

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-29


个人简介 蒋思文,男,博士,华中农业大学教授,博士生导师。1984年毕业于华中农业大学畜牧专业获学士学位,1990年获动物遗传育种与繁殖硕士学位,1996年获动物遗传育种与繁殖专业博士学位。2000年至2001年在瑞典农业大学Leif Andersson实验室访问****。兼任中国畜牧兽医学会养猪学分会副理事长、动物遗传育种学分会理事、第五届农业转基因生物安全委员会委员。从事动物遗传育种学、猪生产学、畜牧概论和畜牧业经济管理等教学、科研、生产和技术服务等工作。主持、承担并完成863、973、国家自然科学基金、国家攻关及省部级重点研究项目28项,获国家及省部级奖励12项,其中“瘦肉型猪新品种(系)及配套技术的创新研究与开发”2006年获国家科技进步二等奖、“双低油菜籽优质饼粕制备饲料技术开发”2005年获湖北省科技进步一等奖、“提高母猪繁殖性能的全繁殖周期调控技术建立和应用”2017年获湖北省科技进步一等。博士论文“猪应激综合征的分子鉴别和氟烷基因利用的研究”,2000年被评为湖北省优秀博士论文。目前主持“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金等项目5项。在《Scientific Reports》、《Amino Acids》、《General and Comparative Endocrinology》、《Cytogenetic and Genome》、《遗传学报》、《畜牧兽医学报》等学术刊物和会议上发表研究论文80余篇,参编专著4部。主编(动物生物技术、畜牧概论)或副主编(畜牧业经济管理)“十一五”国家规划教材3部。
教育经历 1984年毕业于华中农业大学畜牧专业获学士学位
2000年至2001年在瑞典农业大学Leif Andersson实验室访问****
工作经历 1984.7-1991.11 华中农业大学动物科技系助教
1991.12-1996.11 华中农业大学动物科技系讲师
1996.12-2001.11 华中农业大学动物科技系副教授
2002.12迄今 华中农业大学动物科技系教授
2011.1-2014.12 华中农业大学动科动医学院副院长
研究领域 猪肌肉生长与脂肪沉积的分子机制、地方猪种质资源的创新与利用、猪高效饲养关键技术研发等
科研成果 1.Chai J, Liu L, Xiong Q, Chen C, Peng Y, Jin W, Zheng R, Peng J, Jiang S. Molecular cloning, tissue expression, and analysis with genome DNA methylation of porcine LSD1 gene. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2013, 169(1): 134-144
2.Chai J, Xiong Q, Wang D, Wan X, Niu H, Xiang H, Li H, Wang H, Zheng R, Peng J, Jiang S. Identification of novel regulatory GRE-binding elements in the porcine IP3R1 gene promoter and their transcriptional activation under glucocorticoid stimulation. Gen Comp Endocrinol, 2017, 249: 71-81
3.Chai J, Xiong Q, Zhang P, Zheng R, Peng J, Jiang S. Induction of Ca2+ signal mediated apoptosis and alteration of IP3R1 and SERCA1 expression levels by stress hormone in differentiating C2C12 myoblasts. Gen Comp Endocrinol, 2010, 166(2): 241-249
4.Chen C, Deng B, Qiao M, Zheng R, Chai J, Ding Y, Peng J, Jiang S. Solexa sequencing identification of conserved and novel microRNAs in backfat of Large White and Chinese Meishan pigs. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(2): e31426
5.Chen C, Peng Y, Peng Y, Peng J, Jiang S. miR-135a-5p inhibits 3T3-L1 adipogenesis through activation of canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling. J Mol Endocrinol, 2014, 52(3): 311-320
6.Cheng C, Liu Z, Zhou Y, Wei H, Zhang X, Xia M, Deng Z, Zou Y, Jiang S, Peng J. Effect of oregano essential oil supplementation to a reduced-protein, amino acid-supplemented diet on meat quality, fatty acid composition, and oxidative stability of Longissimus thoracis muscle in growing-finishing pigs. Meat Sci, 2017, 133: 103-109
7.Deng B, Wen J, Ding Y, Gao Q, Huang H, Ran Z, Qian Y, Peng J, Jiang S. Functional analysis of pig myostatin gene promoter with some adipogenesis- and myogenesis-related factors. Mol Cell Biochem, 2012a, 363(1-2): 291-299
