李文敏 教授 Professor Wenmin Li
Email:wenminli@hubu.edu.cn Organizational affiliation:Center for Health policy Evaluation (HPEC)
Address : 368 Friendship Road, Hubei University,Wuchang,Wuhan,China(430062) Department: College of Politics &Law and Public Administration
主要研究领域为卫生政策、卫生服务体系、医院管理等。近年来主持国家自然基金项目、湖北省卫计委、省社会科学基金项目等研究课题多项。出版专著1部,在《中国卫生统计》、《国家行政学院学报》、《中国医院管理》、《中国卫生政策研究》、《中国卫生经济》、《中国卫生事业管理》等专业学术杂志发表论文多篇。在湖北大学工作以来,先后为本科生和研究生主讲管理学,非营利组织管理、公共事业管理、卫生事业管理、Health Care System等课程,教学质量多次被评为优秀。
About me
I'm a professor in the college of Politics & Law and Public Administration, and also the deputy director of the research center for Health Policy Evaluation (HPEC) of Hubei University. My major is social medicine and health care management. I have involved in several research projects about health policy and health care system in China in past years. My current focus is the evaluation of health policy and the restructuration of health system in a mobile internet era. I also spend some time on teaching and supervising both graduate students and postgraduate students in their thesis projects.
Areas of Expertise
Health policy
Health care system
Hospital governance and regulation
Membership and Community Service
2012- 2015,Consultancy of the Public hospital reform advisory committee in Hubei province, China
2012- Present, Member of the Health management Committee in Hubei Province, China
2016- present, Member of the Health Law Society in Hubei Province, China
PhD 2006‐2009, Social Medicine and Health Service Management, Tongji Medical Sciences Faculty ,Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
MD 2004-2006, Master of Business Administration, College of Economic and Management, Wuhan University, China
Journal Articles Refereed
[1] Li WM, Yin G, Kong YM(2017).A Meta-analysis of vaccination rate of type B influenza vaccine for children in China [J]. Chinese health statistics34 (1):69-73.
[2] Li WM, Lu YL, Li WH(2017).A Meta-analysis of antibiotic utilization rate in children with upper respiratory tract infection [J]. China health statistics, 34:625-62
[3] Li WM, Yin G, Liu WX (2017) Evaluation of scientific research input and output efficiency of 19 undergraduate universities in Hubei province based on DEA model[J].Journal of Huanggang normal university37(5):1-5
[4] Li WM, Yin G (2016).The game analysis of the government supervision and operation of private non-profit hospitals in China. Journal of Hubei University 43(6) :152-154
[5] Huang X, Li WM, Xiang G ch, Gu Xf, Sun Y(2016).The evolution of supervision policy of clinic in China. Chinese Journal of Health Policy9(7):28-33
[6] Li Wm, Shen XH (2015).The Governance dilemma of public hospitals in China. Journal of Hubei University32 (09):673-676.
[7] Li Wm, Fang PQ (2015).Study on the Flaw of the Chinese Private Non-profit Hospital Supervision System Based on survey of Hubei, Guangdong and Jiangsu provinces. Chinese Journal of Health Policy 32(09):673-676
[8] Wang ChQ, Li Wm, Chen N.(2015)A comparison of supervision on private non-profit medical institutions between China and America. Academics (6):117-120.
[9] Li WM, Hu XM, Fang PQ, Sun Y, Sun P(2014).Research on the definition of the concept of China's private non-profit hospitals and the development tendency. The Chinese journal of hospital management30(7):11-12
[10] Li WM, Fang PQ(2013),The basic conditions and barriers of China's public hospital governance .Public Administration and Policy Review(1):44-50
[11] Li WM(2012)Research on the ‘low carbon type’ way of development of the health -care system in China. Journal of Hubei University(5):21-26
[12] Fang PQ ,Li L, Li WM(2012).The progress, challenge and future of the public hospital reform in China, Chinese Hospital Management(1) :1-5
[13] Li WM(2012).What is Chinese public welfare in health-care? Journal of the Second Teachers College in Hubei Province29(1):79-82
[14] Li WM, Fang PQ, Jiang SH(2012). Review on the researches of the regulatory system of the private non-profit hospital in China. Chinese health service management(6):26-31
[15] Li WM, Fang PQ(2011).Thinking about the function of the anesthesia department in comprehensive hospitals in China .Chinese Hospital Management(12):37-39
[16] Fang PQ, Li WM(2011).Rethinking about the public hospital governance in China. Chinese Hospital Management (12):881-885
[17] Li WM. Su Y, Fang PQ (2011). Health administration organizations and scale settings in China. Journal of National College of Administration 6(2): 45-48
[18] Li WM (2010).Empirical studies on public hospital management office separation reform in china -take Shanghai and Wuxi reform as an example. National Administrative Institute Journal (12):25-28
[19] Li WM, Yang Y, Jiang SH,(2010). The influence factors of the scale of the health administration institutions at various levels in Hubei province. Medicine and Society12 (23): 43-44.
