单 位资源与环境工程学院
职 称讲师
学 历博士
1. J. ZHANG, Y.F. SUN, K.H. ZHAO, and M. ZHOU*,Identification of amino acid residues essential to the activity of lyase CpcT1 from Nostoc sp. PCC7120,Gene,2012,(511), 88-95.
2. Yu Chen, Juan Zhang, Juan Luo, Jun-Ming Tu, Xiao-Li Zeng, Ming Zhou, Jing-Quan Zhao, Hugo Scheer and Kai-Hong Zhao*,Photophysical diversity of two novel cyanobacteriochromes with phycocyanobilin chromophores: photochemistry and dark reversion kinetics, FEBS Journal. 2012, 279(1): 40–54
3. Juan Zhang, Xian-Jun Wu, Zhi-Bin Wang, Yu Chen, Xing Wang, Ming Zhou, Hugo Scheer,Kai-Hong Zhao*,Fused-Gene Approach to Photoswitchable and Fluorescent Biliproteins, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49(32), 5456-5458。
4. M Kupka, J Zhang, WL Fu, JM Tu, S B?hm, P Su, Y Chen, M Zhou, H Scheer, KH Zhao*,Catalytic mechanism of S-type phycobiliprotein lyase: chaperone-like action and functional amino acid residues, J Biol Chem 2009, 284 (52):36405-36414.
5. Nicolas Blot, Xian-Jun Wu, Jean-Claude Thomas, Juan Zhang, Laurence Garczarek, Stephan B?hm, Jun-Ming Tu, Ming Zhou, Matthias Pl?scher, Lutz Eichacker, Frédéric Partensky, Hugo Scheer, Kai-Hong Zhao*, Phycourobilin in trichromatic phycocyanin from Oceanic Cyanobacteria is formed post-translationally by a phycoerythrobilin lyase-isomerase. J. Biol. Chem, 2009, 284, (14), 9290-9298。
6. Kai-Hong Zhao, Juan Zhang, Jun-Ming Tu, Stephan Boehm, Matthias Ploescher, Lutz Eichacker, Claudia Bubenzer, Hugo Scheer, Xing Wang, and Ming Zhou*, Lyase Activities of CpcS- and CpcT-like Proteins from Nostoc PCC7120 and Sequential Reconstitution of Binding Sites of Phycoerythrocyanin and Phycocyanin β-Subunits. J. Biol. Chem, 2007, 282, (47), 34093–34103.
7. Chen Yu, Chen Sili, Liu Li, Sun Yafang, Zhou Ming, Zhao Kaihong, Zhang Juan*.Promoter Activities of Genes cpcT2 and cpcS2 in Nostoc PCC 7120. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Science, 2012,17(2): 169-176.
8. 伍贤军,周明,张娟,赵开弘,基因编码的红色荧光蛋白的分子设计方法,专利号:**2.5,2010.4
9. 张娟,周可澄,夏坤,周明*,层理鞭枝藻藻蓝蛋白和藻红蓝蛋白β亚基Cys-155的藻胆色素共价偶联,水生生物学报,第34卷第2期,2010年
10. 张娟,夏坤,苏紫君,周明,藻蓝蛋白裂合酶CpcS1与CpcT1的复合物初步研究,华中师范大学学报(自然科学版),第43卷第3期,2009年
1. J. ZHANG, Y.F. SUN, K.H. ZHAO, and M. ZHOU*,Identification of amino acid residues essential to the activity of lyase CpcT1 from Nostoc sp. PCC7120,Gene,2012,(511), 88-95.
2. Yu Chen, Juan Zhang, Juan Luo, Jun-Ming Tu, Xiao-Li Zeng, Ming Zhou, Jing-Quan Zhao, Hugo Scheer and Kai-Hong Zhao*,Photophysical diversity of two novel cyanobacteriochromes with phycocyanobilin chromophores: photochemistry and dark reversion kinetics, FEBS Journal. 2012, 279(1): 40–54
3. Juan Zhang, Xian-Jun Wu, Zhi-Bin Wang, Yu Chen, Xing Wang, Ming Zhou, Hugo Scheer,Kai-Hong Zhao*,Fused-Gene Approach to Photoswitchable and Fluorescent Biliproteins, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49(32), 5456-5458。
4. M Kupka, J Zhang, WL Fu, JM Tu, S B?hm, P Su, Y Chen, M Zhou, H Scheer, KH Zhao*,Catalytic mechanism of S-type phycobiliprotein lyase: chaperone-like action and functional amino acid residues, J Biol Chem 2009, 284 (52):36405-36414.
5. Nicolas Blot, Xian-Jun Wu, Jean-Claude Thomas, Juan Zhang, Laurence Garczarek, Stephan B?hm, Jun-Ming Tu, Ming Zhou, Matthias Pl?scher, Lutz Eichacker, Frédéric Partensky, Hugo Scheer, Kai-Hong Zhao*, Phycourobilin in trichromatic phycocyanin from Oceanic Cyanobacteria is formed post-translationally by a phycoerythrobilin lyase-isomerase. J. Biol. Chem, 2009, 284, (14), 9290-9298。
6. Kai-Hong Zhao, Juan Zhang, Jun-Ming Tu, Stephan Boehm, Matthias Ploescher, Lutz Eichacker, Claudia Bubenzer, Hugo Scheer, Xing Wang, and Ming Zhou*, Lyase Activities of CpcS- and CpcT-like Proteins from Nostoc PCC7120 and Sequential Reconstitution of Binding Sites of Phycoerythrocyanin and Phycocyanin β-Subunits. J. Biol. Chem, 2007, 282, (47), 34093–34103.
7. Chen Yu, Chen Sili, Liu Li, Sun Yafang, Zhou Ming, Zhao Kaihong, Zhang Juan*.Promoter Activities of Genes cpcT2 and cpcS2 in Nostoc PCC 7120. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Science, 2012,17(2): 169-176.
8. 伍贤军,周明,张娟,赵开弘,基因编码的红色荧光蛋白的分子设计方法,专利号:**2.5,2010.4
9. 张娟,周可澄,夏坤,周明*,层理鞭枝藻藻蓝蛋白和藻红蓝蛋白β亚基Cys-155的藻胆色素共价偶联,水生生物学报,第34卷第2期,2010年
10. 张娟,夏坤,苏紫君,周明,藻蓝蛋白裂合酶CpcS1与CpcT1的复合物初步研究,华中师范大学学报(自然科学版),第43卷第3期,2009年