单 位食品与制药工程学院
职 称副教授
学 历博士
2003.8-2009.12 博士 约翰霍普金斯大学化学系 (美国) ;
2001.8-2003.8 硕士 威廉玛丽学院化学系 (美国);
1997.9-2001.7 学士 武汉大学生命科学学院生物技术系;
2014.9-至今 化学研究员 美国Pharmaceutics International Inc. 制药公司;
2009.12-2014.8 博士后 匹斯堡大学医学院(美国)
1)2013 年 Selected Abstract Award at Nitrite and Nitrate Pathophysiology and Therapy Conference-美国硝酸亚硝酸盐生理病理世界大会
2)2012 年度云南高端人才项目推广特邀主讲(云南科技部主办)
3)2012 年世界华人自由基大会特约讲员(中国自由基协会主办、台湾自由基协会协办)
4)2012 年世界生物能源大会特约讲员(中国西安)
5)2012 年英特尔科学工程竞赛特邀评委(美国匹斯堡,英特尔主办)
6)2011 年Duquesne University 第7 届生物体中的金属功能和应用座谈会特约讲员
7)2011 年美国硝酸亚硝酸盐生理病理世界大会唯一被选出讲员
8)2011 年旅行奖(Travel Award, 1 out of 10) for Nitrite and Nitrate Pathophysi- ology and Therapy Conference.
9)2011 年Gordon Research Conference 展板奖 (Poster Award)
10)2010 年世界生物医学自由基大会特选讲员(Selected Speaker ,1 out of 10 for the SFRBM 17th Annual Meeting)
11)2008-2009 年美国化学年会旅行奖(American Chemical Society Conference Travel Award (Division of Inorganic Chemistry))
12)2007-2008 年中国大使馆杰出学生会主席奖(Outstanding Organization President Award, Chinese Embassy in the U.S.)
13)2006-2007 年约翰霍普金斯大学杰出学生领袖奖(Outstanding Student Organization President Award, Office of Student Involvement, JHU)
14)2006-2007 年J. Brien Key 研究生会议奖(Graduate Award for Academic Conference Travel, JHU)
15)2006-2007 年Shepherd Memorial Fund 国际会议旅行奖(Travel Award for International Conference Travel, JHU)
16)2006-2007 年巴尔的摩-厦门姐妹城市委员会杰出领袖奖 (Outstanding Leadership Award, Baltimore-Xiamen Sister City Committee, Baltimore City)
17)2000-2001 年“王世杰奖学金”(武汉大学)
18)1997-2000 年连续3 年甲等奖学金
1)Heme/Copper and Heme/Nonheme Iron O(2) and NO Reactivity. (5R01GM060353-06).National Institute of Health (NIH).2000-2009.
2) Heme/Copper and Heme/Nonheme Iron O(2) and NO Reactivity (WCU-Program,R31-2008-000-10010-0). 2008-2013.
3) Storage Lesion in Banked Blood Due to Disruption of Nitric Oxide Homeostasis, (3R01HL098032-06S2). National Institute of Health (NIH). 2009-2018.
4)Pulmonary vascular-targeted NO therapeutic strategies. (1PO1HL103455-01). National Institute of Health(NIH).2011-2016.
1) Nitric Oxide Gordon Research Conference in Ventura, California. February, 13-18, 2011. USA.
2)17th Annual Meeting SFRBM(Society for Free Radical Research International in Orlando, November, 17-21, 2010. Florida USA.
3)1st International Chinese Free Radical Symposium, in Lanzhou August 7-9, 2012,China.
4)“海智计划”-国际科技前沿报告会暨云南海智生物医药国际合作项目推荐汇报会 2012年9月.中国.
5)2nd Annual World Congress of Bioenergy-2012(WCBE-2012) in Xi’an 2012,April 25-28.China.
6)Approaching the Clinic: Nitrite and Nitrate Pathophysiology and Therapy Conference in Atlanta. May, 11-13, 2011.USA.
7)Nitric Oxide – Nitrite/Nitrate Conference Cleveland, June, 16-20, 2014.USA.
8)Intelnational Science and Engineering Fair 2012 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA.
9)Nitric Oxide: Gordon Research Conference in Ventura, California. February, 17-22, 2013. USA.
