本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-30
中文版 / English Version
Email: pengsidapsd@126.com
[6] 《中美经济周期的协动性研究:基于多宏观经济指标的综合考察》,《世界经济》,2009年第2期。
[18]《新资源 新竞争 新理念——对信息技术革命之性质及经济影响的思考》, 《理论月刊》,2002年第6期。
[1] 主持2011年国家开发银行委托项目:《国开行支持中国化学“走出去”融资规划》。
[2] 主持2009年度国家社会科学基金研究项目《中美经济周期协动性的程度、性质、特征、趋势和传导机制研究》(09BJL040)
[3] 主持中华人民共和国教育部人文社会科学研究2008 年度规划基金项目《中美经济周期的阶段性特征、协同性及其传导机制研究》(08JA790034)
Main Information
Name: Peng Sida
Professional Title: Professor
Degree: Graduate Student
Supervisor Qualification:Doctoral Supervisor; Master Student Supervisor
Email: pengsidapsd@126.com
Department:International Economics and Trade
Doctoral Discipline : Theoretical Economics - World Economy
Program for Academic Master Degree: Theoretical Economics - World Economy
Program for Professional Master Degree: International Business
Courses:Contemporary World Economic Research (for postgraduate);
Research Methodology (for postgraduate);
International Business Negotiation (for postgraduate);
Introduction to World Economy (for undergraduate);
Research Paper Writing (for postgraduate)
Area of Interest:World Economy (U.S. Economy) ;
China's Foreign Economic and Trade Relations
Bachelor of Biology of Hubei University, Master of World Economics of Hubei University, PhD in World Economics of Wuhan University
Director of the American Economy Association in China, Director of World Economy Association in China, Secretary General of the American Economy Association of Hubei Province
Publication, monograph, awards and etc.
[1] Utilization Efficiency of the Use of Proceeds from Equity Issues by Overseas Listed Chinese Firms----The Perspective of Firm Growth, Review of Investment Studies,2018,37(03)
[2] Overseas Listing Methods, Financing Constraints and Corporate Growth, Journal of Finance and Economics, 2018, (06)
[3] Test on the Mediating Effect of External Financing Scale, Investment Efficiency and Output Growth, Statistics & Decision, 2018, (10)
[4] Study on Influence of Population Age Structure on China-US Trade Imbalance, Journal of International Trade,2015,(06)
[5] American Economic Cycle Study: History, Trends, and the Coordination of the Sino-US Economic Cycle, Third Prize of the 12th Social Science Outstanding Achievements of Wuhan,2011.03
[6] Collaborative Research on the Sino-US Economic Cycle: A Comprehensive Survey Based on Multiple Macroeconomic Indicators, World Economy,2009,(02)
[7] Study on New American Economy and its Economic Cycle, The first prize of the 6th Social Science Outstanding Achievements of Hubei Province,2009.05
[8] America's Economic Cycle Study: History, Trends, and the Coordination of the Sino-US Economic Cycle, Wuhan University Press, 2009.03
[9] International Comparison of Independent Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Jianghan Tribune, 2008, (04)
[10] A Comparative Research on the Co-relationship between Chinese Economics Growth and Foreign Trade Goods Structure and Mode, Journal of International Trade,2008,(03)
[11] Analysis of the Correlationship between American Foreign Trade Deficit and its Economic Growth since 1990s, World Economy Study, 2007, (09)
[12] American Economic Research, The first prize of the 5th Social Science Outstanding Achievements of Hubei Province, 2007, (02)
[13] Currency Mismatch and Financial Crisis in Emerging Market Economies, Jianghan Tribune, 2006, (07)
[14] FDI and the Development of American Trade in Services, Journal of International Trade, 2006, (03)
[15] The Evolution of the US Economic Cycle under the New Economic Conditions, International Economic Review, 2003, (06)
[16] The Impact of the Knowledge Economy on the US Economic Cycle, World Economy,2002,(11)
[17] Introduction to Information Technology Revolution, Jianghan Tribune, 2002, (10)
[18] New Resources, New Competition, New Concepts----Reflections on the Nature and Economic Impact of the Information Technology Revolution, The Theory Monthly, 2002, (06)
[19] The Trend of Sino-US Economic and Trade Relations after China's Entry into the WTO, Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies, 2002, (06)
[20] Cultivating Innovation, Responding to New Challenges, Guangming Daily, 2002, (06)
[21] The US economic growth is on the rise, People's Daily, 2001, (04)
[22] Exploring the Development of China's Knowledge Economy from the Emergence of the New American Economy, Jianghan Forum,2001,(03)
[23] Trends in Sino-US Economic and Trade Relations after China's Entry into the WTO, World Economics and Politics, 2001, (03)
[24] Discussion on the Impact of the Knowledge Economy on the US Economy, World Economy, 2001, (03)
Research Project
[1] Hosted the 2011 China Development Bank commissioned project: "financing planning of China Development Bank to supports Chinese chemistry ‘going out’."
[2] Hosted the 2009 National Social Science Fund Research Project: "Study on the Degree, Nature, Characteristics, Trends and Transmission Mechanism of Sino-US Economic Cycle Coordination" (09BJL040)
[3] Hosting the 2008 Annual Planning Fund Project of the Humanities and Social Sciences Research of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China," Study on the Phase Characteristics, Synergy and Transmission Mechanism of the Sino-US Economic Cycle" (08JA790034)
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