本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-30
社会任职:亚洲大洋洲农业蛋白质组组织(AOAPO),委员;中国植物学会种子专业技术委员会,委员;中国生物化学与分子生物学会蛋白质组专业委员会,委员;中国园艺学会水生蔬菜专业委员会,常务理事;湖北省遗传学会、湖北省晶体学会、湖北省生物信息学会,理事;Frontiers in Plant Science,编委;Scientific Reports,编委;PLoS One,编委;植物科学学报,编委
2002.09–2005.06 中科院植物研究所,博士,导师:匡廷云院士,沈世华研究员
1999.09–2002.06 华中农业大学,硕士,导师:姚家玲教授
1993.09–1997.06 西北农林科技大学,学士
2018.10至今 湖北大学生命科学学院,教授
2010.01–2018.09 中科院武汉植物园“****”研究员
2007.03–2009.12 美国密歇根州立大学Jianping Hu’s Lab, DOE–Plant Research Laboratory
2005.07–2005.11 中科院植物研究所 实习研究员(沈世华研究员)
2005.11–2007.02 香港科技大学 访问****
1. 自然基金面上项目:水稻种子萌发过程中赤霉素信号传递所介导的蛋白质磷酸化级联反应及其功能分析(**),64万,2017.01–2020.12,主持
2. 自然基金面上项目:水稻种子萌发过程中参与赤霉素信号传递的关键转录因子挖掘与功能分析 (**),84万,2013.01–2016.12,主持
3. 自然科学基金重大项目:葡萄种质资源抗旱寒评价及其抗性基因挖掘与利用(**),200万,2012.01–2016.12,参与
4. 科技部重大基础专项:水稻功能基因组:水稻磷酸化蛋白质组平台建设,2016.01–2020年12月,67万,参与
5. 中科院海外科教项目:中国主要水稻栽培品种在非洲地区的品比实验与示范种植,130万,2016.01–2020.12,主持
6. 湖北大学杰出人才“B”类,400万,2018.10–2023.09,主持
1. Huang L, Yang M, Li L, Li H, Yang D, Shi T, Yang P*. (2018) Whole genome re-sequencing reveals evolutionary patterns of sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 60, 2–15. (封面论文)
2. Liu Y, Damaris RN, Yang P. (2017) Proteomics analysis identified a DRT protein involved in arsenic resistance in Populus. Plant Cell Reports 36, 1855–1869.
3. Wang K, Wang X, Li M, Shi T, Yang P*. (2017) Low genetic diversity and functional constraint of miRNA genes participating pollen-pistil interaction in rice. Plant Molecular Biology 95, 89–98.
4. Shi T, Wang K, Yang P*. (2017) The evolution of plant microRNAs, insights from a basal eudicot sacred lotus. The Plant Journal 89, 442–457.
5. Deng J, Li M, Huang L, Yang M, Yang P. (2016) Genome-wide analysis of the R2R3 MYB subfamily genes in lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 34, 1016–1026.(封面论文)
6. Sha A, Li M, Yang P*. (2016) Identification of phosphorus deficiency responsive proteins in a high phosphorus acquisition soybean (Glycine max) cultivar through proteomic analysis. Biochim Biophys Acta-Proteins and Proteomics 1864, 427–434.
7. Zhang H, He D, Yu J, Li M, Damaris RN, Gupta R, Kim ST, Yang P*. (2016) Analysis of dynamic protein carbonylation in rice embryo during germination through AP-SWATH. Proteomics 16, 989–1000.
8. He D, Wang Q, Li M, Damaris RN, Yi X, Cheng Z, Yang P*. (2016) Global proteome analyses of lysine acetylation and succinylation reveal the widespread involvement of both modification in metabolism in the embryo of germinating rice seed. Journal of Proteome Research 15, 879–890.
9. Li M, Wang K, Li S, Yang P*. (2016) Exploration of rice pistil responses during early post-pollination through a combined proteomic and transcriptomic analysis. Journal of Proteomics 131, 214–226.
10. Liu Y, Chaturvedi P, Fu J, Cai Q, Weckwerth W, Yang P*. (2016) Induction and quantitative proteomic analysis of cell dedifferentiation during callus formation of lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. spp. baijianlian). Journal of Proteomics 131, 61–70.
