

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-29


个人简介 陶攀,男,华中农业大学教授、博士生导师。研究方向为动物传染病的致病机制、防控技术及产品研发。近五年以第一作者或通讯作者在Science子刊Science Advances, PNAS, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, PLoS Pathogens等发表论文10篇,获批国际专利1项。目前承担的课题有国家自然科学基金面上项目和华中农业大学高层人才启动基金。
教育经历 2000.09-2004.06 华中农业大学,动物科学专业,农学学士
2004.09-2009.06 武汉大学,微生物学专业,理学博士
工作经历 2009-2015 美国天主教大学,博后
2015-2019 美国天主教大学,研究助理教授
2019-至今 华中农业大学,教授,博士生导师
研究领域 动物传染病的致病机制、防控技术及产品研发。
科研成果 A著作类
1.Tao P, Li Q, Shivachandra SB, Rao VB*. Use of bacteriophage T4 as a nanoparticle platform to display and deliver pathogen antigens: construction of an effective anthrax vaccine. Methods Mol Biol. 2017; 1581:255-267.
2.Tao P, Mahalingam M, Rao VB*. Highly effective soluble and bacteriophage T4 nanoparticle plague vaccines against?Yersinia pestis. Methods Mol Biol. 2016; 1403:499-518.
1.Tao P, Mahalingam M, Zhu J, Moayeri M, Sha J, Lawrence WS, Leppla SH, Chopra AK, and Rao VB*. A Bacteriophage T4 Nanoparticle-Based Dual Vaccine against Anthrax and Plague. mBio. 2018, 9(5). pii: e01926-18. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01926-18.
2.Tao P*, Zhu J, Mahalingam M, Batra H, and Rao VB*. Bacteriophage T4 nanoparticles for vaccine delivery against infectious diseases. 2018, Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 2018, pii: S0169-409X (18) 30164-9. doi:10.1016 /j. addr.2018.06.025
3.Tao P, Wu X, and Rao VB*. Unexpected Evolutionary Benefit to Phages Imparted by Bacterial CRISPR-Cas9. 2018,Science Advances. 2018, 4 (2), eaar4134
4.Tao P, Mahalingam M, Zhu J, Moayeri M, Kirtley ML, Fitts EC, Andersson JA, Lawrence WS, Leppla SH, Chopra AK, Rao VB*. A Bivalent Anthrax–Plague Vaccine That Can Protect against Two Tier-1 Bioterror Pathogens,?Bacillus anthracis?and?Yersinia pestis. Front Immunol.?2017 8:687. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017. 00687. eCollection 2017.
5.Tao P*, Wu X, Tang W, Zhu J, Rao VB*. Engineering of Bacteriophage T4 Genome Using CRISPR-Cas9. ACS Synth Biol. 2017. doi: 10.1021/acssynbio.7b00179. Rao VB *,
6.Dai L, Li Z, Tao P*.Evolutionary Analysis of Tembusu Virus: Evidence for the Emergence of a Dominant Genotype. Infect Genet Evol. 2015, 32: 124-19.
7.Tao P, Mahalingam M, Marasa BS, Zhang Z, Chopra AK, Rao VB*. In vitro and in vivo delivery of genes and proteins using the bacteriophage T4 DNA packaging machine. PNAS. 2013, 110(15):5846-5851
8.Tao P, Mahalingam M, Kirtley ML, van Lier CJ, Sha J, Yeager LA, Chopra AK, Rao VB*. Mutated and bacteriophage T4 nanoparticle arrayed F1-V immunogens from Yersinia pestis as next generation plague vaccines. PLoS Pathog. 2013, 9(7):e**.
9.Rao VB*, Tao P, Mahalingam M, Marasa BS, Zhang Z, and Chopra AK. Delivery of vaccine genes and proteins into dendritic cells using the bacteriophage T4 DNA packaging machine (P3273). Journal of Immunology. 2013, 190:192.22.
10.Tao P, Luo M, Pan R, Ling D, Zhou S, Tien P and Pan Z*. Enhanced protective immunity against H5N1 influenza virus challenge by vaccination with DNA expressing a chimeric hemagglutinin in combination with a MHC class I-restricted epitope of nucleoprotein in mice. Antiviral Res. 2009, 81(3):253-60.
11.Tao P#, Luo M#, Zhu D, Qu S, Yang Z, Gao M, Guo D, Pan Z*. Virus-like particle vaccine comprised of the HA, NA, and M1 proteins of an avian isolated H5N1 influenza virus induces protective immunity against homologous and heterologous strains in mice. Viral immunology. 2009, 22(4):273-281.
Tao P, Dai L, Luo M, Tang F, Tien P, Pan Z*. Analysis of synonymous codon usage in classical swine fever virus. Virus genes. 2009, 38 (1):104-112.
科研项目 1.国家自然科学基金面上项目(主持)
相关话题/动物医学院 动物科学技术学院