

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-30

2009.08–2013.12 新加坡国立大学生物系,哲学博士(Ph. D)
2006.09–2009.07 华中农业大学植物科技学院,理学硕士
2001.09–2005.07 华中农业大学植物科技学院,农学学士
2017.07至今 湖北大学生命科学学院,副教授,获湖北省楚天学子项目资助
2017.03–2017.06 湖北大学生命科学学院,讲师
2014.03–2016.10 台湾省东海大学生命科学系博士后
1. 国家自然科学基金青项目(**):蜘蛛利用吡咯碱抵御蚂蚁进攻的行为进化机制,26万元,2019–2021,主持
2. 湖北省科技厅青基金(2018CFB294):横纹金蛛生殖行为中性冲突的化学调节机制,3万元,2018–2020,主持
3. 湖北省教育厅启动经费,10万,2017–2020,主持
1. Ma M, Tu C, Luo J, Lu M, Zhang S*, Xu L*. (2021) Metabolic and immunological effects of gut microbiota in leaf beetles at the local and systemic levels. Integrative Zoology doi:10.1111/1749–4877.12528.
2. Wen L#, Zhang Z#, Zhang S, Liu F, Jiao X*, Li D*. (2020) Influence of maternal diet on offspring survivorship, growth, and reproduction in a sheetweb spider. Biology Open 9, bio056846.
3. Wen L#, Jiao X#, Liu F, Zhang S*, Li D*. (2020) High-lipid prey reduce juvenile survivorship and delay egg-laying in a small linyphiid spider Hylyphantes graminicola. Journal of Experimental Biology. jeb.237255.
4. Ma N#, Yu L#, Gong D, Hua Z, Zeng H, Chen L, Mao A, Chen Z, Cai R, Ma Y, Zhang Z, Li D, Luo J*, Zhang S*. (2020) Detritus decorations as the extended phenotype deflect avian predator attack in an orb-web spider. Functional Ecology 34, 2110–2119.
5. Zhang S, Piorkowski D, Lin WR, Lee YR, Liao CP, Wang PH*, Tso IM*. (2019) Nitrogen inaccessibility protects spider silk from bacterial growth. Journal of Experimental Biology 222, jeb214981.
6. Gong D#, Zhang S#, Jiao X, Hu Z, Sha X, Zhang S*, Peng Y*. (2019) Mating experience affects male mating success, but not female fecundity in the wolf spider Pardosa pseudoannulata (Araneae: Lycosidae). Behavioural Processes 167, 103921.
7. Zhang S, Ai H, Li D*. (2019) Mating changes a male contestant from a loser to a winner in male-male competition in a wolf spider. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 128: 83–92.
8. Zeng H, Wee SS, Painting CJ, Zhang S*, Li D*. (2019) Equivalent effect of UV coloration and vibratory signal on mating success in a jumping spider. Behavioral Ecology 30, 313–321.
9. Chen Z, Corlett RT, Jiao X, Liu SJ, Charles-Dominique T, Zhang S, Li H, Lai R, Long C, Quan RC*. (2018) Prolonged milk provisioning in a jumping spider. Science 362:1052–1055.
10. Zhang S, Yip HY, Lee MY, Liu L, Piorkowski D, Liao CP, Tso IM*. (2018) Vision-mediated courtship in a nocturnal arthropod. Animal Behaviour 142, 185–190.
11. Cheng RC, Zhang S*, Chen YC, Lee CY, Chou YL, Ye HY, Liao CP, Tso IM*. (2017) Nutrients intake determines the post-maturity molting in the golden orb-web spider Nephila pilipes (Araneae: Araneidae). Journal of Experimental Biology 220, 2260–2264.
12. Lai CW, Zhang S, Piorkowski D, Liao CP, Tso IM*, (2017) A trap and a lure: dual function of a nocturnal animal construction. Animal Behaviour 130, 159–164.
13. Blamires SJ*, Zhang S, & Tso IM. (2017) Webs: Diversity, Structure and Function. Chapter 6. In C. Viera & M. O. Gonzaga (Eds.), Behaviour and Ecology of Spiders: Contributions from the Neotropical Region Cham, Springer. Switzerland, pp. 137–164. ISBN 978-3-319-65716-5(专著)