11. Yang M, Zhu L, Pan C, Xu L, Liu Y, Ke W, Yang P* (2015) Transcriptomic analysis of the regulation of rhizome formation in temperate and tropical Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). Scientific Reports 5, 13059.
12. Deng J, Fu Z, Chen S, Damaris RN, Wang K, Li T, Yang P*. (2015) Proteomic and epigenetic analyses of lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) petals between red and white cultivars. Plant & Cell Physiology 56, 1546–1555.
13. Yang M, Xu L, Liu Y, Yang P*. (2015) RNA-seq uncovers SNPs and alternative splicing events in Asian lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). PLoS One 10, e**.
14. Wang K, Deng J, Damaris R, Yang M, Xu L, Yang P*. (2015) LOTUS-DB, an integrative and interactive database for Nelumbo nucifera study. Database bav023.
15. Han C, Yang P* (2015). Studies on the molecular mechanisms of seed germination. Proteomics 15, 1671–1679.
16. Yin X, He D, Gupta R, Yang P*. (2015) Physiological and proteomic analyses on artificially aged Brassica napus seed. Frontiers in Plant Science 6,112.
17. Han C, He D, Li M, Yang P*. (2014) In-depth proteomic analysis of rice embryo reveals its important roles in seed germination. Plant & Cell Physiology55, **.(期刊重点推荐highlight论文)
18. Wang K, Zhao Y, Li M, Gao F, Yang MK, Wang X, Li S, Yang P*. (2014) Analysis of phosphoproteome in rice pistil. Proteomics 14, 2319–2334.
19. Han C, Wang K, Yang P* (2014) Gel-based comparative phosphoproteomic analysis on rice embryo during germination. Plant & Cell Physiology 55, 1376–1394.
20. Li M, Wang K, Wang X, Yang P*. (2014) Morphological and proteomic analysis reveal the role of pistil under pollination in Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.) Sarg. PLoS One 9, e99970.
21. He D, Zhang H, Yang P*. (2014) The mitochondrion-located protein OsB12D1 enhances flooding tolerance during seed germination and early seedling growth in rice. International Journal of Molecular Science 15, 13461–1381.
22. Han C, Yang P*, Sakata K, Komatsu S (2014) Quantitative proteomics reveals the role of protein phosphorylation in rice embryos during early stages of germination. Journal of Proteome Research 13, 1766–1782.
23. Liu Y, Li M, Han C, Wu F, Tu B, Yang P*. (2013) Comparative proteomic analysis of rice shoots exposed to high arsenate. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 55, 965–978.
24. Komatsu S, Han C, Nanjo Y, Altaf-Un-Nahar M, Wang K, He D, Yang P*. (2013) Label–free quantitative proteomic analysis of abscisic acid effect in early-stage soybean under flooding. Journal of Proteome Research 12, 4769–84.
25. Deng J, Chen S, Yin X, Wang K, Liu Y, Li S, Yang P*. (2013) Systematic qualitative and quantitative assessment of anthocyanins, flavones and flavonols in the petals of 108 lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) cultivars. Food Chemistry 139, 307–312.
26. Han C, Yin X, He D, Yang P* (2013) Analysis of proteome profile in germinating soybean seed, and its comparison with rice showing the styles of reserves mobilization in different crops. PLoS One 8, e56947.
27. He D, Yang P*. (2013) Proteomics of rice seed germination. Frontiers in Plant Science 4, 246.
28. Li M, Sha A, Zhou X, Yang P*. (2012) Comparative proteomic analysis of soybean (Glycine max) pistils during pollination. Sexual Plant Reproduction 25, 281–291.
29. Wang K, Li M, Gao F, Li S, Zhu Y, Yang P*. (2012) Identification of conserved and novel microRNAs from Liriodendron chinense floral tissues. PLoS One 7, e44696.
30. He D, Han C, Yang P*. (2011) Gene expression profile changes in germinating rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 53, 835–844.
31. He D, Han C, Yao J, Shen S, Yang P*. (2011) Constructing the metabolic and regulatory pathways in germinating rice seeds through proteomic approach. Proteomics 11, 2693–2713. (被引用75次)
1. Quan S#, Yang P#, Cassin-Ross G, Kaur N, Switzenberg R, Aung K, Li J, Hu J. (2013) Proteome analysis of peroxisomes from etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings identifies a peroxisomal protease involved in β-oxidation and development. Plant Physiology 163, 1518–1538.
