

湖北大学 免费考研网/2015-09-01


姓 名:王多发 副教授

性 别:男

民 族:汉族


籍 贯:湖北 蕲春

专 业:材料学
通讯地址:湖北省武汉市 湖北大学材料科学与工程学院 430062

电 话:**; **


? 新型薄膜太阳能电池的制备及性能研究

? 磁性半导体

? 功能纳米结构的合成、表征及其性能


l 2008.07至今:湖北大学材料科学与工程学院任教

l 2009.03-2010.12:韩国汉阳大学博士后研究

l 2006.10-2008.03:韩国汉阳大学研究助理

l 2003.09-2008.06:武汉大学材料学专业硕博连读,获工学博士学位

l 1998.09-2002.07:湖北大学电子科学与技术专业学习,获学士学位

l 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,“TiO2/P3HT杂化太阳能电池的原位制备及激子分离动力学研究”,项目编号 **,2014.01-2016.12,项目经费30万元。

l 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目 “CdSe量子点P3HT共敏化TiO2/CdSe:P3HT太阳能电池”, 项目编号 2012M511690, 2012.1—2013.12. 项目经费5万元。

l 湖北省自然科学基金一般项目 “ZnO/ZnMgO纳米异质结阵列光阳极高效染料敏化太阳能电池研究”,项目编号2011CDB056,2011.1—2012.12项目经费2万元。

l 湖北省自然科学基金一般项目 “ZnO纳米线阵列的制备及在量子点敏化太阳能电池中的应用”,项目编号2009CDB058,2009.1—2010.12项目经费2万元。

l 武汉市青年科技晨光计划项目 “TiO2/CdS:P3HT有机无机杂化太阳能电池”,项目编号 **5,2012.1—2014.12项目经费6万元。

l 湖北省博士后创新岗位基金 “通讯线材品质分析与性能评估研究”,湖北省人力资源与社会保障厅博管办【2011】12号文件批准,2011年10月-2013年10月,项目经费10万元。

l 湖北大学自然科学基金 “量子点敏化Zn(Mg、Cd)O/Al2O3纳米异质结阵列基准固态太阳能电池研究”, 2009.1—2010.12,项目经费1万元。

l 湖北大学功能材料绿色制备与应用教育部重点实验室开放基金,2010年,项目经费0.3万元。

Crystal Growth Design, Journal of Applied Physics等知名学术期刊发表学术论文30余篇,累计被引用超过300次。

1.D. F. Wang, J. M. Kim , M. S. Seo, V. T. T. Thuy, Y. J. Yoo , Y. P. Lee, and J. Y. Rhee, “Magnetoresistance in ZnO induced by spin-splitting and weak localization” Materials Chemistry and Physics 134 (2012) 74.

2.D. F. Wang, Y. Ying, V. T. T. Thuy, J. M. Kim, M. S. Seo, F. Gao, T. J. Zhang, K.W. Kim, Y. P. Lee,“Temperature-dependent magnetoresistance of ZnO thin film”,Thin Solid Films 520 (2011) 529.

3.Wang D. F.; Kim J. M.; Thuy V. T. T., “d0 Magnetism in ZnO Thin Film Manifested by the Magnetoresitance” , Journal of the Korean Physical Society 58 (2011) 1304.

4. DuoFa Wang, JeongMyong Kim, Vu Tran Thanh Thuy, Min Su Seo and YoungPak Lee, “Magnetic and Optical Properties of Zn0.96Mn0.04O/ZnO Nanocables” Journal of the Korean Physical Society 58 (2011) 977.

5. D. F. Wang, S. Y. Park, and Y. P. Lee, “Epitaxial ZnMnO/ZnO coaxial nanocable” Crystal Growth & Design 9 (2009) 2124.

6.D. F. Wang and T. J. Zhang, “Study on the defects of ZnO nanowire” Solid State Communications 149 (2009) 1947.

7. D. F. Wang, L. Liao, H. B. Lu, J.C. Li, Y. Wu, Y. Tian, and Y. P. Lee, “Synthesis of ZnO nanowires and Optical properties of as-grown and hydrogen ions implanted ZnO nanowires”, Materials Research Bulletin. 44 (2009) 41.

8.D. F. Wang, S. Y. Park, Y. S. Lee, Y. P. Lee, J. C. Li, and C. Liu, “Synthesis and room-temperature ferromagnetism of Zn0.96Mn0.04O/ZnO coaxial nanocalbe and Zn0.96Mn0.04O film”, Journal of Applied Physics 103 (2008) 07D126.

9. D. F. Wang, S. Y. Park, and Y. P. Lee, “Effect of annealing on electron field emission properties of ZnO nanowires”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 53 (2008) 2710.

10. D. F. Wang, S. Y. Park, and Y. P. Lee, “Magnetic properties of Mn-doped ZnO nanorod”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 53 (2008) 2257.

11. D. F. Wang, S. Y. Park, H. W. Lee, Y. S. Lee, V. D. Lam, and Y. P. Lee, “Room-temperature ferromagnetism of ZnO/Zn0.96Mn0.04O core-shell nanowimble”, Physical Status Solid (a) 204 (2007) 4029.

12. WANG Duo-Fa, LIAO Lei, LI Jin-Chai, FU Qiang, PENG Ming-Zeng, and ZHOU Jun-Ming, “Synthesis and optical properties of ZnO nanostructures”, Chinese Physics Letters 22 (2005) 2084.

