

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-29



2013年毕业于华中农业大学土壤学专业,获博士学位,留校任教。2018-2019年赴美国农业部国家泥沙实验室访问学习。主要从事土壤侵蚀机理、水土保持和环境生态等方面的教学和研究工作。主持国家自然科学基和重点研发计划子课题3项,其他课题4项,作为骨干成员参与国家自然科学基金重点项目2项,面上项目1项。指导“国家大学生创新创业训练计划项目”3项。在Land Degradation & Development 、Soil & Tillage Research、Earth Surface Processes and Landforms、Catena、农业工程学报、土壤学报等国内外期刊发表科研论文40余篇,参编专著1部。

2013.7-2017.12 华中农业大学资源与环境学院 讲师
2018.1-至今 华中农业大学资源与环境学院 副教授
2018.12-2019.12 美国农业部国家泥沙实验室 访问****


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,不同胶结特性土壤坡面泥沙输移特征对侵蚀形态的响应,**,2018/01-2021/12,在研,主持
2. 重点研发计划子课题,崩岗区生态系统退化特点及防控技术适宜性研究,2017YFC**,2017/07-2021/12,在研,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,**,含沙水流和坡面糙度对红壤团聚体输移破坏影响,2015/01-2017/12,结题,主持
4. 湖北省水利水电科学研究院,不同结构土壤斥水性对坡面侵蚀过程的综合影响及其作用机理研究,2015/01-2017/12,结题,主持
5. 湖北省水利水电科学研究院,湖北主要侵蚀区水土流失综合调控原理与治理模式研究实施方案,2014/01-2014/12,结题,主持
6. 长江水利委员会,湘资沅澧上中游国家重点防治区水土流失动态监测遥感解译,2016/2017,结题,主持子任务
7. 校自主创新基金项目,坡面底部糙度与水力学特性耦合作用下团聚体破坏特征研究2013/07-2014/12,结题,主持
8. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,**,花岗岩风化岩土体特性的地带性分异及崩岗形成机理研究,2017/01-2021/12,在研,参与
9. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,**,红壤团聚体稳定性及其在坡面侵蚀过程中的迁移转化规律,2010/01-2013/12,结题,参与
10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,典型地带性土壤团聚体抗侵蚀稳定性及其与铁铝氧化物关系,2015/01-2018/12,结题,参与