8.Deng B, Wen J, Ding Y, Peng J, Jiang S. Different regulation role of myostatin in differentiating pig ADSCs and MSCs into adipocytes. Cell Biochem Funct, 2012b, 30(2): 145-150
9.Deng B, Zhang F, Chen K, Wen J, Huang H, Liu W, Ye S, Wang L, Yang Y, Gong P, Jiang S. MyoD promotes porcine PPARγ gene expression through an E-box and a MyoD-binding site in the PPARγ promoter region. Cell Tissue Res, 2016, 365(2): 381-391
10.Deng B, Zhang F, Wen J, Ye S, Wang L, Yang Y, Gong P, Jiang S. The function of myostatin in the regulation of fat mass in mammals. Nutr Metab (Lond), 2017, 14: 29
11.Fang Z, Huang F, Luo J, Wei H, Ma L, Jiang S, Peng J. Effects of dl-2-hydroxy-4-methylthiobutyrate on the first-pass intestinal metabolism of dietary methionine and its extra-intestinal availability. Br J Nutr, 2010a, 103(5): 643-651
12.Fang Z, Luo H, Wei H, Huang F, Qi Z, Jiang S, Peng J. Methionine metabolism in piglets Fed DL-methionine or its hydroxy analogue was affected by distribution of enzymes oxidizing these sources to keto-methionine. J Agric Food Chem, 2010b, 58(3): 2008-2014
13.Geng J, Huang C, Jiang S. Roles and regulation of the matrix metalloproteinase system in parturition. Mol Reprod Dev, 2016, 83(4): 276-286
14.Geng J, Li H, Huang C, Chai J, Zheng R, Li F, Jiang S. Functional analysis of HSPA1A and HSPA8 in parturition. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2017, 483(1): 371-379
15.Hu X, Luo P, Peng X, Song T, Zhou Y, Wei H, Peng J, Jiang S. Molecular cloning, expression pattern analysis of porcine Rb1 gene and its regulatory roles during primary dedifferentiated fat cells adipogenic differentiation. Gen Comp Endocrinol, 2015, 214: 77-86
16.Hu X, Zhou Y, Yang Y, Peng J, Song T, Xu T, Wei H, Jiang S, Peng J. Identification of zinc finger protein Bcl6 as a novel regulator of early adipose commitment. Open Biol, 2016, 6(6):
17.Huang C, Geng J, Jiang S. MicroRNAs in regulation of osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. Cell Tissue Res, 2017, 368(2): 229-238
18.Huang C, Geng J, Wei X, Zhang R, Jiang S. MiR-144-3p regulates osteogenic differentiation and proliferation of murine mesenchymal stem cells by specifically targeting Smad4. FEBS Lett, 2016, 590(6): 795-807
19.Huang F, Wei H, Luo H, Jiang S, Peng J. EPA inhibits the inhibitor of κBα (IκBα)/NF-κB/muscle RING finger 1 pathway in C2C12 myotubes in a PPARγ-dependent manner. Br J Nutr, 2011, 105(3): 348-356
20.Huang J, Xiong Y, Deng C, Zuo B, Xu D, Lei M, Jiang S. Cloning, sequence analysis and identification of a nonsense mutation-mediated mRNA decay of porcine GSTM2 gene. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai), 2007, 39(8): 560-566
21.Jiang S, Wei H, Song T, Yang Y, Peng J, Jiang S. Transcriptome comparison between porcine subcutaneous and intramuscular stromal vascular cells during adipogenic differentiation. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(10): e77094