10)7th Annunal Mini-Symposium on metals in biological systems December 2,2011.
1)Wang, Jun; Schopfer, M. P.; Sarjeant, A. A. N.; Karlin, K. D. “Heme-Copper Assembly Mediated Reductive Coupling of Nitrogen Monoxide (?NO)”. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 450, published, IF: 11.444. 被引用20次
2)Jun Wang, Sabina Krizowski, Katrin Fischer-Schrader, Dimitri Niks, Jesu′ s Tejero, Courtney Sparacino-Watkins, Ling Wang, Venkata Ragireddy, Sheila Frizzell, Eric E. Kelley, Yingze Zhang, Partha Basu, Russ Hille, Guenter Schwarz, and Mark T. Gladwin. “Sulfite Oxidase Catalyzes Single-Electron Transfer at Molybdenum Domain to Reduce Nitrite to Nitric Oxide”. ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING. 2014.accepted IF:7.667.
3)Bueno, M (Bueno, Marta); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Mora, AL (Mora, Ana L.); Gladwin, MT (Gladwin, Mark T.). “Nitrite Signaling in Pulmonary Hypertension: Mechanisms of Bioactivation, Signaling, and Therapeutics”. ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING. 2013, Volume: 18,Issue: 14 Pages: 1797-1809. IF:7.667.
4)Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Fischer, K (Fischer, Katrin); Zhao, XJ (Zhao, Xuejun); Tejero, J (Tejero, Jesus); Kelley, EE (Kelley, Eric E.); Wang, L (Wang, Ling); Shiva, S (Shiva, Sruti); Frizzell, S (Frizzell, Sheila); Zhang, YZ (Zhang, Yingze); Basu, P (Basu, Partha); Schwarz, G (Schwarz, Guenter); Gladwin, MT (Gladwin, Mark T.). “Novel Function of Sulfite Oxidase as a Nitrite Reductase that Generates Nitric Oxide”. FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. 2010, Volume: 49, Pages: S122-S122. IF:5.710.
5) Zhao, XJ (Zhao, Xue-Jun); Wang, L (Wang, Ling); Shiva, S (Shiva, Sruti); Tejero, J (Tejero, Jesus); Myerburg, MM (Myerburg, Mike M.); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Frizzell, S (Frizzell, Sam); Gladwin, MT (Gladwin, Mark T.). “Mechanisms for cellular NO oxidation and nitrite formation in lung epithelial cells”. FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. 2013. Volume: 61, Pages: 428-437, IF:5.710.
6)Wang, Jun; Schopfer, M. P.; Puiu, S. C.; Sarjeant, A. A. N.; Karlin, K. D. “Reductive Coupling of Nitrogen Monoxide (?NO) Facilitated by Heme/Copper Complexes” Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 1404, IF: 4.794. 被引用15次
7)Schopfer, M. P.; Wang, Jun; Karlin, K. D. “Bioinspired Heme, Heme/Nonheme Diiron, Heme/Copper, and Inorganic NOx Chemistry: ?NO(g) Oxidation, Peroxynitrite-Metal Chemistry, and ?NO(g) Reductive Coupling”. Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 6267, published, IF: 4.794被引用38次.
8)Sparacino-Watkins, CE (Sparacino-Watkins, Courtney E.); Tejero, J (Tejero, Jesus); Sun, B (Sun, Bin); Gauthier, MC (Gauthier, Marc C.); Thomas, J (Thomas, John); Ragireddy, V (Ragireddy, Venkata); Merchant, BA (Merchant, Bonnie A.); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Azarov, I (Azarov, Ivan); Basu, P (Basu, Partha); Gladwin, MT (Gladwin, Mark T.). “Nitrite Reductase and Nitric-oxide Synthase Activity of the Mitochondrial Molybdopterin Enzymes mARC1 and mARC2”. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2014, Volume:289,Issue: 15, Pages: 10345-10358.IF:4.600 .
