目“土壤退化与防治(Soil Degradation Conservation and Remediation)”,主持
1. 何阳波,陈家宙,朱俊. 土壤退化与防治全英文课程实践与探索. 2019, 6(43):90-91.
2. 何阳波,谭文峰,黄传琴,汪明霞. 土壤修复与地力提升课程思政教学探索. 2019, 6(56):220-221,227.
1. 2019,领队带领学生赴美参加美国蒙大拿州立大学举办的Huazhong Agricultural University 暑期项目(2周)
2. 担任2019研究生模拟国际学术会议评委,主题“聚焦乡村振兴,建设美丽中国”
4. 2016+2017,指导学生参加农资专业技能大赛
5. 2017,指导大学生科技创新基金SRF项目
6. 2015,指导“绿苗计划”,胡璐,周梦玲
7. 2015-2019:担任环工1504和农资1503班班主任

科学研究1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,**,黏质红壤团聚体稳定性的季节性变化及驱动机制,2017/01-2019/12,20万元,在研,主持。
2. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,**BQ030,无机土壤改良剂对红壤有效水及水分运动的影响机制,2015/05-2017/12,15万元,已结题,主持。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,生物钻孔改良黏质红壤及提高作物抗旱能力的潜力与机制,2019/01-2022/12,61万元,在研,参与。
1. 第二届国际水土保持青年论坛大会
? 2018/8/27-2018/8/31, 莫斯科
? 主办单位:世界水土保持学会;莫斯科国立大学
? 口头报告
? 2017/8/3-2017/8/5,沈阳
? 中国土壤学会土壤物理专业委员会
? 口头报告
3. “土壤物理学进展与水土资源保护”学术研讨会
? 2015/8/2-2015/8/3,青岛
? 主办单位:中国土壤学会土壤物理专业委员会
? 口头报告

1. 2018,华中农业大学2018年度教学质量优秀二等奖
2. 2019,年华中农业大学优秀学士学位论文,“长期无机和有机肥施加对红壤有机质和非饱和导水率的影响”(2019届 黄蕊)
3. 软件著作权:基于Matlab平台的土壤干旱程度计算软件