22.Jiang S, Wei H, Song T, Yang Y, Zhang F, Zhou Y, Peng J, Jiang S. KLF13 promotes porcine adipocyte differentiation through PPARγ activation. Cell Biosci, 2015, 5: 28
23.Jin W, Liu M, Peng J, Jiang S. Function analysis of Mef2c promoter in muscle differentiation. Biotechnol Appl Biochem, 2017, 64(5): 647-656
24.Jin W, Peng J, Jiang S. The epigenetic regulation of embryonic myogenesis and adult muscle regeneration by histone methylation modification. Biochem Biophys Rep, 2016a, 6: 209-219
25.Jin W, Shang Y, Peng J, Jiang S. Histone H3 Methyltransferase Suv39h1 Prevents Myogenic Terminal Differentiation by Repressing MEF2 Activity in Muscle Cells. Int J Mol Sci, 2016b, 17(12):
26.Li H, Wu B, Geng J, Zhou J, Zheng R, Chai J, Li F, Peng J, Jiang S. Integrated analysis of miRNA/mRNA network in placenta identifies key factors associated with labor onset of Large White and Qingping sows. Sci Rep, 2015, 5: 13074
27.Li H, Zhou J, Wei X, Chen R, Geng J, Zheng R, Chai J, Li F, Jiang S. miR-144 and targets, c-fos and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2), modulate synthesis of PGE2 in the amnion during pregnancy and labor. Sci Rep, 2016, 6: 27914
28.Li Y, Mei S, Zhang X, Peng X, Liu G, Tao H, Wu H, Jiang S, Xiong Y, Li F. Identification of genome-wide copy number variations among diverse pig breeds by array CGH. BMC Genomics, 2012, 13: 725
29.Liu G, Lei B, Li Y, Tong K, Ding Y, Luo L, Xia X, Jiang S, Deng C, Xiong Y, Li F. Discovery of potential piRNAs from next generation sequences of the sexually mature porcine testes. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(4): e34770
30.Liu Q, Zhou Y, Duan R, Wei H, Jiang S, Peng J. Lower dietary n-6:n-3 ratio and high-dose vitamin E supplementation improve sperm morphology and oxidative stress in boars. Reprod Fertil Dev, 2016, :
31.Liu Q, Zhou Y, Duan R, Wei H, Jiang S, Peng J. Lower dietary n-6 : n-3 ratio and high-dose vitamin E supplementation improve sperm morphology and oxidative stress in boars. Reprod Fertil Dev, 2017, 29(5): 940-949
32.Luo H, Zhou Y, Hu X, Peng X, Wei H, Peng J, Jiang S. Activation of PPARγ2 by PPARγ1 through a functional PPRE in transdifferentiation of myoblasts to adipocytes induced by EPA. Cell Cycle, 2015, 14(12): 1830-1841
33.Luo J, Huang F, Xiao C, Fang Z, Peng J, Jiang S. Responses of growth performance and proinflammatory cytokines expression to fish oil supplementation in lactation sows
科研项目 主持“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目“畜禽现代化饲养关键技术研发”(2017.7-2020.12,2017YFD**)
主持转基因重大专项 “动物组织特异性调控元件克隆和功能验证”(2011-2015;2011ZX08009-004)
主持国家自然科学基金项目“基于Solexa 测序筛选的miRNAs 在猪背膘和肌内脂肪细胞分化中的差异性调控机制研究”(2013-2016;**)
主持湖北省自然科学基金“控制清平猪妊娠期短的候选基因分离、鉴定和多态性分析” (2006-2007)
主持湖北省自然科学基金“猪AEBP1基因的克隆、鉴定、SNP多态性及遗传效应分析” (2005-2006)
主持湖北省自然科学基金“猪产仔数候选基因BMP15基因克隆和多态性研究”(2001-2003, 2002AB099)
主要奖励 提高母猪繁殖性能的全繁殖周期调控技术建立和应用,2017年获湖北省科技进步一等奖
相关话题/动物医学院 动物科学技术学院