9)Liu, C (Liu, Chen); Wajih, N (Wajih, Nadeem); Liu, XH (Liu, Xiaohua); Basu, S (Basu, Swati); Janes, J (Janes, John); Marvel, M (Marvel, Madison); Keggi, C (Keggi, Christian); Helms, CC (Helms, Christine C.); Lee, AN (Lee, Amber N.); Belanger, AM (Belanger, Andrea M.); Diz, DI (Diz, Debra I.); Laurienti, PJ (Laurienti, Paul J.); Caudell, DL (Caudell, David L.); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Gladwin, MT (Gladwin, Mark T.); Kim-Shapiro, DB (Kim-Shapiro, Daniel B.). “Mechanisms of Human Erythrocytic Bioactivation of Nitrite”. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2015, Volume: 290, Issue: 2, Pages: 1281-1294. IF:4.600.
10)Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Sparacino-Watkins, C (Sparacino-Watkins, Courtney); Kim-Shapiro, D (Kim-Shapiro, Daniel); Gladwin, M (Gladwin, Mark). “Evaluation of putative nitrite anhydrase activity of carbonic anhydrase”. NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Meeting Abstract: P206, Volume: 42, Pages: 149-149. IF:3.180.
11)Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Fischer, K (Fischer, Katrin); Krizowski, S (Krizowski, Sabina); Tejero, J (Tejero, Jesus); Zhao, XJ (Zhao, Xuejun); Wang, L (Wang, Ling); Frizzell, S (Frizzell, Sheila); Schwarz, G (Schwarz, Guenter); Gladwin, M (Gladwin, Mark) Sulfite oxidase: A novel nitrite reductase that generates nitric oxide. NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Meeting Abstract: P41, Volume: 24, Pages: S30-S31, IF:3.180.
12)Schwarz, G (Schwarz, Guenter); Krizowski, S (Krizowski, Sabina); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Niks, D (Niks, Dimitri); Sparacino-Watkins, C (Sparacino-Watkins, Courtney); Hille, R (Hille, Russ); Gladwin, M (Gladwin, Mark). “Intramolecular electron transfer controls nitrite reduction in molybdenum-containing sulfite oxidase”. NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Meeting Abstract: 2021-1, Volume:42, Pages: 113-113, IF:3.180.
13)Liu, C (Liu, Chen); Liu, XH (Liu, Xiaohua); Wajih, N (Wajih, Nadeem); Janes, J (Janes, John); Basu, S (Basu, Swati); Marvel, M (Marvel, Madison); Helms, C (Helms, Christine); Diz, D (Diz, Debra); Laurienti, P (Laurienti, Paul); Caudell, D (Caudell, David); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Gladwin, M (Gladwin, Mark); Kim-Shapiro, D (Kim-Shapiro, Daniel). Hemoglobin is the primary erythrocytic nitrite reductase. NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Meeting Abstract: P153, Volume: 42, Pages: 131-131. IF:3.180.
14)Wajih, N (Wajih, Nadeem); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Basu, S (Basu, Swati); Liu, XH (Liu, Xiaohua); Keggi, C (Keggi, Christian); Marvel, M (Marvel, Madison); Gladwin, M (Gladwin, Mark); Kim-Shapiro, D (Kim-Shapiro, Daniel). “Carbonic anhydrase contributes to red blood cell-mediated nitrite bioactivation”. NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Meeting Abstract: P204, Volume: 42, Pages: 148-149.IF:3.180.
15)Zhao, XJ (Zhao, Xue-Jun); Shiva, S (Shiva, Sruti); Tejero, J (Tejero, Jesus); Wang, L (Wang, Ling); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Frizzell, S (Frizzell, Sam); Gladwin, M (Gladwin, Mark). “Mechanisms for cellular nitrite formation: Role of ceruloplasmin and oxygen”. NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Meeting Abstract: P63, Volume: 24, Pages: S38-S39, IF:3.180.
16)Sparacino-Watkins, C (Sparacino-Watkins, Courtney); Tejero, J (Tejero, Jesus); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Ragireddy, VP (Ragireddy, Venkata P.); Gauthier, M (Gauthier, Marc); Thomas, J (Thomas, John); Bueno, M (Bueno, Marta); Azarov, I (Azarov, Ivan); Lai, YC (Lai, Yen-Chun); Sun, B (Sun, Bin); Frizzell, S (Frizzell, Sam); Basu, P (Basu, Partha); Mora, A (Mora, Ana); Gladwin, MT (Gladwin, Mark T.). “Novel human mitochondrial enzyme can transform nitrite into nitric oxide”. NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Meeting Abstract: P74, Volume: 31, Pages: S45-S46.IF:3.180.