1. Yangbo He*, F. Gu, C. Xu and Y. Wang. 2019. Assessing of the influence of organic and inorganic amendments on the physical-chemical properties of a red soil (Ultisol) quality. Catena 183. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2019.104231
2. Yangbo He*, Cheng Xu, Rui Huang , Mingxian Guo, Lirong Lin, Yuanfen Yu, Yao Wang. 2019. Variation of soil aggregates in response to soil water under short-term natural rainfalls at different land use. SN Applied Science https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-0934-1
3. Yangbo He*, Feng Gu, Cheng Xu, Jiazhou Chen. 2019. Influence of Iron/Aluminum Oxides and Aggregates on Plant Available Water with Different Amendments in Red Soils, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 74:145-159
4. Kayla Graber, Christina L.M. Hargiss, Thomas DeSutter, Yangbo He*. 2019. Jack Norland, Dispersion of Gravel Road Fine-fractions as Influenced by Oil-well Produced Water and Simulated Solutions of Various SAR, EC, and Ca/Mg Ratios, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution DOI: 10.1007/s11270-019-4111-3
5. Yangbo He*, Cheng Xu, Feng Gu, Yao Wang, Jiazhou Chen. 2018. Soil Aggregate Stability Improves Greatly in Response to Soil Water Dynamics under Natural Rains in Long-term Organic Fertilization, Soil & Tillage Research 184:281-290
6. Yangbo He*, Thomas DeSutter*, Jack Norland, Amitava Chatterjee, Frank Casey, David Clay. 2018. The Measurement, Prediction, and Development of Soil Management Zones in Low-relief Sodic Soils, Precision Agriculture19:858-875
7. Yangbo He, Lirong Lin, Jiazhou Chen*. 2017. Maize Root Morphology Responses to Soil Penetration Resistance Related to Tillage and Drought in a Clayey Soil, The Journal of Agricultural Science 155:1137-1149
8. Yangbo He*, Thomas DeSutter*, Frank Casey, David Clay, Dave Franzen, Dean Steele. 2015. Field Capacity as Influenced by Na and EC: Implications for Subsurface Drainage, Geoderma 245-246:83-88
9. Yangbo He., T.M.DeSutter(*), D.Hopkins,D.Wysocki, and D.E.Clay. 2015.Relationship between 1:5 soil/water and saturated paste extract sodium adsorption ratios by three extraction methods. Soil Science Society of America Journal 79:681-687.
10. Yangbo He., T.M.DeSutter(*), and D.E.Clay. 2013. Dispersion of pure clay minerals as influenced by calcium/magnesium ratios, sodium adsorption ratio, and electrical conductivity. Soil Science Society of America Journal 77:2014–2019.
11.Yangbo He , T.M.DeSutter(*), D.Hopkins, X.Jia, and D.Wysocki. 2013. Predicting ECeof the saturated paste extract from value of EC1:5. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93:585–594.
12. Yangbo He , T.M.DeSutter(*), L.Prunty, D.Hopkins, X.Jia, and D.Wysocki. 2012. Evaluation of 1:5 soil to water extract electrical conductivity methods. Geoderma 185-186:12–17.
13. 徐程,谷峰,王瑶,何阳波*,陈家宙. 2019. 土壤团聚体和水分动态在3种植被覆盖下的关系,水土保持学报 33:68 ~ 74.
14. Xiaoqian Duan, Yusong Deng, Yu Tao, Yangbo He (何阳波), Lirong Lin, Jiazhou Chen*. 2018. Variation in Soil Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity along the Hillslope of Collapsing Granite Gullies, Hydrological Sciences Journal 63:803-817.
15. Omar Aziz, Liao Bin, Muhammad Imtiaz, Jiazhou Chen, Yangbo He (何阳波), Lirong Lin, Saif Ali, Muhammad Riaz, Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Rizwan, Guoan Lu*. 2018. Irrigation Methods Affect Water Productivity, Grain yield, and Growth Responses of Rice at Different Levels of Nitrogen. Journal of Soil and Water conservation 73:329-336.
16. Yu Tao, Yangbo He(何阳波), Xiaoqian Duan, Ziqiang Zou, Lirong Lin, Jiazhou Chen*. 2017. Preferential Flows and Soil Moistures on a Benggang Slope: Determined by the Water and Temperature Co-monitoring, Journal of Hydrology. 553:678–690. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.08.029
17 Upasana Ghosh*, Resham Thapa, Thomas DeSutter, Yangbo He(何阳波), Amitava Chatterjee. 2017. Saline-Sodic Soils: Potential Sources of Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Dioxide Emissions? Pedosphere 27:65-75.
18. Matthees, H. L., Y. He(何阳波), R. K. Owen, D. Hopkins, B. Deutsch, J. Lee, D. E. Clay, C. Reese, D. D. Malo and T. M. DeSutter. 2017. Predicting Soil Electrical Conductivity of the Saturation Extract from a 1:1 Soil to Water Ratio. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 48(18): 2148-2154.
19. Thomas DeSutter*, Dave Franzen, Yangbo He(何阳波). 2015. A. Wick, J. Lee, B. Deutsch, David Clay, Relating sodium percentage to sodium adsorption ratio and its utility in the northern great plains. Soil Science Society of America Journal 79(4): 1261-1264.
20. Hopkins, D.(*), K.Chambers, A.Fraase,Y.He (何阳波), K.Larson, L.Malum, L.Sande, J.Schulte, E.Sebesta, D.Strong, E.Viall, and R.Utter. 2012. Evaluating Salinity and Sodium Levels on Soils before Drain Tile Installation: A Case Study. Soil Horizons 53:24-29.

2019-2023,Waqar Ali (合作指导)
2019, Tomas Pudil (合作指导)

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