

湖北师范学院 免费考研网/2015-09-18





*学科研究方向一: 量子光学二级学科名称:量子光学学科代码:140.3031.

已经公开发表论文90余篇,主要论文如下:第一作者或者独撰: 1.Entanglement Swapping and Disentanglement via an Entangled State of Atoms Interacting with a Cavity Field。Chinese Physics Letters, 2002, 19(11):1573-1575 SCI收录 IDS Number: 618TK 2.A new scheme of entanglement swapping and disentanglement。Chinese Physics Letters, 2004, 21(4):595-597 SCI收录 IDS Number: 811ZW 3.Controlling dipole squeezing of two atoms inside a cavity via manipulating an atom outside the cavity。Chinese Physics, 2004, 13(4):497-501 SCI收录 IDS Number: 810CK,EI收录Accession number: ** 4.Entropy evolvement properties in a system of two entangled atoms interacting with light field。Chinese Physics, 2005, 14(3):536-540 SCI收录IDS Number:908OZ EI收录Accession number:** 5.Entropy evolvement properties in a system of Schrodinger cat state light field interacting with two entangled atoms。Chinese Physics, 2006, 15(3):542-546 SCI收录IDS Number:019YX,EI收录Accession number:** 6.Entanglement between two atoms in the system of Schrodinger cat state interacting with two entangled atoms。Chinese Physics, 2007, 16(11):3396-3401 SCI收录IDS Number:232XG,EI收录Accession number:** 7.Entanglement porperties in a system of a pairwies entangled state。Chinese Physics, 2007, 16(12):3697-3703 SCI收录IDS Number:019YX,EI收录Accession number:** 8.Evolution of Distances Between Density Operators in a Nonresonant Interaction System。Acta Physica Sinica1999,48(11):2051-2059, SCI收录IDS Number:251CA,EI收录Accession number: ** 获2000年度湖北省自然科学论文二等奖 9.Influence of Entangled States of Atomic Dipole-Dipole Interaction on The Fidelity of Quantum States。Acta Physica Sinica 2000,49(4):708-712 SCI收录IDS Number:305PD,EI收录Accession number: ** 获2002年度湖北省自然科学论文二等奖 10.Fidelity of Quantum Informatio in a Pair Atoms of Entanglement States Interacting with Coherent State。Acta Optica Sinica 2000, 20(11):1449-1455 EI收录Accession number: ** 11.Time Evolution of Popilation Number and Dipole Squeezing of Atom in Kerr-Like Medium。Acta Optica Sinica 1997,17(8):991-996 EI收录Accession number:** 12.Evolution of purity and distance between density operator in non-resonant interaction system。Acta Photonica Sinica 2000, 29(2):97-101 E I 收录Accession number: ** 13.The field Strength Effect on Atom Resonance Fluorescence in the Intensity-Dependent Coupling J-C Model。Acta Photonica Sinica 1996,25(8):678-682 E I 收录Accession number: ** 14.The nth-power squeezing of field amplitude in multiphoton J-C model with kerr-like medium。Acta Photonica Sinica 1997,26(1):21-26 E I 收录Accession number: ** 15. Squeezing in multiphoton process of three-level atom. SPIE 1992,(1726):320-322,EI收录Accession number: ** 16.Influence of the Kerr-Like Medium on Fidelity of Quantum State in the Two-Photon B-j Model。Journal of Optoelectronics Laser 2000, 11(2):198-202 17.A Disentanglement Scheme of One-off on Two Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paris of Atoms。Journal of Optoelectronics Laser 2004, 15(6):739-741 18.Statistic Distribution of Photon for Interaction of Three Level Atom and Two Cavern Field。Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics 1992,9(2):136-141 19.Antibunching Effect of the Photon in the Two-Photon Jaynes-Cummings Model with a Kerr-like Medium。Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics 1997, 14(3):197-202 20.The Effect of Kerr-Like Medium on the Quantum Coherent properties of the Light Field。Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics 1998, 15(1):88-92 21.Fidelity of quantum states and the cross-correlation function between atoms in the non-degenerate two photons Tavis-Cummings model。Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics 2001, 18(5):438-444 22.Squeezing properties in a system of entangled atoms interacting with optical field。Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics 2005,22(3):396-401 23.Squeezing properties in a system of entangled atoms interacting with optical field of Schrodinger cat state。Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics 2006,23(5):641-6461 24.The Fidelity of Quantum States of System in Jaynes-Cummings Model Containing Atomic Motion。Chinese Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics 2001,18(1):58-63 非第一作者或者独撰: 25.Quantum wavefunctions and fluctuations of mesoscopic RLC circuit。Chinese Physics Letter, 2000, 17(7):528-529 SCI收录IDS Number:346VM 26.Coulomb blockade and quantum fluctuation of mesoscopic inductance coupling circuit。Physics Letter A, 2000, 276:155-161 SCI收录IDS Number:375TK 27.Probabilistic comparing and sorting non-orthogonal quantum states。Physics Letter A,2003,312:131-135 SCI收录IDS Number:686XB 28.Higher order squeezed states of anharmonic oscillators。International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2000,39(11):2583-2593 SCI收录IDS Number: 379RC 29.Quantum effects of a nondissipative mesoscopic capacitance coupling circuit in a displaced squeezed Fock state。International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2000, 39(11):2595-2603 SCI收录IDS Number:379RC 30.Quantum fluctuations in a mesoscopic inductance coupling circuit。International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2000,39(8):2013-2019 SCI收录IDS Number:373FW 31.New Even and Odd Nonlinear Coherent States and Their Nonclassical Properties。International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2003,42(1):89-98 SCI收录IDS Number:667BK 32.Phase properties of even and odd nonlinear Coherent States。International Journal of Theoretical Physics, SCI收录IDS Number:749AP 33.A class of k-quantum Nonlinear coherent states and some of their properties。International Journal of Theoretical Physics,2004,43(9):1891-1905 SCI收录IDS Number:873RP 34.A class of even and odd nonlinear coherent states and their properties。International Journal of Theoretical Physics,2004,43(6):1907-1916 SCI收录IDS Number:872FG 35.A New Kind of k-Quantum Nonlinear Coherent States: Their Generation and Physical。Commun. Theor. Phys.2004,41(6):935-940 SCI收录IDS Number:834JZ 36.Quantum Statistical Properties of k-Quantum Nonlinear Coherent States。Commun. Theor. Phys.2004,42(3):419-424 SCI收录IDS Number:856MG 37.Phase probability distributions of Roy-type even and odd nonlinear coherent states。Acta Physica Sinica 2004,53(11):3729-3732 SCI收录IDS Number:869WI 38.Quantum fluctuations of a mesoscopic capacitance coupling circuits in a displaced squeezed Fock state。Acta Physica Sinica,2000, 49(11):2271-2275 SCI收录IDS Number:371XH 39.Coulomb blockade and quantum effects of charge in a non-dissipative mesoscopic inductance-coupling circuits。Acta Physica Sinica 2001,50(2):299-303 SCI收录IDS Number: 396BJ 40.Nonclassical properties of the orthonormalized eigenstates of the operater 。Acta Physica Sinica 2002,51(9):1983-1988 SCI收录IDS Number: 595MP 41.A new kind of odd and even nonlinear coherent states and their quantum statistical oroperties。Acta Physica Sinica 2002,51(11):2509-2513 SCI收录IDS Number:614ZF 42.Nonclassical properties of even and odd generalized coherent states for an isotonic oscillator。Journal of optics B: quantum and semiclasscial optics, 2000,2(6):758-763 SCI收录IDS Number:389LL 43.Quantum statitstical properties of orthonormalized eigenstates of the operator 。Journal of Pyhsics B: Atomic,Molecular,and Optical Physics, 35(2002):2411-2421 SCI收录IDS Number:569PR 44.Higher-order squeezing for generalized odd and even coherent states of a Q-deformed non-harmonic oscillator。High energy physics and nuclear physics 2001,25(1):11-15, SCI收录IDS Number:393AJ 45.Eigenstaes of the higher powers of annihilation operator of a Q-deformed non-harmonic oscillator and their higher order squeezing。High energy physics and nuclear physics,2000,24(12):217-222, SCI收录IDS Number:388HM 46.Antibunching effect of eigenstaes of the operator in a Q-deformed non-harmonic oscillator。High energy physics and nuclear physics 2002,26(6):569-575, SCI收录IDS Number:563FK








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