

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-30

姓名:曹凡 博士
EMAIL: fancao@hubu.edu.cn


2008年9月-2012年6月 武汉大学 物理与科学技术学院 材料物理 学士
2013年2月-2014年1月 法国里昂一大 物理学院 物理学 硕士
2012年9月-2017年6月 武汉大学 物理与科学技术学院 凝聚态物理 博士

2017年7月-今 讲师(湖北大学物电学院)
2019年9月-2020年9月 访问****(美国加州大学-尔湾分校)



主持校基金、中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2018M632820)各一项,在Physical Review Materials、Advanced Materials Interfaces、Nanotechnology等学术期刊上发表学术论文30余篇。
[1] F. Cao*, P. Zhao, Z. Wang, X. Zhang, H. Zheng, J. Wang, D. Zhou, Y. Hu*, and H. Gu*, An ultrasensitive and ultraselective hydrogen sensor based on defect-dominated electron scattering in Pt nanowire arrays. Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 6: **, 2019.
[2] F. Cao, H. Zheng, L. Zhao, R. Huang, S. Jia, H. Liu, L. Li, Z. Wang, Y. Hu, H. Gu*, and J. Wang*, Fabrication of CuO–Pt core–shell nanohooks by in situ reconstructing the Pt-shells. Nanotechnology, 29: 215301, 2018.
[3] F. Cao, L. Li, H. Zheng*, G. Wen, L. Zhao, H. Liu, S. Jia, Z. Wang, Y. Hu, H. Gu, and J. Wang*, Controllable elasticity storage and release in CuO?Pt core-shell nanowires. ChemNanoMat, 4: 1140-1144, 2018.
[4] F. Cao, S. Jia, H. Zheng*, L. Zhao, H. Liu, L. Li, L. Zhao, Y. Hu, H. Gu, and J. Wang*, Thermal-induced formation of domain structures in CuO nanomaterials. Phys. Rev. Mater., 1: 053401, 2017.
[5] F. Cao, H. Zheng, S. Jia*, H. Liu, L. Li, B. Chen, X. Liu, S. Wu, H. Sheng, R. Xing, D. Zhao, and J. Wang*, Atomistic observation of structural evolution during magnesium oxide growth. J. Phys. Chem. C, 120: 26873-26878, 2016.
[6] F. Cao, H. Zheng, S. Jia, X. Bai, L. Li, H. Sheng, S. Wu, W. Han, M. Li, G. Wen, J. Yu, and J. Wang*, Atomistic observation of phase transitions in calcium sulfates under electron irradiation. J. Phys. Chem. C, 119: 22244-22248, 2015.
[7] K. You, F. Cao?, G. Wu, P. Zhao, H. Huang, Z. Wang, Y. Hu*, H. Gu, and J. Wang, Room-temperature H2gasochromic behavior of Pd-modified MoO3nanowire labels. Mater. Chem. Phys., 227: 111-116, 2019.
[8] G. Wu, F. Cao?, P. Zhao, X. Zhang, Z. Li, N. Yu, Z. Wang, Y. Hu*, H. Sun, and H. Gu*, Novel periodic bilayer Au nanostructures for ultrasensitive surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 5: **, 2018.
[9] H. Liu, F. Cao?, H. Zheng, H. Sheng, L. Li, S. Wu, C. Liu, and J. Wang*, In situ observation of the sodiation process in CuO nanowires. Chem. Commun., 51: 10443-10446, 2015.
[10] H. Sheng, H. Zheng, F. Cao?, S. Wu, L. Li, C. Liu, D. Zhao, and J. Wang*, Anelasticity of twinned CuO nanowires. Nano Res., 8: 3687-3693, 2015.
[11] S. Wu, F. Cao?, H. Zheng, H. Sheng, C. Liu, Y. Liu, D. Zhao, and J. Wang*, Fabrication of faceted nanopores in magnesium. Appl. Phys. Lett., 103: 243101, 2013.

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