[1] Wang Junguang, Feng Shuyue, Ni Shimin, Wen Hui, Cai Chongfa, Guo Zhonglu*. Soil detachment by overland flow on hillslopes with permanent gullies in the Granite area of southeast China. Catena, 2019, 183, 104235.
[2] Ni Shimin, Feng Shuyue, Zhang deqian, Wang Junguang*, Cai Chongfa. Sediment transport capacity in erodible beds with reconstituted soils of different textures. Catena, 2019, 183, 104197.
[3] Wang Junguang, Yu Bing, Ni Shimin, Guo Zhonglu*, Cai Chongfa. Effects of sediment load on the abrasion of soil aggregate and hydraulic parameters in experimental overland flow. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2019, 18(0), 2-11.
[4] Feng shuyu, Wei Hui, Ni Shimin, Wang Junguang*, Cai Chongfa. Degradation Characteristics of Soil-Quality-Related Physical and Chemical Properties Affected by Collapsing Gully: The Case of Subtropical Hilly Region, China. Sustainability, 2019, 11(12), 3369.
[5] Hao Haoxin, Wang Junguang*, Guo Zhonglu*, Hua Li. Water erosion processes and dynamic changes of sediment size distribution under the combined effects of rainfall and overland flow. Catena, 2019,173, 494-504.
[6] Wu Xinliang, Wei Yujie, Wang Junguang*, Cai Chongfa*, Deng Yusong, Xia Jinwen. RUSLE erodibility of heavy textured soils as affected by soil type, erosion degradation and rainfall intensity: a field simulation. Land Degradation & Development, 2018, 1-14.
[7] Wu Xinliang, Wei Yujie, Wang Junguang*, Xia Jinwen, Cai Chongfa*, Wei Zhiyuan. Effects of soil type and rainfall intensity on sheet erosion processes and sediment characteristics along the climatic gradient in central-south China. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 621: 54-66.
[8] Wu Xinliang, Wei Yujie, Wang Junguang*, Wang Di, She Li, Wang Jie, Cai Chongfa*. Effects of soil physicochemical properties on aggregate stability along a weathering gradient. Catena, 2017, 156: 205-215.
[9] Wang Junguang, Yu Bing, Yang Wei, Cheng Jianing, Song Yunrui, Cai Chongfa. The abrasion of soil aggregate under different artificial rough beds in overland flow. Catena, 2017, 155: 183-190.
[10] Wang Junguang, Yang Wei, Yu Bing, Li Zhaoxia, Cai Chongfa, Ma Renming. Estimating the influence of related soil properties on macro- and micro-aggregate stability in Ultisols of south-central China. Catena, 2016, 137: 545-553.
[11] Wu Xinliang, Cai Chongfa, Wang Junguang*, Wei Yujie, Wang Shuo. Spatial variations of aggregate stability in relation to sesquioxides for zonal soils, South-central China Soil & Tillage Research. 2016, 157: 11-22.
[12] Wang Junguang, Li Zhaoxia, Cai Chongfa*, Ma Renming. Particle size and shape variation of Ultisol aggregates affected by abrasion under different transport distances in overland flow. Catena, 2014, 123: 153-162.
[13] Wang Junguang, Li Zhaoxia, Cai Chongfa*, Yang Wei, Ma Renming, Zhang Guobiao. Effects of stability, transport distance and two hydraulic parameters on aggregate abrasion of Ultisols in overland flow. Soil & Tillage Research. 2013, 126, 134-142.
[14] Wang Junguang, Li Zhaoxia, Cai Chongfa*, Yang Wei, Ma Renming, Zhang Guobiao. Predicting physical equations of soil detachment by simulated concentrated flow in Ultisols (subtropical China). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2012, 37: 633-641.
[15] Wang Junguang, Li Zhaoxia, Cai Chongfa*, Yang Wei. Effects of transport distance and flow discharge of overland flow on destruction of Ultisol aggregates. Particuology, 2012, 10: 607-613.