2003.8-2009.12 博士 约翰霍普金斯大学化学系 (美国) ;
2001.8-2003.8 硕士 威廉玛丽学院化学系 (美国);
1997.9-2001.7 学士 武汉大学生命科学学院生物技术系;
2014.9-至今 化学研究员 美国Pharmaceutics International Inc. 制药公司;
2009.12-2014.8 博士后 匹斯堡大学医学院(美国)
1)2013 年 Selected Abstract Award at Nitrite and Nitrate Pathophysiology and Therapy Conference-美国硝酸亚硝酸盐生理病理世界大会
2)2012 年度云南高端人才项目推广特邀主讲(云南科技部主办)
3)2012 年世界华人自由基大会特约讲员(中国自由基协会主办、台湾自由基协会协办)
4)2012 年世界生物能源大会特约讲员(中国西安)
5)2012 年英特尔科学工程竞赛特邀评委(美国匹斯堡,英特尔主办)
6)2011 年Duquesne University 第7 届生物体中的金属功能和应用座谈会特约讲员
7)2011 年美国硝酸亚硝酸盐生理病理世界大会唯一被选出讲员
8)2011 年旅行奖(Travel Award, 1 out of 10) for Nitrite and Nitrate Pathophysi- ology and Therapy Conference.
9)2011 年Gordon Research Conference 展板奖 (Poster Award)
10)2010 年世界生物医学自由基大会特选讲员(Selected Speaker ,1 out of 10 for the SFRBM 17th Annual Meeting)
11)2008-2009 年美国化学年会旅行奖(American Chemical Society Conference Travel Award (Division of Inorganic Chemistry))
12)2007-2008 年中国大使馆杰出学生会主席奖(Outstanding Organization President Award, Chinese Embassy in the U.S.)
13)2006-2007 年约翰霍普金斯大学杰出学生领袖奖(Outstanding Student Organization President Award, Office of Student Involvement, JHU)
14)2006-2007 年J. Brien Key 研究生会议奖(Graduate Award for Academic Conference Travel, JHU)
15)2006-2007 年Shepherd Memorial Fund 国际会议旅行奖(Travel Award for International Conference Travel, JHU)
16)2006-2007 年巴尔的摩-厦门姐妹城市委员会杰出领袖奖 (Outstanding Leadership Award, Baltimore-Xiamen Sister City Committee, Baltimore City)
17)2000-2001 年“王世杰奖学金”(武汉大学)
18)1997-2000 年连续3 年甲等奖学金
1)Heme/Copper and Heme/Nonheme Iron O(2) and NO Reactivity. (5R01GM060353-06).National Institute of Health (NIH).2000-2009.
2) Heme/Copper and Heme/Nonheme Iron O(2) and NO Reactivity (WCU-Program,R31-2008-000-10010-0). 2008-2013.
3) Storage Lesion in Banked Blood Due to Disruption of Nitric Oxide Homeostasis, (3R01HL098032-06S2). National Institute of Health (NIH). 2009-2018.
4)Pulmonary vascular-targeted NO therapeutic strategies. (1PO1HL103455-01). National Institute of Health(NIH).2011-2016.
1) Nitric Oxide Gordon Research Conference in Ventura, California. February, 13-18, 2011. USA.
2)17th Annual Meeting SFRBM(Society for Free Radical Research International in Orlando, November, 17-21, 2010. Florida USA.
3)1st International Chinese Free Radical Symposium, in Lanzhou August 7-9, 2012,China.
4)“海智计划”-国际科技前沿报告会暨云南海智生物医药国际合作项目推荐汇报会 2012年9月.中国.
5)2nd Annual World Congress of Bioenergy-2012(WCBE-2012) in Xi’an 2012,April 25-28.China.
6)Approaching the Clinic: Nitrite and Nitrate Pathophysiology and Therapy Conference in Atlanta. May, 11-13, 2011.USA.
7)Nitric Oxide – Nitrite/Nitrate Conference Cleveland, June, 16-20, 2014.USA.
8)Intelnational Science and Engineering Fair 2012 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA.
9)Nitric Oxide: Gordon Research Conference in Ventura, California. February, 17-22, 2013. USA.
10)7th Annunal Mini-Symposium on metals in biological systems December 2,2011.