2. Chi F#, Yang P#, Han F, Jing Y, Shen S. (2010) Proteomic analysis of rice seedlings infected by Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021. Proteomics 10, 1861–1874.
3. Wang X#, Yang P#, Liu Z, Liu W, Hu Y, Chen H, Kuang T, Pei Z, Shen S, He Y. (2009) Exploring the mechanism of Physcomitrella patens desiccation tolerance through a proteomic strategy. Plant Physiology 149, 1739–1750.
4. Wang X#, Yang P#, Gao Q, Liu X, Kuang T, Shen S, He Y. (2008) Proteomic analysis of the high-salinity stress in Physcomitrella patens. Planta 228, 167–177.
5. Yang PF, Li XJ, Wang X, Chen H, Shen S. (2007) Proteomic analysis of rice seeds during germination. Proteomics 7, 3358–3368.
6. Yang P, Chen H, Liang Y, Shen S. (2007) Proteomic analysis of de-etiolated rice seedlings upon exposure to light. Proteomics 7, 2459–2468.
7. Yang P, Liang Y, Shen S, Kuang T. (2006) Proteome study of rice uppermost internodes at the milk stage. Proteomics 6, 3330–3338. (封面论文)
8. Yang P, Li X, Jing YX, Liang Y, Shen SH, Kuang TY. (2006) Proteomic analysis of the response of Liangyoupeijiu (a super high-yield hybrid rice) seedlings to cold stress. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48, 945–951.
9. Yang P, Shen S and Kuang T. (2006) A comparative analysis of the endosperm proteins separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis for two cultivars of hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48, 1028–1033.
1. Shi H, Wang X, Ye T, Cheng F, Deng J, Yang P, Zhang Y, Chan Z. (2014) The Cys2/His2-type zinc finger transcription factor ZAT6 modulates biotic and abiotic stress responses by activating salicylic acid-related genes and CBFs in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 165, 1367–1379.
2. Wang X, Han F, Yang M, Yang P, Shen S. (2013) Exploring the response of rice (Oryza sativa) leaf to gibberellins, a proteomic strategy. Rice (N Y) 6, 17.
3. Shi H, Ye T, Chen F, Cheng Z, Wang Y, Yang P, Zhang Y, Chan Z*. (2013) Manipulation of arginase expression modulate abiotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis, effect on arginine metabolism and ROS accumulation. Journal of Experimental Botany 64, 1367–1379.
4. Wang K, Gao F, Ji Y, Liu Y, Dan Z, Yang P, Zhu Y, Li S. (2013) ORFH79 impairs mitochondrial function via interaction with a subunit of electron transport chain complex III in Honglian cytoplasmic male sterile rice. New Phytologist 198, 408–418.
5. Reumann S, Quan S, Aung K, Yang P, Manandhar-Shrestha K, et al. (2009) In–depth proteome analysis of Arabidopsis leaf peroxisomes combined with in vivo subcellular targeting verification uncovers low-abundance proteins with novel metabolic and regulatory functions. Plant Physiology 150, 125–143.
6. Wang X, Yang P, Zhang X, Xu Y, et al. (2009) Proteomic analysis of cold acclimation in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Proteomics 9, 4529–4538.
1. 2010年5月,第三届全国植物蛋白质组学研讨会,湖北 武汉
2. 2010年11月,the 2nd International Symposium Frontier in Agriculture Proteome Research (ISFAPR), 日本 筑波
3. 2012年11月,the 4th International Symposium Frontier in Agriculture Proteome Research (ISFAPR), 中国 武汉
4. 2013年9月,第十二届国际人类蛋白质组组织年会,日本 横滨
5. 2014年6月,the 6th International Symposium Frontier in Agriculture Proteome Research (ISFAPR), 中国 哈尔滨
6. 2014年8月,第15届全国植物基因组大会,中国 合肥
7. 2014年9月,1st INPPO Congress on plant proteomics, 德国 汉堡
8. 2016年12月, 第6届全国植物蛋白质科学大会, 海南 海口
9. 2017年8月,the 4th AOAPO annual meeting, 马来西亚 吉隆坡
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