[16] Wei yujie, Wu Xinliang*, Cai Chongfa, Wang Jie, Xia Jinwen, Wang Junguang, Guo Zhonglu, Yuan Zaijian. Impact of erosion-induced land degradation on rainfall infiltration in different types of soils under field simulation. Land Degradation & Development, 2019, 30: 1751-1764.
[17] Wu Xinliang, Wei Yujie, Wang Junguang, Xia Jinwen, Cai Chongfa*, Wu Lanlan, Fu Zhiyong, Wei Zhiyuan. Effects of erosion degree and rainfall intensity on erosion processes for Ultisols derived from quaternary red clay. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2017, 249: 226-236.
[18] Ma Renming, Cai Chongfa, Wang Junguang, Wang Tianwei, Li Zhaoxia*, Xiao Tiqiao, Peng Guanyun. Partial least squares regression for linking aggregate pore characteristics to detachment of undisturbed soil by simulated concentrated flow in Ultisols (subtropical China). Jouranl of Hydrology, 2015, 524: 44-52.
[19] Ma Renming, Li Zhaoxia*, Cai Chongfa, Wang Junguang. The dynamic response of splash erosion to aggregate mechanical breakdown through rainfall simulation events in Ultisols (subtropical China). Catena, 2014, 121: 279-287.
[20] Ma Renming, Cai Chongfa, Li Zhaoxia*, Wang Junguang, Xiao Tiqiao, Peng Guanyun, Yang Wei. Evaluation of soil aggregate microstructure and stability under wetting and drying cycles in two Ultisols using synchrotron-based X-ray micro-computed tomography. Soil & Tillage Research, 2015, 149: 1-11.
[21] Li Zhaoxia, Cai Chongfa*, Yang Wei, Wang Junguang. Aggregate Mechanical stability and relationship with aggregate breakdown under simulated rainfall. Soil Science, 2013, 178(7): 369-377.
[22] Yang Wei, Li Zhaoxia*, Cai Chongfa, Wang Junguang, Hua Zhongguang. Tensile strength and friability of Ultisols in sub-tropical China and effects on aggregate breakdown under simulated rainfall. Soil Science. 2012, 177(6): 377-383.
[23] Yang Wei, Li Zhaoxia*, Cai Chongfa, Guo Zhonglu, Chen Jiazhou, Wang Junguang. Mechanical properties and soil stability affected by fertilizer treatments for an Ultisol in subtropical China. Plant and Soil. 2013, 363(1-2): 157-174.
[24] 倪世民, 张德谦, 冯舒悦, 王军光*, 蔡崇法. 不同质地重塑土坡面水沙定量关系研究. 土壤学报, 2019, 56(6): 1336-1346.
[25] 冯舒悦, 文慧, 倪世民, 张德谦, 王军光*, 蔡崇法. 南方典型崩岗综合治理模式研究. 中国水土保持, 2019, 443(2):24-28.
[26] 文慧, 冯舒悦, 王军光*, 倪世民, 蔡崇法. 南方红壤区不同崩岗侵蚀治理模式及评价指标体系研究.中国水土保持, 2019(09): 40-44+69.
[27] 倪世民, 冯舒悦, 王军光*, 蔡崇法. 不同质地重塑土坡面细沟侵蚀形态与水力特性及产沙的关系. 农业工程学报, 2018, 15: 149-156.(EI)
[28] 倪世民, 杨伟, 王杰, 王军光*, 蔡崇法.不同类型土壤团聚体斥水性及其对溅蚀的影响 水土保持学报, 2018, 32(1): 167-173.
[29] 周洋, 姜敏, 李梦雨, 王军光*等. 湘中丘陵区紫色土坡耕地水土保持措施效益的试验研究. 水土保持学报, 2017, 31(6): 134-138.
[30] 余冰, 宋云瑞, 程嘉宁, 王军光*, 蔡崇法, 段猷. 不同模拟糙度集中水流内红壤团聚体剥蚀特征研究. 土壤学报, 2016, 53(4): 860-868.
[31] 余冰, 王军光*, 蔡崇法, 张友辉, 杨伟. 不同模拟糙度定床坡面集中水流水力学特性研究. 水土保持学报, 2015, 2: 50-54.
[32] 王军光, 李朝霞, 蔡崇法*, 王玉华, 马仁明, 张国彪. 坡面流水力学参数对团聚体剥蚀程度的定量影响. 水科学进展, 2012, 23(3): 372-377. (EI)
[33] 王军光, 李朝霞, 蔡崇法*, 杨伟, 马仁明, 王天巍. 坡面水流中不同层次红壤团聚体剥蚀程度研究. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(19): 78-84. (EI)
[34] 王军光, 李朝霞*, 蔡崇法, 杨伟, 马仁明, 张国彪. 集中水流内红壤分离速率与团聚体特征及抗剪强度定量关系. 土壤学报, 2011, 48(6): 25-32.
[35] 王军光, 李朝霞, 蔡崇法*, 郭忠录, 杨伟. 坡面冲刷过程中红壤分离速率定量研究, 长江流域资源与环境, 2011, 20(1): 96-100.
[36] 王军光, 李朝霞, 蔡崇法*, 杨伟. 坡面薄层水流水动力学特性及对红壤分离速率的定量影响.第十届海峡两岸环境资源与生态保育学术研讨会论文集,159-165, 武汉, 2010, 718-720.
[37] 冯舒悦, 王军光, 文慧, 倪世民, 华丽*, 蔡崇法, 赣南崩岗侵蚀区不同部位土壤抗剪强度及其影响因素研究. 土壤学报, 2019, DOI:10.11766/trxb4.
[38] 闫璐, 王军光, 蔡崇法. 不同层次黄棕壤团聚体在坡面集中水流中的输移特征. 水土保持学报, 2014, 28(2): 30-35.
[39] 马美景, 王军光, 郭忠录*, 蔡崇法. 放水冲刷对红壤坡面侵蚀过程及溶质迁移特征的影响研究. 土壤学报, 2016, 53(2): 365-374.
[40] 马仁明, 蔡崇法, 李朝霞*, 王军光, 冯君园, 吴新亮, 朱惠荣. 前期土壤含水率对红壤团聚体稳定性及溅蚀的影响. 农业工程学报, 2014, 30(3): 95-103. (EI)
[41] 马仁明, 王军光, 李朝霞*, 蔡崇法, 王硕. 降雨过程中红壤团聚体粒径变化对溅蚀的影响. 长江流域资源与环境, 2013, 22(6): 779-785.


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