1)Wang, Jun; Schopfer, M. P.; Sarjeant, A. A. N.; Karlin, K. D. “Heme-Copper Assembly Mediated Reductive Coupling of Nitrogen Monoxide (?NO)”. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 450, published, IF: 11.444. 被引用20次
2)Jun Wang, Sabina Krizowski, Katrin Fischer-Schrader, Dimitri Niks, Jesu′ s Tejero, Courtney Sparacino-Watkins, Ling Wang, Venkata Ragireddy, Sheila Frizzell, Eric E. Kelley, Yingze Zhang, Partha Basu, Russ Hille, Guenter Schwarz, and Mark T. Gladwin. “Sulfite Oxidase Catalyzes Single-Electron Transfer at Molybdenum Domain to Reduce Nitrite to Nitric Oxide”. ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING. 2014.accepted IF:7.667.
3)Bueno, M (Bueno, Marta); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Mora, AL (Mora, Ana L.); Gladwin, MT (Gladwin, Mark T.). “Nitrite Signaling in Pulmonary Hypertension: Mechanisms of Bioactivation, Signaling, and Therapeutics”. ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING. 2013, Volume: 18,Issue: 14 Pages: 1797-1809. IF:7.667.
4)Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Fischer, K (Fischer, Katrin); Zhao, XJ (Zhao, Xuejun); Tejero, J (Tejero, Jesus); Kelley, EE (Kelley, Eric E.); Wang, L (Wang, Ling); Shiva, S (Shiva, Sruti); Frizzell, S (Frizzell, Sheila); Zhang, YZ (Zhang, Yingze); Basu, P (Basu, Partha); Schwarz, G (Schwarz, Guenter); Gladwin, MT (Gladwin, Mark T.). “Novel Function of Sulfite Oxidase as a Nitrite Reductase that Generates Nitric Oxide”. FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. 2010, Volume: 49, Pages: S122-S122. IF:5.710.
5) Zhao, XJ (Zhao, Xue-Jun); Wang, L (Wang, Ling); Shiva, S (Shiva, Sruti); Tejero, J (Tejero, Jesus); Myerburg, MM (Myerburg, Mike M.); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Frizzell, S (Frizzell, Sam); Gladwin, MT (Gladwin, Mark T.). “Mechanisms for cellular NO oxidation and nitrite formation in lung epithelial cells”. FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. 2013. Volume: 61, Pages: 428-437, IF:5.710.
6)Wang, Jun; Schopfer, M. P.; Puiu, S. C.; Sarjeant, A. A. N.; Karlin, K. D. “Reductive Coupling of Nitrogen Monoxide (?NO) Facilitated by Heme/Copper Complexes” Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 1404, IF: 4.794. 被引用15次
7)Schopfer, M. P.; Wang, Jun; Karlin, K. D. “Bioinspired Heme, Heme/Nonheme Diiron, Heme/Copper, and Inorganic NOx Chemistry: ?NO(g) Oxidation, Peroxynitrite-Metal Chemistry, and ?NO(g) Reductive Coupling”. Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 6267, published, IF: 4.794被引用38次.
8)Sparacino-Watkins, CE (Sparacino-Watkins, Courtney E.); Tejero, J (Tejero, Jesus); Sun, B (Sun, Bin); Gauthier, MC (Gauthier, Marc C.); Thomas, J (Thomas, John); Ragireddy, V (Ragireddy, Venkata); Merchant, BA (Merchant, Bonnie A.); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Azarov, I (Azarov, Ivan); Basu, P (Basu, Partha); Gladwin, MT (Gladwin, Mark T.). “Nitrite Reductase and Nitric-oxide Synthase Activity of the Mitochondrial Molybdopterin Enzymes mARC1 and mARC2”. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2014, Volume:289,Issue: 15, Pages: 10345-10358.IF:4.600 .