14. Zhang S* and Tso IM*, (2016) Spider Silk: Factors Affecting Mechanical Properties and Biomimetic Applications. Chapter 13. In Extracellular Composite Matrices in Arthropods. Edited by Cohen E. and Moussian B. Springer. Switzerland, pp. 489–513. ISBN: 978-3-319-40738-8.(专著)
15. Tso IM, Zhang S, Tan WL, Peng P, Blamires SJ*. (2016) Prey luring coloration of a nocturnal semi-aquatic predator. Ethology 122:671–681.
16. Zhang S, Mao KK, Lin PT, Ho CJ, Hung W, Piorkowski D, Liao CP, Tso IM*. (2015) Crypsis via leg clustering: twig masquerading in a spider. Royal Society Open Science 2.
17. Zhang S, Chen HL, Chen KY, Huang JJ, Chang CC, Piorkowski D, Liao CP, Tso IM*, (2015) A nocturnal cursorial predator attracts flying prey with a visual lure. Animal Behaviour 102, 119–125.
18. Zhou J, Zhang N, Wang P, Zhang S, Li D, Liu K, Wang G, Wang X, Ai H*, (2015) Identification of host-plant volatiles and characterization of two novel general odorant-binding proteins from the legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). PLoS ONE 10:e**.
19. Lin TS, Zhang S, Liao CP, Hebets EA, Tso IM*, (2015). A dual function of white coloration in a nocturnal spider Dolomedes raptor (Araneae: Pisauridae). Animal Behaviour 108, 25–32.
20. Bulbert MW*, O'Hanlon JC, Zappettini S, Zhang S, Li D. (2015) Sexually selected UV signals in the tropical ornate jumping spider, Cosmophasis umbratica may incur costs from predation. Ecology and Evolution 5, 914–920.
21. Kuntner M*, Pristov?ek U, Cheng RC, Li D, Zhang S, Tso IM, Liao CP, Miller J, Kralj-Fi?er S. (2014) Eunuch supremacy: evolution of post-mating spider emasculation. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69:1–10.
22. Zhang S#, Koh TH#, Seah WK, Lai YH, Elgar MA, Li D*. (2012) A novel property of spider silk: chemical defence against ants. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279,1824–1830.
23. Zhang S, Zhu F, Zheng X, Lei C, Zhou X*. (2012) Survival and developmental characteristics of the predatory bug Orius similis (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) fed on Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Acari: Tetranychidae) at three constant temperatures. European Journal of Entomology 109, 503–508.
24. Kuntner M*, Zhang S, Gregori? M, Li D. (2012) Nephila female gigantism attained through post–maturity molting. Journal of Arachnology 40, 344–346.
25. Kuntner M*, Gregori? M, Zhang S, Kralj-Fi?er S, Li D. (2012) Mating plugs in polyandrous giants: which sex produces them, when, how and why? PLoS ONE 7, e40939.
26. Zhang S, Kuntner M, Li D. (2011) Mate binding: male adaptation to sexual conflict in the golden orb-web spider (Nephilidae: Nephila pilipes). Animal Behaviour 82: 1299–1304.
27. Kralj–Fi?er S, Gregori? M, Zhang S, Li D, Kuntner M. (2011) Eunuchs are better fighters. Animal Behaviour 81, 933–939.
28. Islam M, Hasan MM, Xiong W, Zhang S, Lei C*. (2009) Fumigant and repellent activities of essential oil from Coriandrum sativum (L.) (Apiaceae) against red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Journal of Pest Science 82, 171–177.
29. Zheng X, Fu X, Zhang S, Lei C*. (2008) Larval behavior probably associated with respiration in Luciola substriata Gorham (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Coleopterists Bulletin 62, 550–559.

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