[20] Li Wm, Fang PQ (2009). Analysis on the four kinds of hospital governance modes. China Hospital Management 12(29): 23-25
[21] Li WM, Fang PQ (2009). Comprehensive evaluation of the public hospital management separation reform. Chinese Health Economy (6):19-22
[22] Li WM, Fang PQ (2009).One way of the public welfare realization: purchase public welfare from the medical service market. Medicine and Society 6 (22):12-13
[23] Fang PQ, Mei WH, Li WM (2008).Public hospital reform: South Orange, North Fruits? Hospital Leadership Decision-making Reference17: 32-34
[24] Li WM, Fang PQ (2007).Constructing public hospital corporate internal and external governance structure. China Health Management 9(23): 606-607
[25] Li WM, Fang PQ (2007).Medical service market force and resistance in China. Health Economy Research (3):11-12
Selected Books and Chapters in books
Li WM(2015).Charitable organization and global heath governance .In: Lu X, Fang PQ eds.(Li WM as a member of the editorial board ) Global Health Governance(textbook for medical students) .Beijing: People’s Medical Press,2016
Li WM (2010). Research on the public hospital governance mode during social transformation period in China. Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science & Technology press, Wuhan, China.
Fang PQ, Li WM.(2010) Multi-sectors corporation in AIDS Prevention, AIDS Project Management Handbook. Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology press pp.159-287
Selected Papers Presented at Conference
Li WM (2015). Can the theory of corporate governance be applied in China's public hospitals? Budapest, Hungary. Conference of the International Public Management Network (IPMN).September 1-4.
Li WM (2015). Medical insurance systems for the urban and rural residents in China based on the perspective of fairness and efficiency. Sydney, Australia. The year's the society for Health Administration Programs in Education (SHAPE) symposium titled Health needs innovation and invigoration
Li WM (2011). The innovation pathway of China's public hospital management. Shanghai, China. The conference of the Chinese Administration Association, 23-24, December.
Industrial Report
Li WM, Shi Y, Shen YH(2014).Evaluation of the effect of the policy of leading medical undergraduate to work in the remote rural areas in Hubei province, A report to the Health Department of Hubei Province
Academic honors, awards and prizes
2011“The First prize for Teaching plan matches”, awarded by Hubei university
2011“The Second prize for Science and technology progress”, awarded by Hubei Province government.
2010“The third prize for Teaching matches”, awarded by Hubei university
2009“The Health services management prize for Chinese medical science and technology”, awarded by Chinese Medical Association.
[1] 《社会转型期间我国公立医院法人治理模式研究》(专著),2011年1月,华中科技大学出版社
[2] 李文敏,尹刚等.我国儿童B型流感疫苗接种率的meta分析[J].中国卫生统计,2017,34(1):69-73
[3] 李文敏,卢雅玲,李文惠.儿童上呼吸道感染抗生素使用率的meta分析[J].中国卫生统计,2017,34:625-62
[4] 李文敏,尹刚.基于DEA模型的湖北省19所第一批本科院校科研投入产出效率评价研究[J].黄冈师范学院学报,2017(5):1-5
[5] 李文敏,尹刚.我国民办非营利性医院运行与政府监管的博弈分析[J].湖北大学学报(哲学社科版),2016,43(6);152-155
[6] 黄宵、李文敏、向国春等.我国诊所监管政策演变历程研究[J].中国卫生政策研究,2016, 9(7):28-33
[7] 李文敏,王长青等.中国民营医疗机构:现状、困境与反思[J].中国卫生政策研究,2016,9(9):7-12
[8] 李文敏,施立群.论我国民办非营利性医院虚假非营利问题的外部监管[J].中国卫生事业管理,2015, 32(09):673-676.
[9] 李文敏,沈晓红.中国公立医院治理困境的政治生态学解读[J].湖北大学学报(哲学社科版)2015,42(5):140-145
[10] 李文敏,方鹏骞.民办非营利医院监管中的制度设计漏洞-基于湖北、广东、江苏三省的调查[J].中国卫生政策研究,2015,32(09):673-676
[11] 王长青,李文敏,陈娜.民办非营利性医疗机构监管:中美的比较与启示[J].学海,2015,(6 )117-120.
[12] 李文敏,胡先明,方鹏骞等.中国民办非营利医院的内涵界定与发展趋势探析—基于中外对比研究[J].中华医院管理杂志,2014,30(7);486-488.
[13] 李文敏,方鹏骞 中国公立医院法人治理的基本条件与政策障碍分析-基于委托代理理论[J].公共管理与政策评论2013,2(1):44-50
[14] 方鹏骞,李璐,李文敏.我国公立医院改革进展、面临的挑战及展望[J].中国医院管理,2012(1):1-5.
[15] 李文敏,方鹏骞,江世虎.我国民办非营利医院的监管机制研究综述[J].中国卫生事业管理,2012,29(6):433-435
[16] 李文敏.我国卫生事业“低碳式”发展的思考[J].湖北大学学报,2012(3):134-137
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-30
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