9)Liu, C (Liu, Chen); Wajih, N (Wajih, Nadeem); Liu, XH (Liu, Xiaohua); Basu, S (Basu, Swati); Janes, J (Janes, John); Marvel, M (Marvel, Madison); Keggi, C (Keggi, Christian); Helms, CC (Helms, Christine C.); Lee, AN (Lee, Amber N.); Belanger, AM (Belanger, Andrea M.); Diz, DI (Diz, Debra I.); Laurienti, PJ (Laurienti, Paul J.); Caudell, DL (Caudell, David L.); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Gladwin, MT (Gladwin, Mark T.); Kim-Shapiro, DB (Kim-Shapiro, Daniel B.). “Mechanisms of Human Erythrocytic Bioactivation of Nitrite”. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2015, Volume: 290, Issue: 2, Pages: 1281-1294. IF:4.600.
10)Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Sparacino-Watkins, C (Sparacino-Watkins, Courtney); Kim-Shapiro, D (Kim-Shapiro, Daniel); Gladwin, M (Gladwin, Mark). “Evaluation of putative nitrite anhydrase activity of carbonic anhydrase”. NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Meeting Abstract: P206, Volume: 42, Pages: 149-149. IF:3.180.
11)Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Fischer, K (Fischer, Katrin); Krizowski, S (Krizowski, Sabina); Tejero, J (Tejero, Jesus); Zhao, XJ (Zhao, Xuejun); Wang, L (Wang, Ling); Frizzell, S (Frizzell, Sheila); Schwarz, G (Schwarz, Guenter); Gladwin, M (Gladwin, Mark) Sulfite oxidase: A novel nitrite reductase that generates nitric oxide. NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Meeting Abstract: P41, Volume: 24, Pages: S30-S31, IF:3.180.
12)Schwarz, G (Schwarz, Guenter); Krizowski, S (Krizowski, Sabina); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Niks, D (Niks, Dimitri); Sparacino-Watkins, C (Sparacino-Watkins, Courtney); Hille, R (Hille, Russ); Gladwin, M (Gladwin, Mark). “Intramolecular electron transfer controls nitrite reduction in molybdenum-containing sulfite oxidase”. NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Meeting Abstract: 2021-1, Volume:42, Pages: 113-113, IF:3.180.
13)Liu, C (Liu, Chen); Liu, XH (Liu, Xiaohua); Wajih, N (Wajih, Nadeem); Janes, J (Janes, John); Basu, S (Basu, Swati); Marvel, M (Marvel, Madison); Helms, C (Helms, Christine); Diz, D (Diz, Debra); Laurienti, P (Laurienti, Paul); Caudell, D (Caudell, David); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Gladwin, M (Gladwin, Mark); Kim-Shapiro, D (Kim-Shapiro, Daniel). Hemoglobin is the primary erythrocytic nitrite reductase. NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Meeting Abstract: P153, Volume: 42, Pages: 131-131. IF:3.180.
14)Wajih, N (Wajih, Nadeem); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Basu, S (Basu, Swati); Liu, XH (Liu, Xiaohua); Keggi, C (Keggi, Christian); Marvel, M (Marvel, Madison); Gladwin, M (Gladwin, Mark); Kim-Shapiro, D (Kim-Shapiro, Daniel). “Carbonic anhydrase contributes to red blood cell-mediated nitrite bioactivation”. NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Meeting Abstract: P204, Volume: 42, Pages: 148-149.IF:3.180.
15)Zhao, XJ (Zhao, Xue-Jun); Shiva, S (Shiva, Sruti); Tejero, J (Tejero, Jesus); Wang, L (Wang, Ling); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Frizzell, S (Frizzell, Sam); Gladwin, M (Gladwin, Mark). “Mechanisms for cellular nitrite formation: Role of ceruloplasmin and oxygen”. NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Meeting Abstract: P63, Volume: 24, Pages: S38-S39, IF:3.180.
16)Sparacino-Watkins, C (Sparacino-Watkins, Courtney); Tejero, J (Tejero, Jesus); Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Ragireddy, VP (Ragireddy, Venkata P.); Gauthier, M (Gauthier, Marc); Thomas, J (Thomas, John); Bueno, M (Bueno, Marta); Azarov, I (Azarov, Ivan); Lai, YC (Lai, Yen-Chun); Sun, B (Sun, Bin); Frizzell, S (Frizzell, Sam); Basu, P (Basu, Partha); Mora, A (Mora, Ana); Gladwin, MT (Gladwin, Mark T.). “Novel human mitochondrial enzyme can transform nitrite into nitric oxide”. NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. Meeting Abstract: P74, Volume: 31, Pages: S45-S46.IF:3.180.