13. Jingyang Wang, Tianjin Zhang, Duofa Wang, Ruikun Pa, Qingqing Wang, Hanming Xia, “Improved morphology and photovoltaic performance in TiO2 nanorod arrays based dye sensitized solar cells by using a seed layer”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 551 (2013) 82.

14. Jingyang Wang, Tianjin Zhang, Duofa Wang, Ruikun Pan, Qingqing Wang, Hanming Xia, “Influence of CdSe quantum dot interlayer on the performance of polymer/TiO2 nanorod arrays hybrid solar cell” Chemical Physics Letters 541 (2012) 105.

15. P. K. Pan, T. J. Zhang, J. Y. Wang, D. F. Wang, M. G. Duan, “Mechanism of current conduction in Pt/BaTiO3/Pt resistive switching cell”, Thin Solid Films 520 (2012) 4016.

16. P. K. Pan, T. J. Zhang, J. Y. Wang, D. F. Wang, M. G. Duan, “Rectifying behavior and transport mechanisms of current in Pt/BaTiO3/ Nb:SrTiO3J. Alloy and Compound 519 (2012) 140.

17. P. K. Pan, T. J. Zhang, J. Y. Wang, D. F. Wang, M. G. Duan, “Large rectifying leakage current in Pt/BaTiO(3)/Nb:SrTiO(3)/Pt structure”, Applied Physics Letters99 (2011)182106.

18. Hong-Bing Lu, Lei Liao, Hua Li, Duo-Fa Wang, Yu Tian, Jin-Chai Li, Qiang Fu, Ben-Peng Zhu, and Yun Wu, “Hollow MgO Nanotube Arrays by Using ZnO Nanorods as Templates”, Eurpean Journal of Inorganic Chemeistry. 17 (2008) 2727.

19. Yu Tian, Hongbing Lu, Duofa Wang, Jinchai Li, Minshuai,and Qiang Fu, “Synthesis of ZnO hollow spherical structure via precursor template and formation mechanism”, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 77 (2008) 074603.

20. H. B. Lu, L. Liao, H. Li, Y. Tian, D. F. Wang, J. C. Li, Q. Fu, B. P. Zhu, Y. Wu, “Fabrication of CdO nanotubes via simple thermal evaporation”, Materials Letters, 62 (2008) 3928.

21. Hong-Bing Lu, Lei Liao, Hua Li, Yu Tian, Duo-FaWang, Jin-Chai Li , Ben-PengZhu, Yun Wu, “MgO nanobelts using a reactive and auto-removed ZnO nanobelt template”, Solid State Communications. 147 (2008) 57.

22. H. B. Lu, L. Liao, H. Li, D. F. Wang, J. C. Li, Q. Fu, B. P. Zhu and Y. Wu, “Well-aligned ZnO microprism arrays with umbrella-like tips: Low-temperature preparation, structure and UV photoluminescence improvement”, Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 40 (2008) 2931-2936.

23. V. D. Lam, J. B. Kim, S. J. Lee, D. F. Wang, and Y. P. Lee, “Experimental observation of the electric coupling effect in split ring resonators and the prevention” Physical Status Solid (a) 204 (2007) 3975.

24. L. Liao, H. B. Lu, J. C. Li, D. F. Wang, C. Liu, and D. J. Fu, “Investigation of the temperature dependence of field emission of ZnO nanorods” Nanotechnology 18 (2007) 225703.

25. H. B. Lu, L. Liao, H. Li, Y. Tian, J. C. Li, D. F. Wang, and B. P. Zhu “Zn-Assisted Synthesis and Photoluminescence Properties of MgO Nanotubes” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (2007) 10273.

26. L. Liao, H. B. Lu, J. C. Li, H. He, D. F. Wang, D. J. Fu, and C. Liu, “Size dependence of gas sensitivity of ZnO nanorods” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (2007) 1900.

27. Park S. Y.; Lee Hyung Woo; Lee Young Soo, D. F. Wang, and Y. P. Lee “Magneto-transport properties of ZnO/La(0.7)Sr(0.3)MnO(3) bilayer on p-Si(100)” Physical Status Solidi C4 (2007)4471.

28. Hongbing Lu, Liao Liao, Jinchai Li, Duofa Wang, Hui He, Qiang Fu, Lei Xu, and Yu Tian, “High surface-to-volume ratio ZnO nanoberets: low temperature synthesis, characterization and photoluminescence”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (2006) 23211.

29. L. Liao, J. C. Li, D. H. Liu,C Liu, D. F. Wang, W. Z. Song, and Q. Fu, “Self-assembly of aligned ZnO nanoscrews: Growth, configuration and field emission”, Applied Physics Letters, 86 (2005): 083106.

30. L. Liao, J. C. Li, D. F. Wang, C Liu, C. S. Liu, Q. Fu, and L. X. Fan, “Field emission properties improvement of ZnO nanowires coated with amorphous carbon and carbon nitride films”, Nanotechnology 16 (2005) 985.

31. L. Liao, J. C. Li, D. F. Wang, C Liu, M. Z. Peng, and J. M. Zhou, “Size dependence of Curie temperature in Co+ ion implanted ZnO nanowires” Nanotechnology 16 (2005) 985.

32. L. Liao, J. C. Li, D. F. Wang, C. Liu, Q. Fu, “Electron field emission studies on ZnO nanowires” Materials Letters 59 (2005) 2465.
